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  1. 胡适与20世纪的中国词学

    Hu Shi and the Thought of Ci in the 20th Century

  2. 第一章整理归纳周密的词学思想。

    The first chapter of the ci-poetry subtle things up thoughts .

  3. 一是词学观念的影响。

    One is the influence on the concept of Ci .

  4. 转换的过程大体可分三阶段:一、传统词学的辉煌期。

    There are three periods in the process of transition .

  5. 张炎词学思想探微

    Study on the Thoughts of Zhang Yan ' Ci Poetry

  6. 现代词学的确立期。

    The third is the establishing period of modern theory .

  7. 论传播媒介对词学研究的影响

    Influences of Communication Media upon Studies of the Ci Poetry

  8. 在词学史上,占有重要的地位和价值。

    They play an important role and are valuable in Ci history .

  9. 所以,我们从中可以窥见当代人的词学观念。

    So we can understand the contemporary opinions of Ci .

  10. 再次,词学具有思想价值。

    Thirdly , Ci - selection has value of thought .

  11. 谭献的词学思想

    Study on Tan - xian 's Thought of Ci Poetry

  12. 试论苏轼的词学思想及其创作实践

    On SuShi 's thought of ci and his creative practice

  13. 20世纪是词学研究的繁荣阶段,而作为普及与传播唐宋词的词作选本历来相对较少。

    The study of Ci poem had got flourishing in the 20 century .

  14. 从中可以看出陈廷焯词学思想演变的轨迹。

    From this we can see the development of Chen Tingzhuo 's thought .

  15. 这一理论对宋词的创作和词学思想产生了深远影响。

    The theory brought a great influence to Song-Ci .

  16. 这是二人词学主张的核心。

    Both are the core of the two composers ' ci study stand .

  17. 清代词学文献的整理和研究

    Assortment and Study of Qing Documents of Ci Theories

  18. 20世纪词学批评流派论

    On School of Ci Criticism in the 20th Century

  19. 中国古典词学批评中的李清照论

    The Controversy Over Li Qing - zhao 's Ci in Chinese Classical Poetical Criticism

  20. 英语考试易混淆词学与练。

    Learn to discriminate similar English words ii .

  21. 词学审美范畴研究

    Research on Aesthetic Categories in Ci Poetry Studies

  22. 二十世纪中国词学学术史论纲(上篇)

    Outline of Academic History of the Ci poetry Studies in the Twentieth Century ;

  23. 论苏轼的词学思想

    The Study of Sushi 's Ci-Study Thought

  24. 王国维的词学研究

    Wang Guowei 's Study of Ci Poetry

  25. 晚清四大家词学与词作研究

    A Research on the Ci Studies and Works by Four Masters in Late Qing Dynasty

  26. 他是中国词学由传统到现代转换中具有里程碑意义的人物。

    His theory was a milestone of the transition from traditional theory to modern theory .

  27. 《词论》是李清照阐述其词学理念的一篇词学专论。

    Ci Lun is one of the important articles presenting LI Qing-zhao 's theory of ci .

  28. 叶嘉莹的学术成果主要体现在对中国词学及相关问题的研究。

    Ye Jia_ying 's academic achievements lie in his study of Chinese Ci and relevant issues .

  29. 第三章探讨陶梁的词学思想及其在词论史上的地位。

    Tao Liang Chapter of poetic thought and its position in the history of the word .

  30. 略论乾隆词坛的词学面貌&以袁枚词学活动考论为中心

    On Ci-xue Appearance of Qianlong Ci-tan & Centering on the Study of Yuan Mei 's Ci-xue Activities