
  • 网络Sany
  1. 同样值得注意的还有三一重工股份有限公司(SanyHeavyIndustryCo.,Ltd.)董事长梁稳根,他重新回到了榜单上,处在第七名的位置,而他此前几个月一直未能进入前十。

    Also notable is Liang Wengen , chairman of Sany Heavy Industry Co. , Ltd. , who returned to the list at No. 7 after months of failing to make the top 10 .

  2. 三一重工股份有限公司(以下简称三一重工)是一家工程机械制造企业。

    Sany Heavy Industry Co. , Ltd ( shorted for Sany ) is a company producing transport equipments .

  3. 在周一的人大会议上,中国机械制造商三一重工股份有限公司总裁向文波提出了这个问题,引起了关注。

    Xiang Wenbo , president of Chinese machinery maker Sany Heavy Industries , brought the issue front and center yesterday during the National People 's Congress meetings in Beijing .

  4. 三一重工股份有限公司经过10年的发展,已经成为了中国工程机械行业的龙头企业,发展迅速,具有良好的业绩。

    After about 10 years of development , Sany Heavy Industry Co. , Ltd , has become the leading construction machinery manufacturer in China , which has done good performance .

  5. 最后对以三一重工股份有限公司为核心企业的供应链进行协同性测度的案例研究,论证了该指标体系和模型的有效性和实用性。

    The supply chain with Sany Heavy Industry Co. , Ltd. as the core enterprise was investigated on its synergy measures , on this basis , the validity and feasibility of the index system and models were confirmed theoretically and practically .

  6. 罗尔斯公司已经参与了安装由三一集团制造的风力发电机组,其母公司是上海上市的三一重工股份有限公司,中国最大、世界第7的工程机械制造商。

    Ralls Corp has been involved in installing wind turbine generators made by Sany Group , parent company of Shanghai-listed Sany Heavy Industry Co , China 's biggest construction equipment maker and No. 7 in the world .