
  • 网络EU Presidency
  1. 由于法国是欧盟轮值主席国,法国外长库什内代表欧盟在协议上签字。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner signed for Europe , since France holds the rotating EU presidency .

  2. 意大利将于7月成为欧盟轮值主席国。伦奇誓言要用创造就业和经济增长取代财政紧缩。

    Italy takes over the rotating EU presidency in July-and Renzi has pledged to focus on jobs and growth in place of austerity .

  3. 捷克政府将继续强调其担任欧盟轮值主席国的口号“无障碍欧洲”(europewithoutbarriers),其含义是提倡进一步自由化、消除贸易壁垒、消除保护主义。

    It will keep stressing its EU presidency slogan " Europe without barriers " , which means the advocacy of further liberalisation , removing trade barriers and getting rid of protectionism .

  4. 英国驻华使馆庆祝英国就任2005欧盟轮值主席国。

    British Embassy celebrates UK presidency of eu2005 .

  5. 法国担任欧盟轮值主席国,直到下个月底。

    France holds the EU 's rotating presidency until the end of next month .

  6. 欧盟轮值主席国法国希望这项协议在10月份获得正式通过。

    France holds the rotating EU presidency , wants the proposal to be formally adopted in October .

  7. 斯洛文尼亚将于明年下半年担任欧盟轮值主席国。

    Slovenia will assume the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of next year .

  8. 中方与欧盟轮值主席国捷克及欧盟机构方面始终保持密切联系,共同为会晤成功举行进行了一系列积极的准备工作。

    The Chinese side has maintained close contact with the EU Presidency and the European Commission in preparation of the summit .

  9. 我已经与德国财政部长进行了讨论,希望在德国接下来担任欧盟轮值主席国期间,能优先进行放松管制。

    I have talked with the German finance minister about the priority the coming German EU presidency will give to deregulation .

  10. 这个环保组织利用匈牙利担任欧盟轮值主席国的机会要求把注意力更加集中在应对气候变化上。

    The environmental organization is using the spotlight of Hungary 's EU presidency to demand more attention to fighting climate change .

  11. 在这点上,6项与去年9月(波兰时任欧盟轮值主席国)通过的财政政策相关的法案具有尤其重要的意义。

    Of particular importance in this regard are the six legal acts relating to fiscal policy that were agreed under the Polish presidency in September .

  12. 与曼德尔森意见不合的欧盟轮值主席国法国表示,该协议不可接受。

    France , which holds the presidency of the EU but has been at loggerheads with Mr Mandelson , said the deal was not acceptable .

  13. 英国应利用其担任8国集团和欧盟轮值主席国的机会,要求其他国家也要把水和卫生置于国际和发展议程的优先地位。

    The UK should use its G8 and EU presidencies to demand that other countries also prioritise water and sanitation on the international and development agenda .

  14. 欧盟轮值主席国法国的外交部长库什内星期二在巴黎主持了一个旨在解决危机的会议。

    Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner of France , which currently heads the EU , hosted a meeting in Paris on Tuesday aimed at resolving the crisis .

  15. 在去年上半年爱尔兰担任欧盟轮值主席国期间,我有幸主持了欧盟委员会的会议。

    I had the privilege of chairing the European Council when Ireland held the presidency of the European Union in the first half of last year .

  16. 法国总统萨尔科齐说,从7月开始,法国将担任六个月的欧盟轮值主席国。在此期间,他将把中东和平作为自己的首要任务之一。

    Mr. Sarkozy says that will be one of his priorities during France 's six-month term as president of the European Union , which began this month .

  17. 这个结果对执政的保守党来说是一个打击,因为克罗地亚目前是欧盟轮值主席国,将于今年晚些时候举行议会选举。

    The result is a blow for the ruling conservatives while Croatia holds the European Union 's rotating presidency , and before a parliamentary election later this year .

  18. 法国是本届欧盟轮值主席国,法国总统萨科齐召集了这次巴黎峰会。萨科齐简述了各国领导人达成的一致。

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy - whose country currently heads the European Union and who called the Paris summit - outlined several other areas the leaders agreed on .

