
cí zhòng yīn
  • word stress
词重音[cí zhòng yīn]
  1. 关于英语词重音的模式,语言学家提出过不同的解释方法。

    There are various explanations of English word stress patterns by linguists .

  2. 本论文是针对普通话词重音所做的一项音系学研究。

    This study applies a phonological approach to word stress in Chinese Putonghua .

  3. 本文试图运用TG理论音位学中复合词重音规则和短语重音规则,建立一种简便易懂而又科学准确的句子重音标立模式。

    This paper makes an attempt to establish a new model for marking sentence stress more scientifically and more precisely , in the light of the English phonological compound stress rule and the phrase stress rule .

  4. 襄阳话与普通话音系比较汉语普通话词重音的音系学研究

    A Comparison of Phonetic System between Xiangyang Dialect and Putonghua

  5. 英语普通话与汉语普通话词重音比较

    A Comparative Study in Word Stress Between the English And Chinese Languages

  6. 句子的语调影响句尾词重音模式。

    And the intonation influences the trisyllable word-stress patterns .

  7. 普通话韵律词重音知觉

    The perception of prosodic word stress in standard Chinese

  8. 英语词重音的参数设定与规则

    A Parametric Approach to English Word Stress Rules

  9. 俄语词重音是一个比较复杂的问题,因此,对于学习俄语的中国人来说,俄语词重音是一个难点,但却非常重要。

    Therefore , it is very essential for Chinese Russian learners to figure out this issue .

  10. 谈俄语词重音

    A Discussion on Russian Word Stress

  11. 英语合成词重音教学

    Stress in English Compound Words

  12. 正确语音对有效使用英语交流非常重要,而词重音在其中更起着不可低估的作用。

    The present paper is concerned with English word-stress , a feature that is essential for efficient communication .

  13. 本文用实验方法进一步佐证了元音性质的差异的确对汉语普通话双音节词重音位置存在一定影响。

    This artic further testified that the vowel quality does have some influence on the placement of stressed syllables in Standard Chinese .

  14. 普通话韵律词重音知觉韵律对指代歧义的解歧作用及其机制

    The perception of prosodic word stress in standard Chinese Experimental Research on the role of prosodic feature in disambiguating demonstrative ambiguous sentences

  15. 讨论分析了词重音、句重音、音渡和语调等超音段音位在英语口语中的表义功能。

    The author deals with the semantic functions of English suprasegmental phonemes such as word stress , sentence stress , juncture and intonation .

  16. 韵律特征包含音节数、重音(词重音和句重音)、节奏、停顿、语调等。

    Prosodic elements include such factors as the number of syllable , stress ( word stress and sentence stress ), rhythm , pause , etc.

  17. 作者在本文中归纳剖析了在学习者当中所犯的词重音及语调错误,并就如何改正这些错误提出了切实可行的方法和建议。

    This paper is aimed at summarizing and analyzing English learners'errors in word stress and intonation , thereby proposing practical methods and advice for improvement .

  18. 本文认为设定重音音步参数的方法深入地解释了英语词重音模式,由此方法导出的规则较全面地概括了英语词重音现象。

    This paper holds that this approach provides a thorough explanation of English word stress and the rules derived from these parameters can predict the stress of English words quite successfully .

  19. 笔者采用共时比较的方法,考察俄汉音节结构、声调和重音(本文指词重音)、连读形变等的异同。

    In this paper we take synchronic comparison to compare the differences and similarities of these two languages in the syllabic structure , tone and stress and sound changes in the speech .

  20. 研究发现,汉语词重音系统的迁移和普遍趋势都不足以解释错误重音分布和两种重音结构的产生。

    It is found that the transfer of Chinese stress system and the knowledge of universal tendencies are not able to account for the erroneous stress assignments and the types of stress pattern .

  21. 作者通过对已有音系理论的总结和归纳、与外语(特别是英语)词重音研究的对比,认为目前的音系学理论足以对普通话词重音的规律做出解释。

    Through analysis of phonological theories and comparative studies of word stress in other languages , especially English , the author believes that the current phonological theory is well-equipped for the explanation of Putonghua word stress .

  22. 并根据知觉模式,讨论汉语中重音分类、词重音在语流中的变化以及重音在语句组织和语义表达中的作用等问题。

    Questions about the types of stress , shift of word accent in the sentence , and the role of stress pattern played in sentence organization were discussed on the basis of the perceptual patterns of stress in the sentence .

  23. 关于这一现象的形成原因,大多数学者认为与蒙古语的重音位置有关,蒙古语词重音在词首音节,所以词首音节短元音发音清晰响亮,非词首音节短元音就弱化以至脱落。

    That is , since the stress of a Mongolian word falls on the first syllable , the short vowel of the first syllable is pronounced as clear and grand-sounding , and on the contrary non-first-syllable short vowel weakens or even disappears .

  24. “student”这个词的重音在第一音节上。

    The word " student " has its accent on the first syllable .

  25. importance一词的重音在第二音节上。

    The accent in the word " importance " is on the second syllable .

  26. 在英文TTS系统中,未登录词的重音标注是除字音转换外另一个十分重要的环节。

    Accent assignment of out-of-vocabulary is a very important component besides letter-to-phoneme Conversion in English Text-To-Speech ( TTS ) .

  27. 连续话语中双音节韵律词的重音感知

    The perception of disyllabic word stress of Chinese speech in utterance

  28. 这个词的重音落在最后一个音节上。

    The accent of this word falls on the last syllable .

  29. 无重读音节不重读的单词、音节或单音这个词的重音在前半部。

    A word , syllable , or sound that is unaccented .

  30. 多音节词,重音一般放在从尾数上第三个音节上。如。

    We should not put the stress on the wrong syllable .