
  1. 基于PC的Fluke45万用表自动测试系统设计

    A Fluke 45 Multimeter Automatic Measuring System Based on PC

  2. 基于DSP的高精度数字万用表研究

    Research on the High Precision Digital Multimeter Based on DSP

  3. 数字万用表h(FE)测试性能改进

    Improvements in Test Properties of Digital Multimeter h_FE

  4. 通过定语从句whichisusedtomeasureelectricity(用来测量电的),我们可以将multimeter的词义确定为“万用表”。

    The type of meter is called multimeter , which is used to measure electricity .

  5. 万用表功能模拟VB程序设计

    The design of VB program for simulating the functions of 500-Model multimeter

  6. 用万用表判断LC正弦波振荡器

    Judging LG Sine Wave Oscillator by Using Multimeter

  7. 基于CPLD和单片机实现高精度数字万用表

    Based on the CPLD and the Single Slice Computer to Realize High Accuracy Numeric Multimeter

  8. 模拟式万用表的dB测量

    DB Measurement of Analogy Multimeter

  9. 通过扫描电镜、激光Raman、数字万用表对薄膜结构和性质进行分析。

    The film structure and the property were detected by the scanning electricity microscopy , Raman spectrum and the digital multitester .

  10. 基于ISA总线的虚拟万用表设计

    Design of Virtual Multimeter Based on ISA Bus

  11. 介绍仅用一块指针式万用表快速准确检测IGBT好坏的一种简易方法。

    A simple method that inspect IGBT only with a multimeter accurately and quickly is introduced .

  12. 检测LCM对数字万用表准确度的要求

    A Requirement of Digital Multimeters ' Accuracy for Inspecting Liquid Crystal Modules

  13. 数据采集系统硬件由采集控制单元、数字万用表、计算机和直流电源组成;系统软件是基于Visualc++6.0的程序。

    The hardware of the system consists of sampling control unit , digital multimeter , computer and power source , and the software of the system is developed based on Visual C + + 6.0 .

  14. 激光能量计信号输入到数字万用表,数字万用表通过RS232总线与微机通讯;

    Signal from laser energy meter is imported into digital multimeter , which is linked with computer via RS232 bus .

  15. 万用表(DMM)功能模块的设计与实现。

    The accomplishment of Digital Multi-Meter ( DMM ) module .

  16. 该接口实现了与数字万用表的连接,可以与任何具有IEEE-488接口的仪器相连接。

    It had been connected to a digital multimeter successfully , and can be used to connect any instrument equipped IEEE-488 interface .

  17. 分析了指针式万用表非线性的电阻档的线性利用,指出了测量半导体器件应从半导体PN结的伏安特性角度去分析;

    This article paper how to use the linearity of index multimeter 's non - linear resistance grade . It states that you should analyze semiconductor PN junction 's V - A characteristics when measuring semiconductor devices .

  18. 首先以万用表为例,详细介绍了如何使用GLStudio仿真建模软件建立测量工具的几何模型和行为模型;

    Firstly , taking multimeter as an example , the technology of how to use GL Studio & a special simulation software for instruments and apparatus was introduced to create geometry models and behavior models .

  19. 基于ISA总线的虚拟万用表,分计算机和ISA总线板卡两部分,由A/D转换、交变电压测量、电阻测量及接口电路组成。

    The virtual multimeter based on ISA bus is divided into computer and ISA bus board . It is composed of A / D conversion , alternating voltage measurement , resistance measurement and interface circuit .

  20. 本文研究以FPGA为数字平台设计优质的模拟与控制电路,在单片机控制下智能实现三通道通用计数器、三通道DDS任意信号发生器、43/4数字万用表的功能。

    This paper discusses how to design excellent analog and control circuitry based on FPGA , and implement the functions of 3-Channel general-purpose counters , 3-Channel DDS signal generators and 43 / 4 digital multimeters under the control of a single-chip microcomputer .

  21. VIBROTIP的首要功能是作为一种独立的通用现场测量万用表。

    VIBROTIP 's primary function is as a stand-alone multimeter for general on – the – spot measurements .

  22. 数字万用表(DMM)只能测量直流和几十到几百赫兹的低频正弦信号幅度,不能测量高频信号和信号的频率。

    On usual DMM only can measure signal 's amplitude of DC and AC from fifty to five hundred Hz , it can not measure signal 's frequency or amplitude of high frequency .

  23. 该方案对测量10Ω以下的小值电阻和20MΩ以上的高值电阻有较高的精度和分辨率,拓展了常规数字万用表的电阻测量范围,有较好的实际应用价值。

    This method can be used to measure the numerical value of resistance below 10 Ω and above 20M Ω with relatively high precision and resolution ratio . It is of practical applicable value for the method has extended the measurement range of the conventional digital multimeter .

  24. 然后利用理论研究的结论设计了以TMS320VC5502为核心处理器的高精度数字万用表测量系统,包括硬件设计和软件设计。

    After method study , We design the measurement system of the high precision digital multimeter based on the digital signal processor ( TMS320VC5502 ) with low power consumption .

  25. 液压系统故障诊断的便携式液压万用表

    Portable " Hydraulic Multimeter " in Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic system

  26. 一种增强数字万用表功能的高频电压测量电路

    A High Frequency Voltage Measurement Circuit for Increasing Function of Multimeter

  27. 大多数的万用表都有一个保险丝来帮助保护,防止出现意外。

    Most multimeters have a fuse to help protect against misuse .

  28. 用万用表检测超声雾化吸入器电路器件的主要参数数据

    Detecting Main Parameters of Circuit Device in Nebulizing Inhalator by Volometer

  29. 而对指针式万用表常见故障的业余修理也是广大技术人员经常碰到的事。

    The common issue for technicians is to repair common failures .

  30. 结合万用表的使用,维修人员能够快速定位故障所在。

    Combining with Multimeter , repairer can identify the issue quickly .