- 名word frequency

The program can show us word frequency .
The concept of relative word frequency ( RWF ) is presented for evaluating the strength of word collocation .
Research Focus Analysis Based on the Frequency of Topic Words and G-index
Field-Weighted XML Document Level Retrieval and Evaluation
As for free productive vocabulary , the software for Lexical Frequency invented by Nation has been used .
The keyword is weighted by HTML tags besides frequency and location .
To settle this problem , this paper presents a hybrid feature definition method for Email classification .
This system adopts a new algorithm of feature extraction and a new method to determine filtering threshold based on small webpage training sets and term-frequency statistics of corpus .
The present Web mining technology , especially the core algorithmic of Web document classification and clustering are based on statistical word frequency Vector Space Model ( VSM ) .
We used the improved K-mean method to estimate the parameters and the margin linear method for smoothing parameter results in frequency statistics .
It adds knowledge-based features in bag-of-word features to improve F-score in Email classification .
Based on the research of the classification analysis and subject analysis , this paper introduces hot topics and part of advanced fields of information retrieval in the world in the 1990s .
Word frequency calculation is an important characteristic of HSK .
We can use term frequency to have a weighted calculation and improve traditional text similarity calculation probability model in SVM algorithm .
Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) classification technique is used to evaluate the short text and inspect out the correlation between categories .
Influence of Frequency of Words and Grades on the FOK Judgment
This study also focuses on the PageRank algorithm , Hits algorithm and Frequency position weighing algorithm .
Whereas Email feature representation based on word frequency cannot represent the topic of an Email precisely , this paper presents a hybrid feature representation method for Email classification .
Word frequency , marked sources location and ontology relation distances handled by the system are used as input samples of the Back-Propagation Neural Networks ( BPNN ) to predict the document level .
Improved feature selection method and TF-IDF formula based on word frequency differentia
And in order to improve the recall rate and precision rate of information retrieval , this paper summarizes the query expansion method based on user behavior and word frequency , then design a architecture of query expansion based on Web Semantics .
A approach for word disambiguation based on HNC One was lexical frequency , and the other was discourse context .
Using WordSmith software we also analyzed the frequency of words composing the titles of 7985 papers and found the common research interests and the hot topics of the double sides .
Analysis of the Research Hotspots in Domestic and Foreign Information Retrieval Field & Based on the Z-Score Word Frequency
Word frequency effect of Chinese task represented on left Broca area , and English task represented on bilateral Broca area .
This paper presents the weight calculation based on term frequency by analyzing the important effects of E-mail character field in topic expression , and improves the traditional probabilistic model of resemblance calculation .
The model utilizes information entropy and term frequency-inverse document ( tf-idf ) frequency to analyze and reconstruct the discriminative information carried by atoms .
To improve the accuracy of term frequency , SBGA employs a new method TFS , which takes word sense into account while calculating term frequency .
Due to the lack of comparative study on word based Chinese text classification in the previous research , this paper proposes a controlled comparative Chinese text classification experiment on combining character / word representation and classical classifiers such as TFIDF / Rocchio Naive Bayes Support .
In this method , words which appear more than twice are picked up to represent the content of the nodes , and then improved STC algorithm is employed to build a hierarchical structure with the selected words .