
shí lìng
  • season;seasonal disease
时令 [shí lìng]
  • (1) [season]∶季节;节令

  • 时令已交初秋,天气逐渐凉爽

  • (2) [seasonal disease] 〈方〉∶时令病

  • 闹时令

时令[shí lìng]
  1. 我向你们推荐一些时令的新鲜水果。

    I recommend you a plate of assorted fresh fruits in season .

  2. 您要来个时令水果拼盘吗?

    Would you like to have an assorted fresh fruit in season ?

  3. 这阵子正闹时令。

    At this time of year , seasonal diseases are rampant .

  4. 冬春之交是时令病流行的季节。

    Seasonal diseases are common when winter turns into spring .

  5. 他的一番话顿时令小姐花容失色。

    His words immediately made the fair lady turn pale .

  6. 时令已交初秋。

    It is already early autumn .

  7. 今年时令不正,春旱秋涝,夏天又闹雹灾。

    We have had unseasonable weather all through the year : prolonged drought in spring , hailstorms in summer , and too much rain in autumn .

  8. 吃时令食物。不要错过三餐。

    Eat seasonal foods.Do not miss any of the three meals .

  9. 你也可以在上面找到时令水果、蔬菜或美丽的花朵。

    You can also find seasonal fruits , vegetables or beautiful flowers on them .

  10. 妙用时令蔬菜的菜谱

    recipes that make imaginative use of seasonal vegetables

  11. Eclipse生态环境是一个大型社区并且有时令人生畏。

    The Eclipse ecosystem is a large and sometimes intimidating place .

  12. 经典苹果彩虹Logo,由当下各种时令水果制成。

    Classic Apple Rainbow Logo , made entirely out of fresh fruit .

  13. Harvest:这款名为Harvest的软件能告知用户不同地区的时令果蔬。

    Harvest : An app called Harvest informs users about seasonal fruits and vegetables in different areas .

  14. 作物时令科技及管理短信生成辅助系统的CVM研究&以棉花为例

    CVM Study on SMS of Crops Seasonal Cultivating Technology and Management Auxiliary System , Taking Cotton as the Example

  15. Rovio提供了付费版、免费版、内置广告版以及时令版和非时令版更新。

    There are paid , free , and ad-supported versions , seasonal and non-seasonal updates .

  16. 一碗toripaitansoba(880日元)会为你揭开长队的秘密——光滑细腻的鸡汤打底,热气腾腾的拉面配有鸡肉和时令蔬菜。

    Join them to sample the revelatory tori paitan soba ( 880 yen ) , a steaming bowl of chicken , seasonal vegetables and noodles in a creamy chicken-based broth .

  17. 时令河大桥箱梁现浇支架设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Supporting Frame for Casting Box Girder Bridge

  18. 时令鲜果,购买时请顾客们认真挑选,出门不换。

    SeasonaBle fresh fruits . Please select carefully . Caveat emptor .

  19. 我甚至在一条砖砌小巷里看到了一只不合时令的蝴蝶。

    I even saw in a brick passageway an untimely butterfly .

  20. 大多人喜欢品尝时令水果。

    Most people like to taste what is just in season .

  21. 基本都是当地时令水果。

    Philippines breakfast – it 's all about the local fruits here .

  22. 这个时令鲜鱼蒸的非常好。

    The steamed seasonal fresh fish is very good .

  23. 时令食品既好吃又便宜。

    When foods are in season , they taste good and are inexpensive .

  24. 我最喜爱的春季时令葡萄酒在市面上芳踪难觅。

    My favorite spring wine is one that is almost impossible to find .

  25. 没有新鲜草莓了,时令已过。菜店的卡车装了一车新鲜草莓。

    The greengrocer 's truck had been carrying a load of fresh strawberries .

  26. 他穿着不合时令的西装而汗流浃背。

    He was sweating mightily in his unseasonable suit .

  27. 这与时令完全和谐。

    This is quite in accord with the season .

  28. 随意搭配的时令水果,是不是看到就要咬一口啊。

    Random with seasonal fruit , is not that we should bite ah .

  29. 时令蔬菜,味鲜可口。

    VegetaBles in season are agreeaBle to the taste .

  30. 草莓的时令期只有几个星期。

    The strawberry season only lasts a few weeks .