
  • 网络Third Princess;Three Princesses
  1. 人们感激三公主,寄托对她的思念之情,将绕过独秀峰下的河流取名叫“漓江”。

    To show their gratitude and longing for the Third Princess , the people have therefore named the river flowing under the Peak of Solitary Beauty Li'Jiang or River of Parting .

  2. 三公主发现少了一个发夹,也偷偷地拿走四公主的一个发夹;

    Three princesses discovered that has been short a hair clip , also takes away a four princesses'hair clip secretly ;

  3. 三公主的衣服,变成彩霞和云雾,萦绕在山峰上;

    Her dresses have turned into rosy clouds hanging over the peaks .

  4. 二公主发现少了一个发夹,便到三公主房里拿走一个发夹;

    Two princesses discovered that has been short a hair clip , then takes away a hair clip to three male wives in ;

  5. 于是,二太子、三公主带上长寿花,跟着紫貂,一起来到人间。

    Then with the sable leading the way , the princess and the prince , with the longevity flower in the princess 's hand , come to the world of human beings .

  6. 你们护送三位公主去羌国。

    You will escort three princesses to qui gong .

  7. 比三个公主珍贵的多。

    Far more dear than three mere princesses .

  8. 来自尼泊尔的三位年轻公主。

    Three young princesses from nepal .

  9. 根据已故电影导演加里·马歇尔在2016年透露的一些线索,第三部《公主日记》可能会以纽约为背景。

    And according to some previous hints from the late film director Garry Marshall back in 2016 , the third instalment of The Princess Diaries might be set in New York .

  10. 如今他是三个幼儿的父亲了,他的三个孩子有刚出生两天的儿子、下个月就满三岁的夏洛特公主以及四岁的乔治王子。

    He now has three young children at home - his two-day-old son , Princess Charlotte , who will turn three next month , and Prince George , four .