
  1. 在最近CCTV的采访中,宗庆后自己也承认在与达能签署“阴阳合同”的时候欺骗了政府和人民。

    In a recent interview with CCTV , Zong confessed he had cheated the government and the people on the issue of twin-contracts with Danone .

  2. 在海外,宗庆后最出名的是发动了与法国食品集团达能(Danone)的法律战。

    Overseas , he is best known for waging a legal battle against Danone , the French food group .

  3. 在中国的企业家中,娃哈哈(wahaha)饮料集团创始人宗庆后是个不同寻常的人物。

    Zong Qinghou , founder of the Wahaha drinks group , is a rare figure among Chinese entrepreneurs .

  4. 围绕“娃哈哈”商标的使用权,宗庆后与他的合资伙伴达能(danone)斗争多年。

    Mr Zong fought for years with Danone , his joint venture partner in China , over the right to exploit the Wahaha trademark .

  5. 在胡润百富榜(HurunRichList)上,宗庆后以130亿美元的财富位居中国首富,而他还无意在短期内放手自己创立的公司。

    Ranked as China 's wealthiest man , with an estimated fortune of $ 13bn according to the Hurun Rich List , Mr Zong has no desire to let go of the company he founded in the near future .

  6. 我们的立场仍然是,只要有合适的治理,宗庆后可以继续成功地运营此项业务,达能亚太区总裁范易谋(EmmanuelFaber)表示。

    Our position is still that with appropriate governance , Mr Zong can continue to run the business successfully , Emmanuel Faber , Danone 's president for Asia , said .

  7. 在与中方合作伙伴娃哈哈(wahaha)的争执中,法国达能集团(danone)昨日取得了部分胜利,因娃哈哈创建人宗庆后已经宣布辞去双方软饮料合资公司的董事长一职。

    Danone won a partial victory yesterday in its dispute with Chinese partner Wahaha when Zong Qinghou , the founder of the Chinese company , resigned as chairman of their soft drinks joint venture .

  8. 通过其私人控制的饮料帝国杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司(HangzhouWahahaGroupCo.),宗庆后积聚了126亿美元的财富,他也因此成为了中国首富。周二,宗庆后明确指出,他不是靠中国股市发家致富的。

    Zong Qinghou climbed his way to the top of the list of China 's wealthiest by amassing a fortune of $ 12.6 billion through his privately listed beverage empire Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co. On Tuesday , he made clear he didn 't gain his wealth through the country 's stock market .

  9. 然而,宗庆后的回击使这场争端格外引人注目。

    What made this stand out was the combative Mr Zong .

  10. 但过去六个月,宗庆后过得并不轻松。

    Yet it has been a tough six months for Mr Zong .

  11. 宗庆后表示,娃哈哈可能还会从海外采购糖。

    Mr Zong said Wahaha might also source sugar overseas .

  12. 但宗庆后却完全没有惹上这样的麻烦。

    Mr Zong , however , has been spared any such trouble .

  13. 全国人大代表、娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后

    Zong Qinghou , NPC deputy and chairman of beverage giant Wahaha Group

  14. 即便宗庆后担心,他也没有将担心流露出来。

    If Mr Zong is worried , he is not showing it .

  15. 宗庆后只是想加大压力。

    Mr Zong is simply trying to increase the pressure .

  16. 不过,最大的问题在于达能与宗庆后的关系。

    The biggest problem , though , is the relationship with Mr Zong .

  17. 自2007年4月以来,达能与宗庆后在数十个法律管辖区对打官司。

    Danone had battled Mr Zong in dozens of legal jurisdictions since April 2007 .

  18. 在人才辈出的浙商群体中,宗庆后无疑是个标志性人物。

    Undoubtedly , Zong Qinghou is a landmark figure in the groups of Zhejiang businessmen .

  19. 尽管身为亿万富翁,宗庆后却尽力保持低调。

    As much as a multibillionaire can , Mr Zong tries to maintain a modest image .

  20. 从合资企业辞职的宗庆后也在中国提起了一系列诉讼。

    Mr Zong , who resigned from the joint venture , has launched lawsuits in China .

  21. 宗庆后的“捍卫民族产业”的口号破产了,但破产的仅仅是宗庆后编织的那面破旗吗?

    Zong is not alone of course when he today raises the slogan of'national capital ' .

  22. 在与达能的争端之中,宗庆后已设法动用政治方面的关系。

    In his battle with Danone , Mr Zong has tried to use his political contacts .

  23. 作风强硬的企业家宗庆后几乎完全控制着这家公司的管理。

    Mr Zong , a hard-driving entrepreneur , had almost total management control of the business .

  24. 宗庆后是一位知名的作风硬朗的企业家,擅于占领新市场。

    Known to be a hard-driving entrepreneur , he had been adept at winning new markets .

  25. 宗庆后还懂得如何讨好当权者,这是另一项基本生存技能。

    Mr Zong also knows how to flatter those in power , another essential survival skill .

  26. 宗庆后则称,达能在中国收购竞争对手,违反了双方的合资协议。

    Mr Zong claims Danone reneged on their joint venture agreement by acquiring rival businesses in China .

  27. 与达能的纠纷似乎对宗庆后本来无与伦比的自信造成了持久的伤害。

    The fight with Danone appears to have put one lasting dent in his otherwise formidable confidence .

  28. 宗庆后连续11年以代表身份出席中国一年一度的全国人大会议。

    For 11 consecutive years he has attended the annual session of China 's parliament as a delegate .

  29. 62岁的宗庆后,身上有着他这代苦干型企业家的优势和弱点。

    Mr Zong , 62 , blends many of the strengths and weaknesses of his generation of hard-driving entrepreneurs .

  30. 达能曾公开指称,宗庆后创立平行产销网络的行为,损害了合资企业的利益。

    Danone had publicly alleged that Mr Zong undermined the joint venture by establishing a parallel production and sales network .