
  1. 两点射线追踪主要是通过Snell定理和费马最小时间原理确定激发点和接收点之间精确的射线路径。其优点是能够精确得出反射点的位置。

    The two point ray tracing is based on the Snell theory and the Fermat ' minimum travel time principle ' , which advantages is that it can calculate the accurate ray path from the source to the receiver .

  2. Internet网络时间协议原理与实现

    Principle and Implementation of Internet Network Time Protocol

  3. 本文利用时间控制原理,用可编程控制器(PLC)将自动组织脱水机改装成自动组织染色机。

    According to the principle of time-control and installing PLC , an automatic tissue spine-drier is reformed to be an automatic tissue staining apparatus .

  4. 利用最小关断时间控制原理的PFM电源管理芯片的设计

    The Design of PFM Power Management IC Using the Minimum Off Time Control Theory

  5. 本文介绍了PTCR过电流动作时间测量原理,仪器的电路设计和基本性能。

    This paper presents the theory of PTCR actuation time measurement , the design of circuits , and performance of the instrument .

  6. 基于FMS的赋时扩展着色Petri网模型,依据最小事件时间推进原理,实现FMS的生产调度决策动态仿真运行。

    Decision rules for production scheduling are introduced . Based on the extended timed coloured Petri net model of FMS and minimum event time advance principle , dynamic simulation running of production scheduling decision for FMS is realized .

  7. 详细讲述了测量EDFA增益恢复时间的原理及实验,阐述了EDFA瞬态效应对光放大器放大性能的影响,并提出了系统的改进方向。

    The procedure of measurement experiment of EDFA recovery time is described carefully . The effect of transient gain saturation of EDFA on the amplifier is presented , and the improvement is also proposed .

  8. 论述了卫星双向时间比对原理和比对系统中各项系统误差。计算出同步卫星运动导致的时间延迟误差、地球自转效应(Sagnac)误差和地面站设备时延误差。

    The two-way satellite time transfer ( TWSTT ) and its systematic errors are discussed in detail , especially the motion of satellite results in time delay errors and Sagnac effect error .

  9. 介绍基于PLD可编程逻辑器件的电阻点焊控制电路,着重介绍了实现焊接循环的四个阶段的时间控制原理及焊接电流的控制原理,并且在EDA实验系统上得到了验证。

    Resistance spot welding control circuit based on PLD is introduced . The paper focus the introduction on time control principle of welding current . The design idea is original accords with the demands , and which is verified on EDA experiment system .

  10. 卫星双向时间比对原理及比对误差估算

    Error Estimation in two-way satellite time transfer

  11. 如何运用资金时间价值原理解决林木损失额中滞延费的计量问题

    The Solution on How to Calculate Delay Fee of Forest Loss with Capital Time-value Theory

  12. 最短时间控制原理在三峡直流调制研究中的应用

    The Application of Minimal Time Control Theory in DC Modulating Research of the Three-Gorge Hydro Project

  13. 音量指示的时间加权原理

    Principle of Time-weighting in Volume Indicator

  14. 仿真结果证明,利用双球转子装置延长延期解除保险时间的原理可行。

    The simulation results proved that two ball rotors mechanism was feasible for prolonging delay arming time .

  15. 针对雷达液位仪开发研制中的关键问题&高分辨力信号检测,采用等效时间采样原理进行应用研究。

    Aimed at the key technique-high distinguishing ability at time interval , the application research was carried to completion based on equivalent time sampling .

  16. 由于所提出的双模比较冗余结构是基于时间冗余原理工作的,因此它适用于对速度要求不是非常苛刻的容错系统。

    The concurrent error location capability of the proposed DMRC structure is built by the time redundancy principle , so it is suitable to be used in the non-speed-critical fault tolerant systems .

  17. 提出了裙带度的概念,融入了经济学中的产品或技术生命周期曲线、时间序列原理等方法,为系统的研究打下了理论基础;

    The conception of relative degree is proposed in the theory , which involves some methods in economics , such as the lifecycle curve of product or technology and the principle of time sequence , and so on . So the foundation for researching the system is built .

  18. 基于热电类比理论,提出了计算多层墙体温度响应的新型谐波法,介绍了用热电类比方法求多层墙体的衰减倍数和延迟时间的原理和具体方法。

    Based on the thermoelectricity analogy theory , develops a new harmonic method to calculate the temperature response of multilayer walls . Presents in detail the principle and specific method of the thermoelectricity analogy method ( TEAM ) for calculating both the decay-multiple and time lag of multilayer walls .

  19. 论述了企业理财系统柔性的时间运动原理由企业理财信息不确定性递减原理、企业理财方案数量递减原理和企业理财系统的不确定性传递原理构成。

    The principle of flexibility in a business finance system with the change of time consists of the principle of declining uncertainties of business finance information , the principle of declining quantities of business finance alternatives , and the principle of uncertainty in the transmission of a business finance system .

  20. 推广的N个时间的哈密顿原理和正则变换群

    Generalized Multi-Time Hamilton Principle and Canonical Transformation Group

  21. 该文分析和比较了内模控制器(IMC)和PI控制器在克服时间滞后方面原理的不同;

    This paper analyzes and compares the principle differences between internal model controller and PI controller .

  22. 应用时间序列分析原理和方法对柔性制造系统(FMS)加工尺寸数据序列进行在线建模。

    On-line modeling and forecasting for machining dimension of FMS is studied and carried out by applying time series analysis theory .

  23. 利用全球定位系统(GPS)同步地铁时钟系统,介绍了用GPS进行时间同步的原理,并结合北京地铁的实际应用介绍了GPS同步仪的设计及应用。

    Synchronize the clock system through the Global Position System ( GPS ) in subway is studied , the principle of time synchronization according to the theory of GPS is introduced , and a GPS synchronizing instrument using in Beijing subway is also dealt with .

  24. 本文阐述SSJ1G1型时间继电器的原理,多时限的功能和应用,并就其中几个电路进行了研讨与实验。

    The principle , function and application of the SSJ 1 G1 time-relay are described , and the test results of several circuits of it are also dis - cussed .

  25. 晶体管延迟注入渡越时间器件的原理与分析

    Principle and Analysis of Transistor Delayed Injection and Transit Time Device

  26. 地面长时间微重力装置原理及设计

    The Principle and Design of Continuous Micro Gravity Equipment on Earth

  27. 接着,提出基于测距的时间同步算法原理和算法步骤。

    Secondly , range-based time synchronization protocol and its steps are introduced .

  28. 时间研究的原理及应用

    Principle of Time Study and Its Application

  29. 计算所得波长值与实验值符合较好,能级寿命与能级宽度的大小关系符合海森堡的能量与时间测不准原理。

    The relationship between the level lifetimes and the level widths satisfys the Heisenberg uncertainty principle .

  30. 再次,本文根据非线性时间序列预测原理,提出股价预测模型。

    Next , the stock price prediction model is proposed on the base of nonlinear time series prediction theory .