
  • 网络triphasic wave;Triphasic waveform
  1. 三相波2例,1例死亡;

    Of 2 triphasic waves , 1 died ;

  2. 比较了4例治疗前、后的脑波,其中2例在昏迷时见到三相波,醒转后消失。

    The findings before and after therapy were compared in four cases , two of them showed triphasic waves during unconsciousness , which disappeared after awakening .

  3. 方法回顾性比较13例散发性CJD患者DWI异常信号与临床表现及脑电图三相波(PSD)的一致性。

    Methods DWI abnormalities , clinical features and EEG findings in 13 cases of sporadic CJD were compared .

  4. 9例脑电图(EEG)表现典型的、1例表现不典型的三相波,(3)12例头颅MRI检查,5例出现双侧基底节区T2加权像WI对称性高信号;

    9 cases showed typical triphasic wave on EEG and 1 case presented atypical triphasic wave . ( 3 ) 5 cases showed abnormal hyperintense lesions in basal ganglia on T 2-weighted images ( T 2WI ) .

  5. 结果正常胎儿静脉导管频谱为三相波,始终是前向血流,随孕周的增加,S、D、A逐渐增高,RI、PI、S/A逐渐降低。

    Result The spectrum for the normal fetal ductus venosus were three mutually waveform , with the forward flow all the time , S 、 D 、 A gradually heightened and RI 、 PI 、 S / A gradually depressed while pregnant weeks increase .

  6. 脑电图提示脑电活动呈弥漫性减慢,4例出现三相波节律。

    EEG showed diffuse slow electrical activity of brain , 4 of which had triphasic wave .

  7. 大多数动脉的血流频谱呈三相波,即收缩期较高尖的前向波,舒张早期的反向波和舒张中晚期很小的前向波。

    The bloodflow frequency spectra of most arteries displayed as triform wave , that is high and sharp forward wave ( FW ) in systole and reverse wave ( RW ) in early diastole and small forward wave in late diastole .

  8. 介绍动谱平衡方程数学模型、方程离散要求、边界条件的处理和源项(包括能量输入、损耗及波与波之间非线性相互作用)的处理方法,重点介绍三相波非线性相互作用。

    The action balance equation , its discrete demand , the method dealing boundary condition , and source terms ( the wind input , the energy dissipation and nonlinear wave-wave interactions ) are detailed discussed , and special emphasis is put on the triad wave-wave interactions .

  9. 系统主回路含三相全波整流桥电路,三对IGBT功率管组成的逆变器电路,制动电路及保护电路等。

    The main loop includes a three-phase bridge , an inverter module with three IGBT power tubes , a braking circuit and protecting circuits , etc.

  10. 介绍了一种切线采样方法以产生三相SPWM波,与规则采样法相比,提高了采样精度,但计算的复杂度稍有增加。

    This paper introduces a tangent-sampling method to form SPWM waves in an AC speed-regulating system controlled with a computer . Comparing with regular sampling , the method increases sampling precision by little increasing in computational complex .

  11. 三相全波变流装置供电系统谐波分析

    Harmonics analysis of power-supply system for three-phase full wave current transformation device

  12. 一种新的可控硅三相全波整流电路分析方法

    A New Analysing Method on Three-phases Whole-wave Circuit of Silicon Controlled Rectifier

  13. 微电机三相梯形波变流电源的研究

    Study for Three-Phase Trapezoid Wave Inverter Driving Small Motor

  14. 恒流充电用自动调压器三相全波恒压整流器

    Automatic voltage regulator for constant current charging three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier

  15. 三相半波可控整流电路的计算机仿真

    Emulation of Three-Phase Half-Wave Controllable Rectifying Circuit

  16. 交流励磁机带三相半波旋转整流器负载的一种简化瞬态特性分析方法

    A Simplified Dynamic Characteristic Analysis Method on AC Exciter With Three Phases Half-Wave Rotating Rectifier Load

  17. 正弦直交控制技术应用于三相半波晶闸管触发电路

    Application of Sine - crossing Control Technique to Three - phase Half - wave of Thyristor Trigger Circuit

  18. 三相半波可控整流与逆变电路电压波形的分析

    A study of the wave shapes of the voltage in the three phase-controlled rectification and the active reverse circuit

  19. 三相全波恒压整流器钻石恒久远,世代相流传。

    Three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier a diamond is everlasting and can Be handed down from generation to generation .

