
  • 网络cast steel roll
  1. 大型铸钢轧辊铸造及热处理应力的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of stress-field of a cast steel roll in solidification and heat-treatment

  2. 铸钢轧辊抗热裂性判据

    Criteria of resistance to hot cracking of cast steel rolls

  3. 通过对这两大类合金铸钢轧辊的热疲劳性能研究分析得出:Cr系轧辊材料具有较好的热疲劳性能。

    Through these two types of materials for alloy cast steel roller of thermal fatigue properties obtained : Cr Series roll material has better thermal fatigue properties .

  4. 将Ca-Si合金粉末作为孕育剂喷吹入钢液中试制成功无Ni低Cr、Mo的球墨铸钢轧辊;

    By injecting powdered Ca-Si alloy into molten steel as inoculant the free Ni nodular graphite cast steel with the addition of low Cr and Mo content has been developed .

  5. 电弧加热冒口(EAHT)在铸钢轧辊生产中的应用

    The Application of Electric Arc Heating Top in Steel Casting Roll Production

  6. 铸钢轧辊超声波探伤非相关显示的分析及排除

    Analysis and removal of irrelevant signals in ultrasonic testing of cast steel rollers

  7. 球墨铸钢轧辊的研制

    Manufacturing Technology of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Steel Roller

  8. GB/T13316-1991铸钢轧辊超声波探伤方法

    Method of ultrasonic inspection for cast steel rolls

  9. 球墨铸钢轧辊球状石墨铸铁的研究

    On nodular graphite cast steel rolls

  10. 铸钢轧辊产生粘砂的重要原因是出钢温度过高。

    In this article , the pouring temperature is the important factor to cause the sand burn on cast steel roller .

  11. 高铬铸钢离心轧辊断裂原因分析

    Origination of Crack in High Cr Cast Steel Centrifugal Roller

  12. 唐钢中型厂在铸钢、铸铁轧辊的使用过程中,采用的新工艺、新技术,降低轧辊消耗、提高经济效益等方面取得了明显的效果。

    Obvious effects got in reducing consumption and raising economic profit because of application of new technique and technology in usage of steel-casting and iron-casting rolls in Middle Rolling Mill of Tangshan Iron and Steel Company are introduced .