
Combine-wrench fault is a new type of fault ── study on THREE-SEA fracture zone
Above towered the white dagoba , its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes , despite their man-made adornments , revealed their full northern bleakness .
The characters of time-space evolution in sea surface temperature anomaly ( SSTA ) for each ocean and corresponding wind anomaly field are attained using rotated principal component and projection analysis methods .
This study comes to the following results : On the basis of SVD analysis and cluster analysis , three Ocean-Atmosphere coupled regimes are identified using 500 hPa height field from ECMWF data and SST field from COADS covering 10 cold seasons .
The country is bounded on three sides by the sea .
The tertiary sea level changes in the East China Sea Shelf Basin
France is a big country , with coasts on three sides .
Marine inundation features and its significance of sequence stratigraphy of Eogene in central Hebei
Each third-order sea-level change cycle , in turn , comprises several fourth-order rise and fall cycles .
The maximun frequency of the storm events is consistent with the fourth or the third order maximum flooding stage .
Carboniferous to Permian sequence stratigraphic framework of the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi basin and its adjacent areas and global correlation of third-order sea-level change
However , location of this maximum frequency varies from lowstand , transgressive to highstand sequence sets in a third order sea level change .
This clear discrepancy shows that third-order sea-level changes controlled not only by the global sea-level changes but also by the regional tectonic movements .
From the globe climate system , the recent study achievement about ocean-atmosphere interaction , particular ocean-atmosphere coupled dominating modes in three tropical oceans have been reviewed .
It is believed that there are three sea level change cycles during the Ordovician period in the study area : the first one occurred from early to late Lianghekou age ;
Late Permian-Middle Triassic Sea Level Changes of Yangtze Platform
The wide expanses of ocean on three sides of South Africa have a moderating influence on its climate .
Surrounded by the sea on three sides , modern Qingdao is considered one of the most livable cities in China .
Second , the smaller scale of migraton , Fujian moving its people inland to30 and50 miles but Shandong just moving islanders inland .
The Sanmenkou Sea Crossing Project consists of three bridges which are named North Bridge , Central Bridge , and South Bridge and the connecting line .
Colombo looks like a sleeping beauty , walks arm in arm in at the foot of the hill , three are facing the sea , everywhere is the golden color sand beach .
The third chapter of the sea plastic group development history , the reform and reorganization of other analysis , to clarify the assumptions and plans to solve the problem , for the following empirical analysis .
In recent years , with the rapid growth of port container throughput of our country , three channels for sea-rail container transportation and network of container transportation has gradually formed , which creates favorable conditions for the development of sea-rail container transportation .
GDP per capita roughly equals that of the three Baltic states .
A compound model of sea-clutter radar cross-section ( RCS ) based on sea spike was introduced and a definition of spike with the profiles of time , attenuation and frequency based on principle of stationary surge was proposed .
After that they boarded a ship and sailed over the sea .
The lighthouse is an important mark for pilots .
One side had a mountain , and others were seas in the sky tonight .
Third , adapting to rising seas .
The South China Sea is the largest semi-enclosed sea among the three marginal seas of China , with an area of about 350 million square kilometers .