
shàng guàn
  • Upper crown;upper canopy
上冠[shàng guàn]
  1. 转轮上冠倾斜泄水孔的简易加工方法

    The Simple Method of Machining Tilt Discharge Holes for Runner Crown

  2. 采用不锈钢带极堆焊技术制造双金属转轮上冠

    Bimetal runner crown fabricated by stainless steel strip cladding

  3. 大型不锈钢上冠的研制

    Research and Manufacture for Heavy Stainless Steel Upper Crown

  4. 水轮机转轮上冠止漏环损坏处理

    Damage treatment of hydroturbine runner crown seal ring

  5. 混流式水轮机焊接结构转轮叶片与上冠下环啮合面的加工

    The Machining of the Meshing Surface of Runner Blades of Welding Structure with Crown and Band for Francis Turbine

  6. 分析了叶片数、叶片局部加厚、上冠下环厚度等因素对转轮强度性能的影响。

    The factors of effecting runner intensity performance such as the blades number , local thickness of crown and band are analyzed .

  7. 水轮机中的减压管和转轮上冠密封间隙对水力发电机组稳定性的影响,已经引起研究学者和电站运行人员的普遍关注。

    The vibration of the hydropower unit caused by the relief pipes of the turbine has attracted scholars and station staffs attention .

  8. 产生最大变形的部位是转轮叶片的出水边与下环的连接处,且从上冠到下环变形量逐渐增大,即此部位就是叶片振动的敏感区域;

    The most deformation occurs at the joint of outlet of blade and band , the deformation increases gradually from crown to band , which is the sensitivity area of vibration .

  9. 当牙齿的齿质剩下不多时候,若要做牙冠,则必须在牙根内打钉子,做上冠心,以做出牙齿必要的假牙支撑部分。

    When the ivory of teeth not much time left , to Crown , you must hit the nail in the teeth , coronary heart on doing , necessary to make teeth denture supporting parts .

  10. 为探知出现此频率的原因,本文对此频率成分做了详细分析,得知它是由于1号机在小负荷工况运行时上冠处叶道涡产生的水力共振频率。

    For detecting the course of this frequency , it is discovered by detailed analysis that separation fluid at cavity leads to produce the hydraulic resonance frequency when 1 # unit is working under the small load condition .

  11. 在解决叶片与上冠或下环之间的热传导问题以及焊接热源沿任意空间路径移动的加载问题的基础上,对混流式水轮机转轮焊接过程的温度场与应力场进行了数值模拟。

    Francis turbine runner 's welding temperature field and stress field are simulated on basis of realizing the welding thermal source 's movement along any complicated spatial route and solving the problem of heat conduction between blade and crown or band .

  12. 测试结果表明,最优工况的轴面速度分布规律介于一元理论及二元理论假设之间,数值偏大,沿转轮进、出口边的环量分布均为自上冠至下环逐渐增大。

    The results indicate that the meridian velocity distribution in the optimum operating mode is between one dimensional hypothesis and two dimensional hypothesis , and both circulation distributions along the inlet and outlet edges of runner blade all increase from crown to band .

  13. 9月23日,图灵夫人在南安普顿为艾伦送行,把他送上了冠达公司的拜伦加利亚号邮轮。

    Mrs Turing saw Alan off at Southampton on 23 September , when he embarked on the Cunard liner , the Berengaria .

  14. 很不幸纳尼没有能打上欧冠决赛,但他还年轻。越来越成熟了。

    Nani was unfortunate not to be picked for the Champions League final , but he is still young and he is maturing all the time .

  15. 我更能够理解你想要常年踢上欧冠比赛的心情,毕竟你的国家队队友们几乎都享受到了这个待遇。

    I can also accept that you feel the need to play Champions League football on a regular basis , especially as all your international team mates are doing this .

  16. 结果:在同一投影层面上,斜冠位T2WI显示左右肝管、肝总管及胆总管的显示率优于常规冠状位。

    Results : In the same plane , the sensitivity of showing ductus hepaticus and ductus hepaticus communis , ductus choledochus with MR oblique-coronal T2WI was superior to conventional MR coronal T2WI .

  17. 结论:所选方法可行,为进一步在牙全冠预备体上设计全冠奠定了基础。

    Conclusion : The method may be applied for computer aided complete crown design .

  18. 自改革开放以来,我国肉类产量持续增长,1990年达到2857万吨,攀上世界之冠,发展速度是惊人的。

    In 1990 , total meat production capacity reached 28.57 million tonnes and became the world 's biggest meat producer .

  19. 在田间葡萄痛株上割去冠瘿后的患部,涂上HLB.2菌悬浮液,防治效果为73.1~88.6%。

    When the crown galls on grapevines were hand-removed and treated with the HLB-2 suspension , the control effect was 73.1-88.6 % .

  20. 纳尼接受了弗格森爵士让他在板凳上看完欧冠决赛的决定。

    Nani accepts Sir Alex 's tough call to start him on the bench for the Champions League final against Barcelona at Wembley .

  21. 方法用烤结金属技术制作基底冠,再在其上制作烤瓷冠,进行抗折强度测试。

    Methods The basic crown is made with metal-sintered technique and porcelain crown is fused upon the metal crown , then anti-fracture strength is tested .

  22. 残冠根有其重要的生理学意义,但是目前在临床上对残冠根的治疗存在许多的问题,如过度医疗、防御性医疗等。

    The residual crown and root has very important physiological significances , but there are many problems in the clinical treatment , such as overtreatment and defensive treatment , etc.

  23. 在反合牙上做金属冠,再在其唇面上作一个牙面,可满足美观需求但属于不良设计。

    Metal crown on the cross bite lateral incisor and a veneer on the labial side can meet the demand of good appearance , but , it is not good design .

  24. 上赛季欧冠半决赛利物浦凭借一粒有争议的入球淘汰了切尔西,使得蓝军连续第二年在半决赛阶段出局。

    It was Liverpool who put them out of the competition in the semi-finals last season with a single , disputed goal , the second year in succession Chelsea had bowed out at that stage .

  25. 它头上戴着红冠,非常文雅。

    It has a red cockscomb on its head and looks very elegant .

  26. 在数字化的生物力学模型上,大的冠根比例等于骨应力的增加,意味着骨量更易丧失。

    In the digital and biomechanical modality , larger crown-to-implant ratio means greater bone stress and then more bone loss .

  27. 他翻着报纸,目光落在一张小男孩的照片上,照片上方冠着一个醒目的大标题:我有艾滋

    As he was scanning the paper , his eye fell upon a photograph of a little boy under a screaming headline : " I Have AIDS . "

  28. 方法:将符合标准的86例患者分为治疗组45例和对照组41例,对照组予西医常规治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗的基础上加用自拟冠心通汤。

    Methods : In accordance with the diagnostic criteria , 86 patients were divided into the treatment group with 45 cases and the control group with 41 cases .

  29. 红军在2007年那场著名的欧冠半决赛中点球淘汰切尔西;上赛季的欧冠资格赛中,德克·库伊特在第117分钟绝杀标准列日。

    The Reds famously defeated Chelsea on penalties in the2007 Champions League Semi Final while Dirk Kuyt's117th minute winner settled the Qualifying tie with Standard Liege last season .

  30. 上周六赢得欧冠的巴塞罗那和去年相比下跌两名,价值7亿7300万排名第六。

    Barcelona , who won the Champions League final on Saturday , slipped two places from last year , to sixth most valuable club , worth $ 773m .