
  • 网络Gibbsite;bayerite;hydrargillite
  1. 三水铝石(γ-Al(OH)3)和α-Al2O3表面酸碱性质与磷酸根吸附研究

    Studies on the surface acid-base properties and phosphate adsorption behavior of gibbsite (γ - Al ( OH ) _3 ) and α - Al_2O_3

  2. 江西发现一种新成因类型的三水铝石

    A new species of gibbsite recently recognized in Jiangxi

  3. 用DSC研究纯三水铝石溶出动力学

    Studies on the Kinetics of Digestion Process of Synthetic Gibbsite by DSC

  4. X射线衍射增量法在三水铝石定量分析中的应用&以桂西堆积型铝土矿中的红土为例

    Application of X-ray diffraction increment method to quantitative analysis for gibbsite : an example of red soil from accumulated type bauxite in Western Guangxi

  5. 用吸附平衡法研究草酸、pH对针铁矿、三羟铝石、三水铝石、高岭石吸附Cd2+的影响及机制。

    Effects of oxalic acid and pH on Cd2 + sorption on goethite , bayerite , gibbsite and kaolinite were conducted by a batch equilibrium technique .

  6. 采用X衍射标样增量法对红土中三水铝石进行了定量分析,并将该方法分析结果与化学物相分析结果进行了对比。

    X-ray diffraction with standard increment method has been developed for quantitative analysis of gibbsite in accumulated type of bauxite . The results have been compared with those from chemical phase analysis with satisfaction .

  7. 简述了X射线衍射增量法进行定量分析的原理、实验过程和实验条件,并用该方法对桂西堆积型铝土矿中的红土三水铝石进行了定量分析。

    The paper has briefly described the basic principle of X-ray diffraction increment method , experiment process and conditions and successfully applied the method in quantitative analysis on gibbsite in red soil from accumulated type bauxite in Western Guangxi .

  8. 其中三水铝石为他形粒状结构、块状构造。

    But the bayerite has xenomorphic grain structure and nubby construction .

  9. 拟薄水铝石中三水铝石和拜尔石的含量分析

    Analysis on Contents of Aluminite Trihydrate and Baeyer Stone in Quasi-thin-water Aluminite

  10. 堆积铝土矿中三水铝石成因探讨

    The Approach of Origin of Gibbsite in Accumulation Bauxite

  11. 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石矿综合利用前景

    Prospects for Comprehensive Utilization of Gibbsite from Accumulated Bauxite in Western Guangxi Province

  12. 三水铝石铝土矿溶出添加石灰的探讨

    Discussion about adding lime during gibbsite digestion

  13. 粒度对高铁三水铝石型铝土矿烧结性能和烧结矿显微结构的影响

    Effects of Grain Size on Sintering Properties of High Iron Trihydrate Bauxite and Sinter Microstructure

  14. 从白垩或者石灰石中得到的碱土。三水铝石铝土矿溶出添加石灰的探讨

    Alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone . Discussion about adding lime during gibbsite digestion

  15. 灰色系统理论中的三维数据序列(英文)三水铝石铝土矿溶出添加石灰的探讨

    Three-dimensional Data Sequences in Grey System Theory ; Discussion about adding lime during gibbsite digestion

  16. 该三水铝石矿具有溶出性能好、冶炼成本低,经济价值高等优点。

    The gibbsite is characterized with high digesting rate and low smelting cost and high economic value .

  17. 凤眼莲加速水溶液中马拉硫磷降解三水铝石铝土矿溶出添加石灰的探讨

    Water hyacinth accelerating the degradation of malathion in aqueous solution Discussion about adding lime during gibbsite digestion

  18. 试论平果三水铝石成因、富集规律及工业价值

    Discussion on origin centralize regularity and industry value of the alo ( oh ) _3 ore in Pingguo

  19. 砂状氧化铝焙烧工艺制度的选择&兼谈三水铝石脱水相变的途径

    SELECTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL REGIME FOR SANDY ALUMINA ROASTING & On the Route for Dewatering and Phase Changing of Gibbsite

  20. 广西两种三水铝石铝土矿成矿的差异性桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石成因矿物学研究

    DIFFERENCES OF MINERALIZATION OF TWO GIBBSITE BAUXITES IN GUANGXI PROVINCE Minerageny of gibbsite in accumulation-type bauxite deposits in western Guangxi

  21. 初步研究结果表明,玄武岩发育的砖红壤的粘土矿物组成以高岭石、三水铝石、赤铁矿为主;

    The results showed that , for laterites derived from basalt , the predominant clay minerals arekaolinite , gibbsite and hematite ;

  22. 高铁三水铝石型铝土矿烧结过程中氧化铝反应热力学

    Thermodynamics of reaction of alumina during sintering process of high-iron gibbsite-type bauxite Method for determination of aluminium trioxide content in manganese ores

  23. 桂西是我国最重要的三水铝石资源产地,具有良好的综合利用前景。

    Western Guangxi province is one of the most important mining areas of gibbsite deposite and has wide prospects for comprehensive utilization .

  24. 形成的矿物组合以10埃洛石为主,包括伊利石、伊利石/蒙脱石混层矿物、三水铝石、三羟铝石、石膏、水铝英石和石英。

    The mineral assemblage consists mainly of pure 10 halloysites including illite , I / M mixed-layer minerals , gibbsite , gypsum and quartz .

  25. 伊利石、三水铝石、蛭石的含量山地黄壤多于赤红壤,而高岭石则相反。

    Contents of illite , gibbsite , vermiculite are richer in the yellow soil than in the latosolic red soil , and kaolinite is converse .

  26. 铝的载体矿物主要是以微细颗粒集合体被针铁矿包裹的三水铝石和以类质同象存在于针铁矿中的铝;

    Major aluminum-bearing carrier minerals include independent gibbsite enwrapped by goethite as fine granules , and others exist in goethite in the form of isomorphism .

  27. 研究资料证实,红土中的三水铝石含量甚高,不少地段已达到工业利用的要求。

    Investigative datum confirm , the content of AlO ( OH ) 3 bauxite in ruddle is very high many ruddle have attained industry require .

  28. 上述低密度薄水铝石的水热种分法合成不仅丰富了传统三水铝石种分过饱和铝酸钠溶液过程的研究,也提供了一种低密度薄水铝石的制备方法。

    The very light boehmite seed precipitation process not only enrichs the traditional gibbsite seed precipitation process , but also provides a preparation method of very light boehmite .

  29. 研究表明,红土风化壳剖面自下而上,伊利石、高岭石减少,三水铝石、针铁矿、赤铁矿增多。

    The study shows that from the bottom to the top of laterite weathering crust profile , illite and kaolin decrease , gibbsite , goethite and hematite increase .

  30. 苏州高岭土矿主要由高岭石、7埃洛石、10埃洛石及少量绢云母、蒙脱石、明矾石、三水铝石组成。

    The kaolin deposits in Suzhou consist mainly of kaolinite , 7 halloysite and 10 halloysite , with less sericite and montmorillonite and varying amounts of alunite , gibbsite and phosphate minerals in company .