  20. 本文以三相半波可控整流电路为例,推导了考虑变压器漏感时电流过渡波形的凹升函数及凸降函数。

    The three phase half-wave controlled rectifying circuit is taken as the example in this paper to inllustrate the commutation overlap probelm .

  21. 并以三相半波可控整流电路、滞环比较方式的电流跟踪控制、利用S函数实现空间矢量脉宽调制为例说明了软件的使用方法。

    Three-phase half wave controlled rectifier , hysteresis comparison mode current track control , and realization of SVPWM by S-Function are used as examples to describe the usage of the software .

  22. 阐述了移相电抗器的工作原理和设计方法,对具有移相电抗器的六相整流系统进行了试验研究,并与三相全波整流电路进行了对比分析。

    The principle and the design method of phase-shifting reactors are discussed . A six-phase rectifing system with phase-shifting reactor is tested and compared with that of three-phase full-wave rectifing circuit .

  23. 基于时间平均-Wood加权方程、三相介质波传播理论模型和弹性模量模型,计算并阐述含天然气水合物岩石弹性参数与水合物饱和度、含游离气岩石弹性参数与游离气饱和度的关系;

    The relationships between elastic properties and gas hydrate / free gas concentration are presented based on the models of weighted time average wood 's equation , seismic wave propagation in three phases effective medium and elastic modulus .

  24. 在三相半波可控整流电路物理模型的基础上,根据晶闸管的导通条件,建立了在不同条件下整流电路中物理量所适应的常微分方程组。

    Base on the physical model of three phase half wave controllable rectifying circuit and the on off condition of crystal thyratron , a set of differential equations is developed for the physical variables of rectifying circuit under different conditions .

  25. 本文以单相桥式全波可控整流电路及三相桥式全波可控整流电路为例,叙述了利用MATLAB/SIMULINK对整流电路进行建模仿真的方法,并给出了仿真结果波形。

    The article takes the example of Single-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rectifier and Three-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rectifier , states an approach of modeling and simulating the Rectifier Circuit by using MATLAB / SIMULINK , and introduces the results and waveforms .

  26. 本文对方波电源的现状及特点作了论述,同时对HobartCW-300S三相交流方波电源的艺性能进行了测试分析。

    In this paper , the present condition and the features of squre-wave arc welding power source are described ; the welding technological performance of Hobart ′ s CW-300S three phase square-wave AC arc welding power source is tested and analyzed .

  27. 三相交流方波弧焊电源的分析

    The Analysis of the AC Square Wave Current Welding Power Source with 3 Phase Power Input

  28. 文章简要介绍了微机控制系统的硬件结构以及采用气隙磁通轨迹控制法产生三相脉宽调制波的基本原理,还介绍了两台电机速度跟踪的要求和实现方法。

    The hardware system and the principle of producing the three-phase PWM wave form with Magnetic Flux Control PWM Method are briefly introduced . In addition , the requirements of the follow up speed between the two motors and the method of its realization are also given .

  29. 一种三相正弦脉宽调制波的产生方法

    A method for generating three-phase sine pulse width modulation wave

  30. 电网动态无功、三相不平衡和谐波综合治理的优化方案的研究如此饮食平衡之道,岂不也是治国之道。

    The Research on the Optimization Programme of Integrated Management Scheme for Electric Network Dynamic Reactive Power , Three-phase Unbalance and Harmonic Isn 't such a rule of diet balance similar to that in managing state affairs ?