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  • UEFA Champions League
  1. 约翰-特里坚信自己可以带领切尔西拿到这个赛季欧洲冠军联赛的冠军。

    John Terry is determined to lead Chelsea to UEFA Champions League glory this season .

  2. 西甲领头羊巴塞罗那丢掉率先在圣西罗失去周二的欧洲冠军联赛半决赛首回合对国际米兰的决赛。

    Primera Liga leaders Barcelona threw away the lead to lose at the Giuseppe Meazza in Tuesday 's first leg of their UEFA Champions League semi-final against Inter .

  3. 库珀率领国米杀入欧洲冠军联赛半决赛,历史性地与AC米兰一起上演了两回合的“欧洲德比”。

    Hector Cuper guides Inter to the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League and a historic two-legged'Euroderby'with AC Milan .

  4. AC米兰,但最终他们的夺冠希望渺茫以2-1输给桑普多利亚这无疑加重了对下个赛季欧洲冠军联赛中他们。

    AC Milan all but ended their slim title hopes with a2-1 loss to Sampdoria which puts them on course for Champions League football next season .

  5. 他是曼联队史上最成功的教练之一,在执教期间率领球队获得了13次英超(PremierLeague)冠军和两次欧洲冠军联赛冠军。

    One of soccer 's most successful managers , he captured the Premier League title 13 times and also won the Champions League twice during his tenure .

  6. 香港拍卖会上的拍品包括六瓶产于1999年的罗曼尼•康帝干红葡萄酒(Romanee-ContiGrandCru),同这些葡萄酒一起拍卖的是1999年曼联队在欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)上夺冠时穿的球衣。

    Among the items on offer in Hong Kong : Six bottles of 1999 Roman é e-Conti Grand Cru paired with a Manchester United shirt from the team 's Champions League triumph in 1999 .

  7. 在拜仁慕尼黑效力的28岁门将在赢得欧洲冠军联赛和FIFA世界杯后,又收获一座阿迪达斯世界杯金手套奖杯。

    After winning the UEFA Champions League and the FIFA Club World Cup with Bayern Munich , the 28-year-old now has the adidas Golden Glove to add to his growing collection .

  8. 国际顶级足球赛事欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)于9月16日展开小组赛。欧洲的顶级俱乐部将利用这次机会,展示他们夏季斥资引援的成果。

    When soccer 's top international tournament , theChampions League , begins its group stage on September 16 , it will offer a chance for Europe 's top clubs to show off the results of their summer spending .

  9. 梅西四次赢得国际足联(FIFA)的年度运动员奖,并在上个赛季带领巴塞罗那俱乐部又一次摘得欧洲冠军联赛的桂冠,以及西班牙联赛和杯赛的头名。

    Messi has won four FIFA world player of the year awards and led last season Barcelona to another Champions League victory , as well as the Spanish league and cup titles .

  10. 马竞(当地人称之为Atléti)在财务上一直比较拮据,但在上赛季它以有限的预算取得了巨大的成功,赢得西甲冠军并晋级欧洲冠军联赛(UefaChampions’League)决赛。

    Atl é ti - as the club is known locally - has been struggling financially , but achieved remarkable success on a limited budget last season , winning La Liga and reaching the final of the Uefa Champions League .

  11. 后来这种喇叭在欧洲冠军联赛等欧洲足球比赛中被禁用。

    They were later banned from European soccer competitions like the UEFA Champions League .

  12. 拜仁慕尼黑以1比0击败巴黎圣日耳曼,赢得欧洲冠军联赛冠军。

    Bayern Munich has won the UEFA Champions League title after beating Paris Saint-Germain 1-0 .

  13. 切尔西在周六成为首支获得下赛季欧洲冠军联赛参赛资格的英格兰球队。

    Chelsea became the first English club to qualify for next season 's UEFA Champions League on saturday .

  14. 本赛季的勒沃库森再也不用为征战欧洲冠军联赛而发愁了,因为他们根本就没有资格参加这项欧洲最高水平的联赛。

    Leverkusen did not quite have the firepower to compete in the Champions League and Bundesliga last season .

