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  1. 我院办三馆的教学实践与效益创建CBE模式办出高工专教育特色

    EXPERIENCE & BENEFIT OF TEACHING IN SELF-DEVELOPED SETTINGS Developing a CBE Mode and Conduct Higher Engineering Professional Education with Distinctive Features

  2. 唐代三馆选任了一批著名的文人学者,为唐代文化建设作出了重要贡献。

    They have made the important contribution for the Tang Dynasty cultural reconstruction .

  3. 北宋三馆秘阁馆职及两制词臣频繁参与宫廷及馆阁宴赏诗会,构成北宋诗歌发展的重要文化背景。

    In Northern Song Dynasty , the palace verse parties constituted an important cultural background for the development of poems .

  4. 沈阳奥林匹克体育中心为一场三馆式布局,“一场”为主体育场,“三馆”为综合体育馆、游泳馆、网球馆。

    The Shenyang Olympic Sports Centre is consisted of a main stadium and an indoor stadium , a natatorium and a tennis court .

  5. 在美丽的巢湖之滨,滨湖“三馆”将组成一个整体,为安徽省暨合肥市的文化事业增添新的亮点。

    Lying to the bank of beautiful Chaohu Lake , the three museums will surely become a new highlight of the cultural undertakings of Hefei , even Anhui province .

  6. 那里的弟兄们、一听见我们的信息、就出来到亚比乌巿、和三馆地方迎接我们.保罗见了他们、就感谢神、放心壮胆。

    And from thence , when the brethren heard of us , they came to meet us as far as Appii forum , and The three taverns : whom when Paul saw , he thanked God , and took courage .

  7. 利用裂变径迹法测定了济阳坳陷第三系馆陶组至孔店组碎屑沉积岩的年龄,并将所测年龄与古地磁极性年龄、K-Ar法同位素年龄相对比,三者基本一致。

    The age of clastic sedimentary rock of the Tertiary Guantao formation to Kongdian for - mation in the Jiyang sag was determined by using the method of fission track and compared with those ages determined by palaeo-geomagnetic polarity and K-Ar isotope , the results were almost the same .

  8. 南堡凹陷第三系馆陶组火山岩相研究

    Study on volcanic facies of Tertiary Guantao Formation in Nanpu Sag

  9. 热储层为上第三系馆陶组和明化镇组下部砂砾岩含水层。

    The thermal reservoir includes sand-gravel aquifer of Guantao Formation and the bottom of Minghuazhen Formation of Neogene .

  10. 相似之处在于这三个馆都是在近现代史上,用革命手段开放的以皇宫旧址和宫廷收藏为主的大型博物馆。

    The similarity is that the three big museums , chiefly based on the sites and collections of palaces , were all opened to the public through the revolutionary means in modern history .

  11. 山西文献信息资源整合,应该采取两步走战略,依托CALIS和CERnet,建立A,B,C三类等级馆,最终实现跨平台、跨数据库、跨内容的资源共建共享。

    The integration of Shanxi / s literature information resources should adopt the two-step strategy , rely on CALIS and CERnet , establish the libraries of A-level , B-level and C-level , and realize the co-constructing and sharing of the trans-platform , trans-database and trans-content literature resources .

  12. 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点?但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃

    Break and burn and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe , I watched it begin again

  13. 某钢筋混凝土三铰拱式游泳馆的加固设计

    The strengthening design of a RC triple hinged arch natatorium

  14. 陈燕也持有商业管理硕士学位,拥有三个蓝天使咖啡馆连锁店。

    Chen also holds a master 's degree in business , and owns a chain of three Blue Angel Caf é restaurants .

  15. 第三部分,对馆员与高校图书馆阅读文化建设的关系进行了分析,总结出二者之间的作用和影响。

    The third part analyzed the relationship between librarians and the reading culture construction of the academic libraries , and summed up their interaction influence .

  16. 这部分主要是针对第三章高校档案馆服务功能拓展存在的问题提出解决的见解和建议。结束语:这一部分对文章进行简要的总结,并对高校档案馆服务功能拓展的前景进行展望。

    This part is mainly for the second part of the problems of archives service function to put forward views and suggestions . Conclusion : This part gives a brief summary of the article and discusses the service function of University archives expand prospects .