
  • 网络history of the three kingdoms;Samguk sagi
  1. 论《三国史记·金庾信传》独特的创作原则

    Unique Artistic Principles of Biography of Kim Yu-sin in History of the Three Kingdoms

  2. 《三国史记.高句丽本纪》中的乐浪国纪事有很重的传说成份,这主要是受内地传说影响演变而成的;

    The recorder of Le-lang State in Biography of Koguryo in History of the Three Kingdoms has a very strong legend components , mainly was affected by the mainland legend ;

  3. 《三国史记》的文学文献价值和文学史的地位也是很突出的。

    , " History of three kingdoms " literature value and station in literature history are also important .

  4. 《三国史记》中的民族意识和儒家观念同样突出。

    2 , " History of three kingdoms ' " ethical consciousness and Confucianism were the same stand out .

  5. 《三国史记》所张扬的民族精神是它的文学价值的源泉之一。

    6 , The ethical consciousness in " History of three kingdoms " is the headspring of its literature value .

  6. 《三国史记》所勾勒的三国文学史有许多地方为后人所误解。

    8 , " History of three kingdoms " outline a clue of literature history , but some were misapprehended .

  7. 《三国史记》列传部分收录了很多军事和政治方面的英雄人物,这些人物的传记占整个列传部分的76%。

    There are many biographies of military and political heroes in Samguksagi , and these works account for76 percent of total biographies in it .

  8. 《三国史记》具有比较高的文学价值,而且是在本纪和列传中普遍存在的。

    5 , " History of three kingdoms " possess high literature value , it is all-pervading in " chronicles " and " biographies " .

  9. 《三国史记》、《三国遗事》的始祖神话&古代朝鲜、日本及中国神话之比较

    The First Ancestor 's Myth Recorded in " Historical Records on the Three Kingdoms " and " The Forepassed Incidents of the Three Kingdoms " & Comparison among ancient Korean , Japanese and Chinese myth

  10. 本文认为,《三国史记》的文学价值是比较高的,其中具备文学性的部分并不是个别的篇章,而是在本纪和列传中普遍存在的许多篇章。

    My text thought , the literature value of the " History of three kingdoms " is high , thereinto literature value part is not individual canto , but many canto in " chronicles " and " biographies " .

  11. 关于《三国史记》从儒家史观出发对原典进行了改造这一点,学界已有共识,但由于缺乏具体的分析和客观的证据,往往把这方面的情况夸大。

    The scholars concerned have shared their views on the shift of original sources in History of Three Kingdoms from a Confucian angle , but they , due to their shortage of concrete analyses and objective evidence , always stretch the facts in this regard .

  12. 试论汉魏时期高句丽政权的统辖区域&以《三国史记·高句丽本纪》记事为中心中原、南方政权对高句丽的管辖册封及高句丽改称高丽时间考

    A Study of the Koguryo Regime in the Han and Wei Period and Its Governing Region ; The Domination and Conferring Titles on Koguryo of the State Political Power of Central Plains and the South & Checking on the Time of Changing the Name from Koguryo to Koryo