  15. 这或许是因为他经常在欧洲冠军联赛期间随曼联队转战欧洲。

    This may be a reflection of his days traveling around Europe with Manchester United in the Champions League .

  16. 这些调整都是为了给欧洲冠军联赛和联盟杯让路作出的。

    Many of these adjustments have been made in the light of the Champions League and UEFA Cup fixtures .

  17. 在俱乐部方面,他随皇马实现了欧洲冠军联赛三连冠。

    On the club side , the playmaker won the third straight UEFA Champions League title with Real Madrid .

  18. 葡萄牙总理安东尼奥·科斯塔承诺将为欧洲冠军联赛提供“公共和健康保障”。

    Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has promised " public and health security " of the UEFA Champions League .

  19. 然尔埃佛顿对阿皮亚也很有吸引力,阿皮亚表示他希望下个赛季能继续参加欧洲冠军联赛。

    However Everton could have an advantage as Appiah also said that he is keen to play European football next season .

  20. 他成为了上周四,当费内巴切被强行从欧洲冠军联赛假球指控后弹出。

    He became available on Thursday , when Fenerbah ç e were forcibly ejected from the Champions League after match-fixing allegations .

  21. 世界杯不是德甲联赛,也不是欧洲冠军联赛,它是全世界的足球盛会。

    This is more than just the Bundesliga or the Champions League . It 's the biggest sporting event in the world .

  22. 杰雷米阿里亚迭雷承认去凯尔特人的决定是因为能够在欧洲冠军联赛上踢球。

    Jeremie Aliadiere has admitted that playing in the UEFA Champions League was a key factor behind his decision to move to Celtic .

  23. 在周三与巴塞罗那的欧洲冠军联赛决斗即将来临之时,切尔西主帅穆里尼奥莫名其妙地在科学界掀起了波澜。

    Ahead wednesday 's European showdown with barcelona , Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has inexplicably caused quite an uproar in the scientific community .

  24. 穆帅觉得与明年夏天的世界杯决赛阶段比赛相比,欧洲冠军联赛里上演的质量更高。

    Jose Mourinho feels there will be better quality on show in the UEFA Champions League than in next summer 's World Cup finals .

  25. 销售数字显示了球迷们与俱乐部之间亲密无间的关系,而随着欧洲冠军联赛抽签的临近,这个渐进还将不断增长。

    The figure represents how closely the fans associate themselves with the club and that tally is set to increase as the championship draws closer .

  26. 在过去六年中,他帮助皇马问鼎1997和2001赛季西班牙甲级联赛冠军,并在1998、2000和2002年度的欧洲冠军联赛中三度封王。

    Over the past six years he has helped Real Madrid to Spainish league titles in1997 and2001 and three Champions League wins in1998,2000 , and2002 .

  27. 周六,韦恩·鲁尼带领曼联对抗莱昂内尔·梅西以及巴萨,这场万众期待的欧洲冠军联赛决赛在在伦敦温布利体育场举行。

    Wayne Rooney leads Manchester United against Lionel Messi and Barcelona in Saturday 's highly-anticipated UEFA Champions League title clash at Wembley Stadium in London .

  28. 赛季前我们表现得不太好,但是除此之外,我们在联赛和在欧洲冠军联赛的小组中都保持领先。

    We had a very difficult pre-season but , despite that , we are at the top of the league and our Champions League group .

  29. 欧洲冠军联赛牌照是中央的游戏和菜单给你鼓励你的所有需要得到您的广告系列开始。

    The Champions League licence is central to the game and the menus give you all the encouragement you need to get started on your campaign .

  30. 现在,温格最渴望的就是在欧洲冠军联赛中取得成功,因为至今为止他只有一次进入到了这项赛事的淘汰赛中。

    It is success in the Champions League that Wenger now craves most , having reached the knock-out stages of the competition on only one occasion .