
  1. 方法:在河南省柘城县人民医院和南非土威斯兰医院选用三归片,以70d为1疗程服用。

    Methods : Sangui Pill was applied in People 's Hospital of Zhecheng County in Henan Province and Swaziland Hospital in the Republic of South Africa with a 70-day course of treatment .

  2. 三归片治疗艾滋病临床研究

    Clinical Observation of Treating AIDS with Sangui Pill

  3. 有三艘船归他指挥。

    Three ships fall under his command .

  4. 在资本主义私有制条件下,这三权归属于资本家;

    But under the condition of the capitalist private ownership , the above three rights belong to the capitalist .

  5. 各种的特殊侵权责任基本上按照过错责任、过错推定和无过错责任这三项归责原则展开。

    Most of the special tort liabilities are based upon the three principles of fault liability , presumption of fault liability and no-fault liability .

  6. 基于以上认识,笔者认为我国应构建由过错责任原则、无过错责任原则和公平责任原则组成的三元归责原则体系。

    Based on above understanding , the writer thinks our country should construct system that consists of responsibility principle of fault , responsibility principle of no-fault and fair responsibility principle .

  7. 综合三种归责原则,无过错责任原则是最切合机动车交通事故损害赔偿责任的特点,也最有利于维护相关受害人的利益。

    By comparison , the principle of liability without fault is undoubtedly the best remedy for damage compensation in traffic accident caused by motor vehicles , and is considered most beneficial for the victims .

  8. 在网络用户在网上发布信息、发表言论引起名誉侵权,网络服务提供者是否要承担责任上,法学界对此提出了三种归责原则:严格责任原则、免责原则、过错责任原则。

    Published online users in the network information , of speech caused by defamation , the network service provider whether or not to bear the responsibility , the legal experts attributed this proposed three principles : the principle of strict liability , exemption principle , the principle of fault liability .

  9. 有一天,他把我锁在屋内,三天未归。

    One day he locked me in and did not return for three days .

  10. 头奖、二奖和三奖分别归杰克、乔治和法兰克。

    The first , second , and third prizes went to Jack , George , and Frank respectively .

  11. 大约全国土地面积的三分之一归政府所有,诸如森林服务局、土地管理局和国家公园服务局等机构往往拥有很大的自由载量权,可以决定应如何利用这些联邦土地上的资源。

    Approximately a third of the nation 's land area is in government ownership , and agencies such as the forest service , the Bureau of land management , and the National Park Service often have considerable discretion in determining how the resources in these federal lands will be used .

  12. 这三个团全归你节制。

    The three regiments are all under the command of you .

  13. 注册会计师对第三人侵权责任归责原则的选择

    On the Choice of Civil Tort Liability of Registered Accountants to Third Parties

  14. 再过三天这儿就归我喽

    Three more days and it 's mine . -

  15. 国际组织承担责任的一般归责原则也来源于国家责任的归责原则,国际法上有三个因素在归责问题上起重要作用:控制因素、组织因素、领域因素。

    The general principles of responsibility attribution for international organizations also stem from those for nations .

  16. 第三部分对违约归责的不同原则进行了经济分析,从风险和利益的分配机制方面考察了其激励效率的高低和对当事人行为的影响。

    The third section analyses the different principle of responsibility , examines uneven of the inspire efficiency and the impacts on the act of party .

  17. 笔者认为应当根据不同虚假陈述主体对信息披露主体的注意义务提出严格责任、过失责任、和故意责任三个相应的归责标准,针对不同的信息披露主体加以适用。

    As to the doctrine of liability fixation , the author think that , in line with the duty of care of different subject of misrepresentation , we should built three different standards consequently which are strict liability , fault liability , liability on willfulness .

  18. 总的来说,学者们所提出的归责原则体系比较有代表性的有三种:一元归责体系、二元归责体系和三元归责体系。

    Generally speaking , there are three representative systems proposed by scholars : monistic system , dualistic system and triple system .