
  • 网络clock;Mhz
  1. 在这篇论文中,我们首先分析给定相差侦测器架构下最糟的时脉偏移量。

    We first analyze the worst-case clock skew of PD connection structures .

  2. 时脉:调整屏幕上字符的垂直闪烁。

    Clock : Adjusting the vertical blinking of the characters on the screen .

  3. 针对跳时脉位调制(TH-PPM)的超宽带系统信号离散功率谱分量集中、易引起多址干扰的缺点,引入了基于Tent映射的混沌脉位调制(CPPM)UWB系统。

    Using Time-Hopping pulse position modulation ( TH-PPM ), an UWB system has some disadvantages that the discrete power spectral density ( PSD ) is centralized and may arouse multiple-access interference . An UWB system utilizing chaotic pulse position modulation ( CPPM ) based on Tent map was introduced .

  4. 胃镜检查时脉率血氧饱和度监测的价值

    Clinical value of pulse and blood oxygen saturation monitoring in esophagogastroduodenoscopy

  5. 跳时脉位调制超宽带信号的功率谱密度分析

    The power spectrum density analysis of TH-PPM ultra-wide band signals

  6. 接著,我们提出一个能够产生最小时脉偏移之相差侦测器架构的演算法。

    Then we propose an algorithm to generate an optimal PD connection structures resulting in the minimum clock skew .

  7. 或许可以做到几十万赫兹的时脉,但在短期内别想要有10亿赫兹等级的有机晶片。

    Clock frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz might be achievable , but do not look for gigahertz-rated organic chips anytime soon .

  8. 为了克服制程、电压、温度变异所造成的影响,自动时脉偏移同步方案可以在晶片制造出来之后动态地调整并降低时脉偏移。

    To overcome the influence caused by PVT variations , the automatic skew synchronization scheme can dynamically adjust and reduce the clock skew after a chip is manufactured .

  9. 这些在电压、核心时脉和记忆体时脉的改变,容易造成显卡的不稳甚至当机。

    These major changes in voltage , core clock and memory clock can easily destabilize a card to a point where you get artifacting and even a lockup .

  10. 在这篇论文中,我们提出由于实际的可调变延迟缓冲器及相差侦测器设计上有其物理上的限制,相差侦测器连接正反器的拓墣也会影响最后的时脉偏移。

    In this thesis , we show that how FFs are connected by PDs can also greatly influence the final clock skew due to limitations of a practical ADB and PD design .

  11. 然后具体分析和推导了跳时脉位调制、直接序列扩频相位调制的时域波形、频谱特性、接收机结构以及各种同步要求对系统性能的影响等相关知识。

    Then the sync technology of TH-PPM UWB 、 DS-BPSK UWB system including time-domain waveform 、 spectrum characteristic 、 the architecture of a receiver and the impact each sync request have on system performance are analyzed and deduced .

  12. 结论:门脉高压时与门脉左支相连的侧支静脉为脐静脉,SCTA可多方位、多角度立体显示其解剖学特点。

    Conclusion : The collateral veins connected to the left portal vein are umbilical vein , SCTA with multiplanar and multidimensional MIP reformations can well reveal the anatomical feature of the umbilical vein .

  13. 目的:使用彩色多普勒超声技术探讨肝硬化门脉高压时门脉系统血流动力学变化与食管静脉曲张出血(EVB)的关系,寻找预测食管静脉曲张破裂最敏感的多普勒指标。

    AIM : To investigate the portal hemodynamics and its correlation with esophageal variceal bleeding ( EVB ) in cirrhotics with portal hypertension and to search for the most sensitive parameters predicting variceal hemorrhage .

  14. 实验性急性肝衰竭时门脉高压发生机制的研究

    Studies on the pathogenesis of portal hypertension in the experimental acute hepatic failure

  15. 慢性阻塞性肺病患者进餐时持续脉氧饱和度监测及其临床意义

    Continuous monitor of pulse oxygen saturation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during meal and its clinical implication

  16. 发现主观疲劳感较大时,晨脉会超出正常值4左右,晨尿中易出现蛋白和隐血;

    It was found that when the runners subjectively felt more fatigued , their morning pulse would be 4 more than the normal value . There would occur protein and blood occult in their morning urine .

  17. 此外,由于月池相对于船底而言,是一陷落腔,当船航行时,流体脉动力还常常引发月池局部结构的振动响应,影响船舶的正常航行和工作。

    Furthermore , because the moonpool is a cavin cavity relative to the bottom of the ship , when the ship is sailing , the fluctuating force of the fluid always induces the vibration response of local structure of the moonpool , which may influence the sailing and working .

  18. 当气息在右鼻孔流动时,说明右脉的气息活跃、生命能量占上风。

    When the right nostril flows it means the breath in pingala is active and the pranas are predominating .

  19. 本文提出一个研究海洋声传输信道随机时变特性的脉间相关法。

    A method of measuring correlation between signal pulses for the investigation of random time-variant properties of underwater sound channel is presented in this paper .

  20. 当暂存器内储存的值不需要改变时,可以藉著关闭时脉讯号的切换来降低切换电容的值。

    It reduces switched capacitance by turning off transitions on a clock tree when the triggered registers do not need to change their values .