
dān jià
  • stretcher;litter;hand frame
担架 [dān jià]
  • [stretcher;litter] 指送病人、伤员的简易用具,架子中间绷着帆布或绳子

担架[dān jià]
  1. 他被用担架抬走了。

    He was carried off on a stretcher .

  2. 斯图尔特在努力给担架开路。

    Stewart was trying to clear a path for the stretcher

  3. 莱斯特被用担架抬进救护车时我就在旁边。

    I was close by as Lester was stretchered into the ambulance

  4. 就在中场休息前,该守门员由于肋骨受伤被用担架抬下场。

    The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury .

  5. 他们用担架床把她推了出去。

    They wheeled her out on the stretcher .

  6. 两名救护人员迅速地将普洛弗放到担架上抬进救护车里。

    The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance .

  7. 她被放在一辆担架车上14个小时,连一杯水都没有喝。

    She was left on a hospital trolley for 14 hours without even a glass of water .

  8. 病人被抬上担架时在痛苦地呻吟着。

    The patient groaned painfully as he was lifted onto the stretcher .

  9. 孩子被担架抬上飞机。

    The child was lifted on a stretcher onto the plane .

  10. 目的:探讨新型医疗装备心肺复苏担架培训的效果

    Objective To investigate the training effectiveness of the new-style medical equipment , namely HER ( heart-lung resuscitator ) .

  11. 在特种担架接头的研制过程中,运用SLA技术,快速高效的开发出合格产品。

    In developing litter tie-in , we applied the Rapid prototyping of SLA .

  12. 在JT被担架抬出场的时候我和他说了些话,他的反应告诉我他已经完全清醒过来了。

    I spoke to JT when he went past on a stretcher and from the way he reacted I understood he was completely conscious .

  13. 73岁的JanetRichardson在斯堪的那维亚游艇上生病,当她在被转移到另外一艘船上时挪威海岸卫队不小心将她的担架跌落海中。

    Janet Richardson , who was73 , fell ill on a Scandinavian cruise and was being transferred to another boat when the Norwegian Coastguard let her stretcher drop into the sea by a mistake .

  14. 介绍一种新型担架车

    A new kind of medical truckle Car World Buying a Car

  15. 她是从城里用担架送来的。

    She had been brought in a litter from the city .

  16. 医用救护车担架减振装置方案设计

    Programe Design and Value of Ambulance Stretcher Vibration - consuming Device

  17. 野战医疗多功能平车半自动担架车的运动仿真

    Field medical multifunctional flat cart Study of New Type Stretcher Vehicle

  18. 专用救护车的开发研究半自动担架车的运动仿真

    The development of special-purpose ambulance Study of New Type Stretcher Vehicle

  19. 我上边那担架上的人在流血。

    The man on the stretcher over me has a hemorrhage .

  20. 让开!我们担着担架要穿进来了。

    Mind out ! We 're coming through with the stretcher .

  21. 他被用担架抬着走在她前面。

    He was borne in front of her on the stretcher .

  22. 我遇到刚见过他们的担架兵。

    I 'd met some stretcher-bearers who 'd just passed them .

  23. (受重压而)发的吱嘎声例句在把病人抬到担架上时,病人呻吟着。

    The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher .

  24. 带担架和更多的火力来接我!

    Come back for me with a stretcher and more guns !

  25. 担架上的一位男士开始呼吸沉重。

    A man on a stretcher begins to breathe heavily .

  26. 担架兵把那个受伤的人送往救护车。

    The bearers conveyed the wounded man towards the ambulance .

  27. 用担架车把某人送到手术室。

    Wheel sb to the operating theatre on a trolley .

  28. 脚夫摇晃着担架前进时,上校皱起了眉头。

    The Colonel winced as the porters jolted the litter .

  29. 他认出了担架床上的我,惊慌失措地尖叫道。

    He yelled in panic when he recognized me on the stretcher .

  30. 要用担架抬你伙伴吗?

    Want us to put your friend on the stretcher ?