
  1. 铸件成品率微机管理系统

    Microcomputer management system for product rate of finished casting

  2. 针对性地采取措施后,冷却器盖铸件的成品率大幅提高,达到了90%以上。

    The ratio of finished products exceed 90 % by taking relevant steps .

  3. 本实用新型所提出的砂芯结构,可简单而非常有效的解决铸造生产中射芯呛火的技术难题,提高铸件的成品率。

    The sand core structure provided by the utility model can solve the difficult technique problems of core shooting and chocking in casting simply and effectively , and improve the yield of the castings .

  4. 证明使用纤维过滤网对铁水进行过滤净化处理,可以显著地去除铁水中的非金属夹杂物和部分气体,提高了铸件的成品率。

    The result has been proved that the nonmetallic inclusions and a part of the gas in melted iron are able to be effectively removed by the fibre filter screen in the process of refinement treatment .

  5. 采取双浇道浇注系统设计,边冒口补缩,高温浇注,有利于快速充型,防止冷隔、夹砂、夹渣和其它铸造缺陷,提高铸件的成品率。

    According to double cast systems designing , side-riser compensating shrink and casting in high temperature , it is good for filling mould , avoiding cold partition and other flaw , improving finished product rate of castings .

  6. 震实台是消失模铸造必备的关键设备之一,振动紧实的效果直接影响到铸件的成品率、尺寸精度、表面质量以及产品的品质。

    Compaction system is one of the most important equipment for lost foam casting , the effects of the Compaction system influence the rate of finished products , dimensionalaccuracy , Surface quality and the quality of the products directly .

  7. 为了提高铸件的质量和成品率,必须有完善的铸造工艺。

    Hence there should be a consummate casting technology in order to improve quality of casting and reduce scrappage .

  8. 浸渗技术是弥补铸件在铸造过程中存在着疏松及气孔等缺陷提高铸件性能和铸件的成品率的有效措施。

    The impregnation technology is widely used to remedy the inside flaws , i.e. internal porosity and gas holes of the castings , to improve the casting performance , and advance the rate of acceptable cast products .