
cí xuǎn
  • selections of ci;verse anthology
  1. MeSH主题词选设与文献量相关度剖析

    MeSH 's Subject Word Choice and Analysis of Document Quantity

  2. 早在2013年,“自拍”大幅流行之时,编写者们就把“Selfie(自拍照)”这个词选为了“年度词汇”。

    In 2013 , in recognition of the growing popularity of self-portraits , the editors selected ' selfie , ' for the ' Word of the Year ' !

  3. 清代词选研究

    Pure word deafness The Study on Ci Collectanea of Qing Dynasty

  4. 尤其是《花庵词选》,它昭示了词体在南宋的美学走向。

    Especially , Huaancixuan implied aesthetic trend of Ci in Nansong .

  5. 明清白话小说俗语词选释

    The Explanation Of Words In Ming And Qing Popular Novels

  6. 给划线词选正确音标。

    Choose the right sound of the underlined word .

  7. 论《近三百年名家词选》选词学价值

    On the Value of Ci-Selection in Selected Ci of Nearly Three Hundred Years

  8. 黄升《花庵词选》的编纂动机及其成书的文化背景

    Motive of Huang Sheng in Editing Hua'an Ci Selected Works and Cultural Background of the Formation of the Book

  9. 通过对两部词选的量化分析,我们可以了解到南宋词坛的主要动态。

    Through the quantitive analysis , we can learn the general information about poetic forum of the Later Song Dynasty .

  10. 本段文章讨论流行歌曲的录制,其中用词选字有多处明显失当。

    The foregoing paragraph , which analyzes the recording of a popular song , is an example of poor word choices .

  11. 词选是清代词学理论的重要形态,在清代词学史上产生了重要作用。

    They , as an important form of Ci theory , played a significant role in the history of Qing Ci poetry theory .

  12. 南宋“复雅”思潮及诗文选评风气之盛,是《花庵词选》成书不可或缺的重要文化背景。

    At that time , the current of returning to elegance and the selection of poetic works was the important cultural background of editing the book .

  13. 系统梳理晚清词论家陈廷焯对于历代词选的批评,以此凸现陈廷焯的选本理念。

    This paper gives a systematic survey of the late Qing Dynasty 's Ci expert , Chen Tingzhuo 's Ci selection and criticism , and shows his idea in Ci selection .

  14. 正如我所演示,现代文风之大谬莫过于不再遴词选句,以便清晰地表情达意。

    As I have tried to show , modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the meaning clearer .

  15. 词选所选恋情词,皆避开情与欲的正面碰撞,借梦境曲达情意,并通与落花、伤春等现象联系,体现精神层面之雅。

    Word choose the selected romances word , all avoid the positive emotions and desires , collision of cordiality , borrow dreams song with the fallen petal , hurt the phenomenon such as spring contact , reflect spirit levels of " elegant " .

  16. 词选或多或少体现了选者的词学思想,是探讨选者词学思想的重要依据之一,故而受到学术界的重视,研究成果也层出不穷。

    Selection of Ci poetry can reflect the scholars thoughts of Ci more or less . It is one of the important bases to investigate the critic in Ci , so it can receives the academic to take important and research outputs emerge in endlessly .

  17. 摘要《倚声初集》是清代最早编撰的词选之一,它对清初的词风嬗变起到了重要的推动作用,并对人们编撰词选有着一定的影响。

    " The first collectanea of CI poems ", one of the earliest CI collections compiled in the Qing dynasty , is a great push to the evolution of CI style of early qing , and plays a certain role in the compilation of CI poems .

  18. 用医学术语,词治疗类选法提到提供关心给最贫穷患者。

    In medical terms , the word triage refers to providing care to the most needy of patients .

  19. 该文据有关明清词别集和词选,辑补遗漏之词作目录1625首。

    Based on the personal collections and anthologies of Ci in the Ming and Qing dynasties , this article makes a catalogue of the 1625 pieces omitted .

  20. 纽约大学本地编辑和掴客写手迈尔斯谭泽用这个词来结束我们今年的词选,这引发了本站最近不少讨论。

    NYU Local editor and Gawker writer Myles Tanzer closes us out for the year with this one , which has been the cause of some discussion on this very site recently .

  21. 无论是在创作、词学理论批评,还是在词选实践上,清代皖籍词人都做出了突出贡献。

    Whether in theory of creation , the Ci-poetry criticism , or in the words chosen on practice , Anhui Ci in Qing dynasty cadastral has made outstanding contribution .

  22. 清代词学理论文献的主要形式有词话、词选、论词诗词、词律词韵、序跋批注、书札专论文等。

    Qing documents of ci theories are represented by comments , selections , prefaces , epilogues , notes and essays .