
  • 网络Yanzhou;yomju
  1. 金硫代苹果酸盐正在明尼苏达州和亚利桑那州的梅奥诊断中肺癌病人进行I期临床试验。

    The drug , aurothiomalate , is being tested in a phase I clinical trial in patients with lung cancer at Mayo Clinic 's sites in Minnesota and Arizona .

  2. 波利维尔盐洼:犹他州西北部的一大平原,在史前波利维尔湖湖床上的大盐湖西部。该洼地常用来进行测速试验。

    A plain of northwest Utah west of Great Salt Lake in the bed of prehistoric Lake Bonneville The flats are often used for speed-test trials .