
sān chā jǐ
  • trident;three-pronged spear
三叉戟 [sān chā jǐ]
  • (1) [trident]

  • (2) 古代神话中海神所持的有三尖头的矛枪或节杖

  • (3) 以三叉戟代表海军力量的象征或代表至高权力的象征,如不列颠钱币上的图案

  • (4) 一种飞机的名称

  1. 英国前国防大臣、保守党人利亚姆福克斯(LiamFox)去年表示,针对他提出的更新三叉戟潜艇舰队的建议,政府将就是否存在切实可行的替代方案进行研究。

    Liam Fox , former Conservative defence secretary , last year announced a government study into whether there were viable alternatives to his proposed replacement of the Trident submarine fleet .

  2. 遭到10名武装分子袭击的三家酒店泰姬玛哈酒店(tajmahalpalace)、奥贝罗伊酒店和三叉戟酒店(trident)中,有两家已经部分或完全恢复营业。

    Two of the three hotels targeted by the team of 10 militants in the attacks , the Taj Mahal Palace and tower and the Trident , have already partially or fully reopened .

  3. 三叉戟Ⅱ导弹的制导系统MK-6

    The Trident ⅱ Guidance System MK-6

  4. 除了坚称苏格兰会将三叉戟(Trident)核导弹系统从克莱德(Clyde)海军基地撤出,以及苏格兰不会卷入中东争端以外,萨尔蒙德没有为他的新国家提出一套外交政策。

    Beyond insisting that Scotland will banish the Trident nuclear missile system from the Clyde and that it will not be drawn into conflicts in the Middle East , Mr Salmond does not have a foreign policy for his new state .

  5. 上下限之间的巨大差距反映出,双方在已用于携带常规武器或已封存的美国四艘三叉戟潜艇、整个美国B-1轰炸机和数十架B-52轰炸机问题上,仍存在分歧。

    That wide gap reflects continued division over four U.S. Trident submarines , the entire U.S. B-1 bomber fleet and dozens of B-52s that have been either converted to release conventional weapons use or mothballed .

  6. 我要12点15分飞离纽约的汉莎三叉戟的机票。

    I want a Lufthansa Trident out of New York City at12:15 .

  7. 瑞士航空公司的三叉戟20飞离伦敦。

    There 's a Swissair Trident out of London at0920 .

  8. 加入我们呼吁政府放弃优化三叉戟!

    Join us in calling on the government ? No Trident Replacement !

  9. 三叉戟258在本场做连续起落训练。

    One Trident 258 on local training , making touch and go landing .

  10. 允许通过三叉戟停机坪到达03号跑道等待位置。

    Cleared to the holding point for runway 03 via the Trident apron .

  11. 简氏:“三叉戟”应该加入到美国短告警全球打击任务吗?

    Time trial : should Trident add short-notice capability to the US global-strike mission ?

  12. 我总是使用双前锋,即便是三叉戟进攻组合亦是如此。

    I have always played with two strikers , even in a trident attack .

  13. 任何不支持三叉戟的人都被斥为不严肃或一知半解。

    Anybody who does not back Trident is dismissed as not serious or ill-informed .

  14. 我们还在三叉戟河畔彼此对垒.

    we fought as enemies at the trident .

  15. 在国防预算极为充裕的情况下,更新三叉戟系统还可能说得通。

    In a world of lavish defence budgets , Trident renewal might make sense .

  16. 我们在三叉戟河上尝到了这种滋味,孩子,布兰坠楼时也是。

    We tasted them on the Trident , child , and when Bran fell .

  17. 在湿婆三叉戟的尖顶上,矗立着一座城市,它就是瓦拉纳西。

    On the tip of Shiva 's trident stands a city , which is Varanasi .

  18. 三叉戟国产对接螺栓断裂分析和改进

    Fracture Analysis and Improvement of Coupled Bolts

  19. 将近百分之六十的英国民众表示他们不希望升级三叉戟系统。

    Almost 60 % of the British public say they do not want Trident replaced .

  20. 你大哥雷加是最后的真龙传人,而他已经死在三叉戟河畔。

    Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon , and he died on the Trident .

  21. 海基三叉戟弹道导弹系统;

    Trident sea-based ballistic missile system ;

  22. 这是隐形天命三叉戟。

    The invisible Trident of Destiny !

  23. 对这些恰当的反应是更新久经考验的基于三叉戟导弹的核威慑力量。

    The proper response was to renew the tried-and-tested nuclear deterrent , based on Trident missiles .

  24. 患者大多有典型的四肢近端短小,大头,前额突出,以及三叉戟状手。

    Patients usually had typical rhizomelic short stature , large head , frontal bossing and trident fingers .

  25. 但认为存在既省钱又有效的“次三叉戟”方案的想法是不诚实的。

    But the idea that a cheaper yet still effective " trident-lite " option exists is dishonest .

  26. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。

    He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons'symbols were the dolphin and the trident .

  27. 压力测试的三叉戟

    The Stress - testing Trident

  28. 科学家们用尼普顿的鱼叉三叉戟作为这个行星的标志。

    Scientists use Neptune 's fishing spear , the trident , as the sign for the planet .

  29. 另一些人则代表渔民,配备着一张网来诱捕对方,以及一把用来戳刺对手的三叉戟。

    Others represented fishermen , with a net to snare opponents and a trident to spear them .

  30. 三叉戟会议以后,地中海战争立即又按照盟国计划爆发。

    The war in the Mediterranean erupted again according to the Allied schedule soon after the TRIDENT conference .