  19. 克林顿星期六说,美国想在塞浦路斯明年首度担任欧盟轮值主席国前看到塞浦路斯问题获得解决。

    Clinton said Saturday the United States would like to see a Cyprus settlement before the island state is to assume the E.U. presidency for the first time next year .

  20. 然而,据悉欧盟轮值主席国西班牙急于将一份建议文本提交定于下周二召开的欧盟财长会议讨论。

    However , Spain , which holds the rotating EU presidency , is understood to be anxious to take a text to a scheduled meeting of EU finance ministers next Tuesday .

  21. 但是将在1月1号接替法国成为欧盟轮值主席国的捷克共和国,则为以色列空袭加沙进行了辩解,说它是在报复哈马斯向以色列发射火箭。

    But the Czech Republic , which takes over the EU rotating presidency from France on January 1 , has defended Israel 's air strikes on Gaza in retaliation for Hamas rocket fire .

  22. 由法国总统斡旋的停火协议要求双方军队回到发生冲突前的位置,并允许俄罗斯维和人员在部分南奥塞梯进行巡逻。法国目前是欧盟轮值主席国。

    The cease-fire agreement , brokered by the French President in his capacity as head of the European Union , calls for troops to return to their pre-conflict positions , and allows Russian peacekeepers to patrol parts of South Ossetia .

  23. 如果不让穆加贝参会,就会面临非洲国家的集体抵制,对此两难,作为欧盟轮值会议主席国的葡萄牙建议,参会的名单还是由非洲国家自己决定。

    Faced with threats of a matching African boycott if Mr Mugabe is banned , Portugal , which holds the rotating EU presidency , has suggested that the final guest list be decided by African countries .

  24. 意大利宣布建立一个新的贸易轴心,从而将希望寄托在即将成为欧盟(EU)轮值主席国的法国身上,在世界贸易组织(WTO)内推动两国的主张。

    Italy has hitched its wagon to the forthcoming French presidency of the European Union , declaring a new trade axis to push their case within the World Trade Organisation .

  25. 有一种普遍看法,认为捷克共和国是在一个相当复杂的时刻接任欧盟(EU)轮值主席国的,尽管几乎所有时刻最终都可以被称为复杂。

    It is a common feeling that the Czech Republic is taking over the European Union presidency at a rather complicated moment , even though almost all moments can eventually be called complicated .

  26. 欧盟预计将向受害者提供人道主义援助。法国目前担任为期六个月的欧盟轮值主席国。

    The European Union , whose six-month rotating presidency is currently held by France , is expected to offer to help provide humanitarian aid to victims .

  27. 新的欧盟-地中海合作协议一直得到法国总统萨尔科齐的大力支持,法国是这个月欧盟轮值主席国。

    The new Euro-Mediterranean pact has been championed by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France , which took over the rotating European Union presidency this month .

  28. 昨日,伊朗政府谴责了欧盟干涉主义、带有侮辱性的声明。伊朗学生通讯社表示,伊朗政府已从欧盟轮值主席国捷克共和国召见了一名外交官表达不满。

    Yesterday , Tehran condemned the EU 's interventionist and insulting statement and Iran 's ISNA news agency said the government had summoned a diplomat from the Czech Republic , which holds the EU 's rotating presidency , to complain .

  29. 在法国度假城市戛纳出席会议的许多欧盟成员国内政和司法部长欢迎法国的建议。希腊内政部长表示,希望法国的欧盟轮值主席国在12月期满之前最后通过这项协议。

    A number of European interior and justice ministers meeting in the resort city Cannes hailed the French proposals , with Greece 's interior minister saying he hoped it would be finalized by the end of France 's EU presidency in December .

  30. 法国外交部长库什内星期天把在南奥塞梯的敌对状态说成是“屠杀”。他说,欧盟不能容许发生这种具有极端毁灭性的战争,这是不能接受的。法国目前担任欧盟轮值主席国。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Sunday described the hostilities in South Ossetia as " massacres . " He said the European Union , which France currently heads , could not allow such a terribly devastating and unacceptable war .