
shí dài gǎn
  • A sense of the times;period feel
时代感[shí dài gǎn]
  1. 他的作品有强烈的时代感。

    His works has a strong sense of contemparaneity .

  2. CD唱片封面设计既体现出强烈时代感又充满了浓浓文化思想,它是大众文化需求的化身,承载着艺术与商业的双重诉求。

    Cover design of the CD disc embodies the blazing sense of the times and the strong thoughts and culture .

  3. LOGO中英文字母组合,简洁、气、力极强,具有鲜明的时代感和国际化色彩。

    The LOGO Chinese-English monogram , simple and direct , the atmosphere , tension is very strong , having the fresh and clear ages feeling and internationalizing the color .

  4. 前面拍了一张自拍——这是工业设计师马可·纽森(MarcNewson)设计的一款太空时代感的铝制躺椅。

    Mr. Brosnan snapped a selfie in front of a work he admired : the " Lockheed Lounge " a space-age aluminum chaise longue by the industrial designer Marc Newson .

  5. 具有浓郁的现代设计风格及时代感。

    It is rich in modern design styles and era sensation .

  6. 文学作品的当代性指作品的现实性和时代感。

    Modern characteristic of literature is to report reality in time .

  7. 请试将划横线的单词替换,使句子听起来更有时代感。

    B.Change the words , try to make the dialogue more contemporary .

  8. 莫言的原著笔触时代感浓郁,引人深思。

    Mo 's novel conveys a strong and evocative tone .

  9. 激昂、劲力、富有时代感的有氧搏击操是文明健康的运动项目。

    Oxygen gym is a sport of health civilization ite m.

  10. 但其在教学中存在着许多问题,如部分课程内容重复设置,课程与教学没有特色,缺乏时代感等。

    There are a lot of problems in teaching .

  11. 谈《大学体验英语》的特色、结构与时代感

    On College Experiencing English-Its feature , structure and update

  12. 现代陶艺的时代感与传统性

    Epoch Consciousness and Traditional Quality of Modern Pottery

  13. 海报图形设计的国际性、民族性和时代感

    International Character , National character and Feeling of Times On Playbill 's Graph Design

  14. 当前思想政治课教学的时代感与现实性问题研究

    Study on Present Sense of Times and Reality of Teaching of Ideology and Politics Problem

  15. 初唐作为整个唐代文学发展的第一阶段,体现出特色鲜明、极具时代感的文化精神。

    The beginning of Tang Dynasty is the first stage in the development of literature .

  16. 谈在职业装设计中时代感与民族特色

    The Features of the National or Ethnic Vocational Costume Design and Its Trend of the Times

  17. 他们会希望看见斯特拉特福德像上海那样充满时代感和活力。

    They will want to see Stratford full of modernity , dynamism and parallels with Shanghai .

  18. 她的作品深深扎根于美国黑人的历史、传说和现实之中,具有强烈的时代感;

    Her works are deeply rooted in history , legends and in the reality of Afro-Americans .

  19. 朱宣咸作品充满着鲜明的时代感,充满着鲜明的社会性。

    Zhu Xuanxian 's works are featured with vivid orientations to the times and the society .

  20. 一方面,建筑单体要具有代表性,甚至超出时代感。

    On the one hand , the single architecture should be cross-sectional and even surpass the age ;

  21. 每一个有时代感、责任感的教师都应该重视学生的阅读。

    Each sometimes generation the teacher of feeling , sense of responsibility all should value student of reading .

  22. 教材不够系统,不够有趣,陈述不够清楚,缺乏时代感。

    The textbook is not systematic and interesting , the explanation is not clear enough , and out-of-date .

  23. 他那来自现实世界的具有时代感的象征诗歌创作,标志着日本近代诗发展的又一高峰。

    His symbolic poems with strong tastes of the contemporary time mark another summit of Japanese contemporary poetry .

  24. 造型富有时代感,让你的卫浴间增添了不少一些色彩,也许不会再冷清了。

    Modeling time , to allow you to the bathroom a lot to insert between some colors may not featured a.

  25. 整个建筑造型新颖别致,富有强烈的时代感和现代气息。

    The whole building model creation is new and elegant , being enriched with strong sense of era and modernization .

  26. 网络流行语是一种极富时代感、创意与表现力的新型语言变体,也是社会语言学所关注的全新研究课题。

    Internet catchwords are featured as a newly developing language variation , which have appealing for creativity , originality and expressiveness .

  27. 论图书馆馆长的时代感&兼论其紧迫感、危机感、使命感

    On Curators ' Sense of Times & A Sense of Urgency , a Sense of Crisis and a Sense of Mission

  28. 因此,当代集体主义的概念,必须具有较强的解释力、鲜明的时代感和科学的通约性。

    Therefore , the present collectivism concept must have strong explanation strength , clear characteristics of the times and the scientific versatility .

  29. 它源于社会、根于企业,更富有时代感、更贴近实际。

    It originated from the community , rooted in the enterprise , more sense of the times , closer to the real .

  30. 论述了中国水彩画发展的状况,讲述中国水彩画发展的方向,分析了水彩画的时代感和精神性。

    The paper discusses the situation and the direction of development of Chinese watercolor , analyses the age and spirit of watercolor .