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gōng chē
  • bus;a surname;cars provided by an organization;name of government office in Han time
公车 [gōng chē]
  • (1) [bus]∶公共汽车

  • 西门町到公馆,坐公车要二十分钟

  • (2) [cars provided by an organization]∶公家的车辆

  • (3) [name of government office in Han time]∶汉代官署名

  • 安帝雅闻 衡善术学,公车特征拜郎中,再迁我太史令。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  • 因汉代曾用公家车马接送应举的人,后便以公车泛指入京应试的举人。如一八九五年中日甲午战争失败后,康有为联合各省在京会试举人联名上书,即称公车上书

公车[gōng chē]
  1. 你可以不用下车,直到公车到达伦敦。

    You can stay on the bus until London .

  2. 会计师可以任选配备的公车。

    Accountants can take their pick of company cars

  3. 每次她乘公车出行都至少耽搁3个小时。

    Every time she travels on the bus it 's delayed by at least three hours

  4. 史提芬今天早上迟到的说词是公车误点了。

    Steven was tardy this morning and alleges that his bus was late .

  5. “公车表情”指的是在乘公交车时脸上显露出的漠然的表情(有点像面无表情的“扑克脸”)。

    Bus look refers to a blank facial expression ( somewhat similar to a poker . Example :

  6. 如果下了车还是这副表情,那么这个人大概就会被视为禁欲主义者了。我上车后向另一头望去,看到的都是些摆出“公车表情”、忙着各自事情的人。

    I stepped on the bus and looked down the aisle , all I saw were a bunch of people with bus looks minding their own business .

  7. 司机大叫起来,车也失去了控制,几乎撞上一辆公车,还上了便道,在还差几厘米就撞上商店橱窗时终于停了下来。

    The driver screamed , lost control of the car , nearly hit a bus , went up on the footpath , and stopped centimetres from a shop window .

  8. �其次,使用公共交通工具可节省能源。一辆公车搭载60个人比60辆私人汽车行驶相同的路线更能充分、有效率地使用燃料。

    Second , using public transportation saves energy . A bus which carries 60 people is a far more efficient use of fuel than 60 individual cars driving the same route .

  9. 我坐了一个多小时的公车到了BC省的码头。

    We took bus for over an hour to go to BC ferry port .

  10. 然而,推迟后,多伦多公车局(TTC)和市政官员认为,迄今为止交付电车是不可能的。

    But after delays , TTC and city officials maintain the delivery of cars to-date has been unacceptable .

  11. 一个有发展前途的方法是公车快运(BRT),又超长运输工具在特定的车道形式。

    One promising alternative is bus rapid transit ( BRT ), which features extra-long carriers running in dedicated lanes .

  12. 根据咨询公司AutomotiveForesight的估算,中国每年的公车购买量占全国乘用车总需求的比例不到5%。

    Government-vehicle purchases in China comprise less than 5 % of the country 's overall annual passenger-car demand , according to an estimate from consultancy Automotive Foresight .

  13. 我们全家通常不会去非常远的地方过假期。因为我们很难把Clifford带上公车或火车。

    Usually , my family don 't go very far for holiday s. It 's too hard to get Clifford on a bus or train .

  14. 在节目中,谢依霖扮演了一名叫做MissLin的搞笑角色。她以夸张的容妆、做作的举止和中英文夹杂的讲话方式,为大学生们示范如何在派对或公车上成为时尚女王。

    With her heavy makeup , theatrical gestures and mixed Mandarin and English dialogue , Xie played a hilarious character called Miss Lin who taught college students how to behave like fashion queens at parties or even on the bus .

  15. 原来,Becky在纽约长大,一直坐公车和地铁,所以不会开车。

    Becky : Well not me . I grew up in New York City and have always taken public transportation , so I never needed to know how to drive .

  16. 而在最短路径搜索和转乘公车方案的算法实现上,发挥了Delphi语言的所长,利用指针链接的技术,代替用数组来组成队列、栈,达到动态分配内存,节省内存空间及运算时间。

    In the realizing of shortest path algorithm and bus take algorithm , using the pointer in Delphi language to make up the queen , stack replacing the using of array in other system , dynamically assign memory , save memory space and operation time .

  17. 游览者乘公车来,经常会去游览Warwick城堡和Blenheim宫殿,通常不会去看戏,并且他们中的一些人甚至会对在Stratford能找到剧院感到惊讶。

    The sightseers who come by bus and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace onthe side don 't usually see the plays , and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford .

  18. 这些指控浮出水面之际,东京都知事舛添要一(YoichiMasuzoe)再次受到密切关注,他面临着不少质疑,包括在海外公务旅行时开销巨大,以及大量使用市政府的公车去自己的度假屋。

    The allegations have come to light amid renewed scrutiny of Tokyo 's governor , Yoichi Masuzoe , who faces questions over huge spending on official trips overseas and the heavy use of Tokyo metropolitan government vehicles to visit his holiday home .

  19. 公车司机慢下来并且让乘客下车。

    The bus driver slowed down and let the passengers off .

  20. 如果公车罢驶怎么办?

    What would happen if the bus drivers went on strike ?

  21. 我想他是说我们应该坐2路公车。

    I think he said we need to get on the2 .

  22. 他们正在公共汽车站询问公车路线。

    They are asking for the bus at the bus stop .

  23. 谢了,但我一向搭公车。

    Thanks , but I take the bus all the time .

  24. 你可以在这个公车站牌搭乘五号公车。

    You can take bus number five at this bus stop .

  25. 你们的公车曾经守时过吗?

    Do your bus ( train ) ever run on time ?

  26. 我父亲总是为了公车行驶缓慢而生气。

    My father always fumed about the slowness of the buses .

  27. 该城市的公车服务几乎陷于完全停顿的状态。

    Bus services in the city are practically at a halt .

  28. 我通常搭公车或是地铁去上班。

    I usually go to work by bus or by subway .

  29. 我想知道前面是不是有一个公车站。

    I was wondering if there is a bus station ahead .

  30. 在公车上请让座给年长的乘客。

    Please give your seat to elderly passengers on the bus .