
  • 网络Public Choice;PUBLIC OPTION
  1. 按照公共选择理论(Publicchoicetheory),人都是经济人,因此,总是按照利益最大化来选择其行为方式。

    According to public choice theory ( Public choicetheory ), are " economic man " and , therefore , always maximize the benefits to choose their behavior .

  2. 新地区主义视野下的APEC经济技术合作&基于公共选择理论的分析

    APEC ECOTECH from the Perspective of the New Regionalism & An Analysis Based on Public Choice Theory

  3. M.布坎南作为公共选择理论的创始人,其政府失败论是公共选择理论的一个核心主题。

    As the founder of public choice theory , of which James M.Buchanan 's idea of " government failure " is the core theme .

  4. PPP模式的理论依据主要为公共选择理论、委托代理理论、新公共管理理论及治理理论等。

    The theoretical basis of PPP model includes the Public Choice Theory , Principal-Agent Theory , New Public Management Theory and the Governance Theory and so on .

  5. 参议院多数派领袖HarryReid昨日宣布参议院法案中将设立公共选择,并允许各州自愿退出。

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announcing yesterday that a public option will be in the Senate bill that will allow states to opt out if they want .

  6. 公共选择理论(Public-choicetheory)表明,可从一项政策中获得大量利益的小团体往往会凌驾于大群体之上,而大群体的每个人最终将会出现少量的损失。

    Public-choice theory suggests that a small group with much to gain from a policy will tend to prevail against a large group who stand to each lose a small amount .

  7. 享年93岁的詹姆斯布坎南(JamesBuchanan)是一位杰出而富有争议的经济学家,他与戈登图洛克(GordonTullock)合作创立了被称为维吉尼亚学派的公共选择理论。

    James Buchanan , who has died aged 93 , was a distinctive and controversial economist who , with his collaborator Gordon Tullock , founded what became known as the Virginia school of public choice .

  8. 公共选择理论中的投票规则问题,尤其是简单多数规则中的选举悖论(Condorcet悖论)是近些年来争论很多的领域。

    The question of the rule for voting , especially the Vote Paradox in the majority rule , is a controversial domain in the theory of Public Choice .

  9. 地方政府决策是一种典型的公共选择行为。

    Local government decision-making is a typical behavior of public choice .

  10. 经济政治学论纲&理解政治的公共选择理论视角

    On Economic Politics & Understangding Politics from Public Choice Theory Perspective

  11. 公共选择理论的政治观分析

    Analysis of the Political Conception of the Public Choice Theory

  12. 中国行政效率的公共选择理论分析

    Analysis of public choice theory of China 's administrative efficiency

  13. 中国股票市场政策演进:公共选择视角

    Institutional evolution in Chinese stock market : View Point of public choice

  14. 论会计政策选择中的公共选择

    On the public choice in the choice of accounting policies

  15. 公共选择理论视野中的城市社区建设

    City Community Construction in the View of Public Choice Theory

  16. 但这是个公共选择。等会儿我会让你说完。

    But that 's a public option . I'mma let you finish .

  17. 经济人假设:公共选择理论的成败得失

    Economic Person hypothesis : The success or defeat of Public choice theory

  18. 府际关系的公共选择理论分析

    An Analysis on Public Choice Theory of Inter-governmental Relations

  19. 公共选择理论分析框架解析

    Analysis on Analytic Framework of the Public Choice Theory

  20. 公共选择视角下的中国农村金融:理论与变革

    Chinese Rural Finance : Theory and Change from a Perspective of Public Choice

  21. 公共选择视角下中国财政制度的演进方向

    Evolution direction of China 's financial institution in the view of public choice

  22. 刑事政策是国家面对犯罪而作出的公共选择。

    Criminal policies are the public choices of a country faced with crimes .

  23. 环境政策决定过程中的公共选择

    Public Choices in the Decision Process of Environmental Policy

  24. 公共选择理论与政府经济行为分析

    Public Choice Theory and analysis of governmental economic behaviors

  25. 公共选择与转型中的城市社区治理

    Public Choice and Urban Community Governance during Social Transformation

  26. 公共选择:城市土地资源配置的第三只手

    Public Choice : A Third Hand in the Collocation of Urban Land Re-source

  27. 从决策体制看,预算是公共选择机制。

    By the view of decision system , it is public selective system ;

  28. 美国经济学的新垦地&评公共选择理论

    Public choice theory : new areas for U.S.Economic theories

  29. 政府支出的成本效益分析&基于公共选择理论的思考

    Cost and Benefit Analysis of Government Expenditure & Reflection Based on Public Choice

  30. 农村税费改革的基本前提:建立公共选择机制

    Basic Premise of Rural Tax fee Reform & Setling up Reasonable Public Choice Mechamism