
  • 网络Ancient wood;old wood;Kumbum;The Maidenhair Tree
  1. 榫卯连接的古木结构动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Ancient Wood Structures with Mortise and Tenon Connection

  2. 古木神农家具

    Old Wood & Holy Farmer Furniture Series

  3. 古木建筑榫卯连接M-θ相关曲线模型研究

    Research of Interaction Curves Model of Mortise-Tenon Joint in Historic Timber Buildings

  4. 保护奇树古木建构风景园林

    Protecting Unique Old Trees , Constructing Scenic Landscape Gardens

  5. 乳糖醇处理出土饱水古木的研究

    Research on the Excavated Waterlogged Wood Treated by Lactitol

  6. 古木结构的特点是梁柱的榫卯连接具有半刚性性质。

    The feature of the ancient timber structures is the connection of beam and column by use of mortise and tenon .

  7. 四川生物种类繁多,生长着大量的奇珍异兽、古木名卉。

    In Sichuan there are great varieties of biological species , including many rare animals . ancient trees and well-known flowers .

  8. 陵园内古木林立,松柏挺拔,环境清幽静谧,气氛庄严肃穆。

    In the cemetery , age-old trees stand in great numbers , pines and cypress are tall and straight , the surroundings are quiet .

  9. 分别测定了用加填充物法脱水加固饱水古木时加固液渗透量受木材含水率的影响以及浸渍温度、添加溶剂对处理周期的影响。

    This paper tested some factors like water content of wood , temperature of treatment and solvent additive affecting the rate of consolidation solution permeating the waterlogged wood .

  10. 埋藏古木的树轮碳同位素作为古气候变化代用指标的可能性

    The Possibility of Using the δ ~ ( 13 ) C Sequence of α - Cellulose of the annual ring of Buried Ancient Timbers as Substituting Indices for Paleo-climate Change Research

  11. 中国古代木结构建筑历史悠久,而且古代木构建筑技术的水平当时处于领先的地位,但是进入21世纪,这种古木结构建筑体系已不能满足现代建筑功能的需要。

    In China , the wooden architecture technique has long history , and lead the world . But enter into the 21st century , the old technique is not satisfying the need of the present architecture .

  12. 古琴面板的选材和加工很重要,决定音质效果的好坏,良琴多以多年古木为面板原料,但古木数量有限,如果能找到取代材,意义重大。

    Qin panel selection and processing is very important , determining the sound quality . Good Qin mostly uses the panels made from old trees . As a limited number of old trees , it is of great significance to find a substitute material .

  13. 中国古建筑木结构发展的历史原因

    Historical Source of Development of the Wooden Structure of Chinese Ancient Architecture

  14. 古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范

    Technical code for maintenance and strengthening of ancient timber buildings

  15. 高层古建筑木结构&应县木塔现状结构评价

    Appraisal on the structure of the Yingxian Wooden Tower

  16. 古建筑木结构保护技术在现代园林工程中的应用

    Application of Timber Structure Conservation Technology of Ancient Building in Modern Garden Engineering

  17. 中国古建筑木结构模型的振动台试验研究

    Study on the seismic behaviors of Chinese ancient wooden building by shaking table test

  18. 提出古建筑木结构的双参数地震损坏准则,初步划分了震害等级及标定参数。

    The damage grade of old wooden building and marked corresponding parameters were preliminarily classified .

  19. 古建筑木结构的保护问题

    Issues Concerning the Preserving Ancient Timber Structures

  20. 家住洪江古商城木栗冲41号的刘忠益今年84岁,妻子袁满秀80岁。

    Liu Zhongyi , 84 years old , now lives in No.41 , Mulichong with her80 years old wife Yuan Mansu .

  21. 中国古建筑木结构斗拱的动力实验研究

    An Experimental Study for the Dynamic Characteristics of Dougong - One of the Wooden Structure Parts in Ancient Architecture of China

  22. 旅游景点包括大沙漠,古杨木,恐龙谷,还有著名的上天山七剑。

    Highlights include the vast desert , ancient poplars , dinosaur valley , the famous seven swords going in Tianshan Mountain .

  23. 中国古建筑木结构是世界建筑的经典之作,有着非常高的历史和科学价值。

    As the classic of the world building , the timber-frame structure of Chinese ancient buildings has very high history and scientific value .

  24. 而作为古建筑木结构中最重要的一部分,屋盖梁架体系以其独特的结构形式而具有良好的结构受力性能。

    However , as the most important part of the ancient wooden-structure , the roof beams system has good structural mechanical properties because of its unique structure form .

  25. 根据我国《古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范》中有关结构鉴定和加固的强制性条文[2],应县木塔被评定为Ⅳ类建筑,亟待修缮[3]。

    According to the compulsory provisions about structural identification and strengthening of Technical code for maintenance and strengthening of ancient timber buildings , Yingxian wooden pagoda was evaluated class ⅳ, the pagoda desiderate maintenance .

  26. 因此,中国古建筑木结构具有良好的耗能与减震性能,它所蕴涵的受力机理,对现代建筑也有一定的借鉴作用。

    Therefore , Chinese ancient wooden buildings exhibit good behaviors of energy dissipation and vibration reduction , the mechanical principles contained in those buildings can be very useful reference for modern buildings as well .

  27. 从结构角度对木塔斗栱、梁柱节点和柱脚节点进行了归类。用工程力学的观点,分析了古建筑木结构特有的侧脚和生起的结构作用。

    The Dou-Gong Brackets , beam-column joints and column-base joints were classified from a structural point of view . The structural virtues of Column-Lean and Column-Raising , unique in ancient Chinese wood structures like the pagoda , were investigated by means of engineering mechanics .

  28. 本文介绍了PILODYN无损检测技术在古建筑旧木构件腐朽与虫蛀程度检测中的应用。

    The application of PILODYN non-destructive evaluation technique in assessing decayed and insect-attacked ancient wood members was introduced in this paper .

  29. 中国古建筑以木结构闻名于世,而木结构的精髓在斗木共。

    Chinese historic building famous for its timber structure and the essence and marrow of timber structure is bucket arches .

  30. 中国古建筑以木结构为主,千百年来历经多次地震考验而保持完好。

    Chinese ancient buildings are mainly made of wood , for thousands of years they have experienced sorts of earthquakes but remain intact .