
  • 网络The Three Caballeros;TheThreeCaballeros
  1. 有三个骑士死了。

    Three of the horsemen died .

  2. 希琳公主吓得尖叫起来,王后的三位骑士一齐倒吸一口凉气。

    Princess Shireen gave a shriek , and three of the queen 's knights gasped in harmony .

  3. 至高无上的父神菲哈拉赐予了三位骑士无上的荣耀,他们被获许在天界永生。

    The gods were pleased with this , and granted the three knights eternal life in the heavens .

  4. 高文也中途作罢,只有三个骑士——博斯、珀西瓦尔和加拉哈德由于纯洁无暇在戈比尼克城堡见到了圣杯。

    Gawain gave up the search . Only three knights --- Bors , Galahad , and Perceval --- were pure enough in life to find the Grail in the castle of Corbenic .

  5. 尽管笑面树骑士莱安娜击败三个骑士需要很大的运气成分(他们的水平未知),但这并非不可能。

    While Lyanna-as-the-KoLT would require a great deal of luck to defeat three knights ( even though their level of skill is unknown ), it 's not entirely out of the realm of possibility .

  6. 整整三场,骑士才明白,格林根本杀不死比赛——至少进攻端不行。

    It took them three whole games , but the Cavaliers finally realized that Green can 't beat them - not on offense .

  7. 火箭队成为本赛季第三支战胜骑士、勇士和马刺的球队。(其余两队是公牛队和灰熊队)

    Rockets : 1 of 3 teams this season with wins over the Cavaliers , Warriors and Spurs ( others are Bulls and Grizzlies )

  8. 欧文则是史上最好的控球后卫之一,是自艾弗森以后最优秀的终结点,他一记致命三分帮助骑士队击败了73胜9负的勇士队,当我们看着他们对飙的时候,其实是在见证伟大。

    Irving has the best handles of all time , is one of the best finishers we 've seen since Allen Iverson and made the shotover those same 73-9 Warriors to win the NBA Finals . We 're watching greatness when we watch both of them .

  9. 看到蠕虫消失后,三个女巫和骑士开始往山上爬去,他们认为中午之前肯定能赶到好运泉。

    Rejoicing at the Worm 's disappearance , the three witches and the knight began to climb the hill , sure that they would reach the Fountain before noon .

  10. 溪流把这些记忆带走了,河里出现了几块踏脚石,三个女巫和骑士终于能过河去山顶了。

    The stream swept them away , and stepping stones appeared , and the three witches and the knight were able to pass at last on to the summit of the hill .

  11. 三个女巫和骑士继续往上爬,但尽管他们又走了好几个小时,却一步也没有前进,山顶还是那样遥远,他们面前的地上仍然刻着那一行字。

    The three witches and the knight continued to climb , but though they walked for hours more , they advanced not a step ; the summit came no nearer , and still the inscription lay in the earth before them .

  12. 三个女巫和骑士手挽手,一起朝山下走去。四个人非常幸福地活了很久,可他们谁也不知道,也从未怀疑过,其实好运泉的泉水一点魔法也没有。

    The three witches and the knight set off down the hill together , arm in arm , and all four led long and happy lives , and none of them ever knew or suspected that the Fountain 's waters carried no enchantment at all .