
  • 网络emissivity;spectral emissivity;emittance
  1. 微波探测装置窗区通道表面放射率的计算及其应用

    Computations and applications of surface emissivity for the microwave sounding unit window channel

  2. 太阳辐射I0和光学厚度的增大、云放射率的增大或云量的增大均是导致气候异常的重要因素。

    The increase of solar radiation , optics thickness , and cloud are all the important factors which might lead to changes of climate .

  3. 流明是光能放射率的量度单位。

    A lumen is a measure of the rate of emission of light energy .

  4. 结果表明,气候系统的平衡态及其稳定性与反照率的反馈作用和有效放射率有关;

    The results show that the equilibrium states and stabilities are related to the feedback of the albedo of the earth and atmospheric effective radiation quotiety .

  5. 根据红外隐身原理的要求,建立一维热传递平板模型,采用非接触式红外线测温仪和放射率测试器对所制涂料在不同热源温度下的涂层表面热红外辐射射出度进行了检测。

    According to the principle of infrared stealth requirement , the one-dimensional heat dissipation modeling was set up , the radiation exitances of the coatings at different temperatures were measured by the contactless infrared thermometer measurement and radiation rate test device .

  6. 放射剂量率效应的实验及临床研究

    Laboratory and clinical investigation on radiation dose rate effect

  7. 鳞状上皮癌的放射性属中等,但它的远处转移少,故放射治愈率较高,如皮肤癌、鼻咽癌、子宫颈癌。

    Squamous cell carcinoma of the radioactive medium , but it is less of distant metastasis , so a higher cure rate of radiation , such as skin cancer , nasopharyngeal cancer , cervical cancer .

  8. 根据铀、钍、钾含量,计算了铀矿脉中岩矿石的放射生热率,并讨论了石英热释光强度与放射生热率的关系。

    From the contents of uranium , thorium and POtassium , radiogenic heat producing ratios were calculated for rocks and ores of the uranium vein , and the relation between quartz thermoluminescence intensity and radiogenic heating rate is discussed .

  9. 结果显示:治疗组皮肤、粘膜、内脏器官及全身中、重度放射反应率分别为17.5%,38.8%,38.8%,50%;

    The results showed middle-high degree radiation reaction rate of the skin , mucous membrance , internal organs and the whole body in the SOD group are 17 . 5 % 、 38 . 8 % 、 38.8 % and 50 % ;

  10. 山东省放射诊断阳性率调查分析

    Survey on the positive rates of X-ray diagnostic examination of Shandong province

  11. 服药组病人的放射反应发生率并不降低,但持续时间较短。

    The incidence of acute radiation tissue reations was not decreased but with only shorter duration .

  12. 但保守观察、颈动脉压迫、手术切除和放射治疗治愈率较低、运用有局限性。

    But the conservative observation , carotid artery , surgical resection and radiation therapy with low cure rate , which limits their utilization .

  13. 目的:探讨外照射加高剂量率腔内后装(腔内后装)与单纯外照射治疗早期鼻咽癌的疗效及放射损伤发生率。

    Objective : To compare the efficacy and the incidence rate of radiation damage between external radiation plus intracavitary afterloading therapy of high-dose rate and external radiation alone for early stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients .

  14. 为了提高放射治疗的成功率,本文采用可视化工具包(VTK)分别实现了鼻咽部组织的表面重建和体重建。

    In the present work , in order to improve the success rate of radiotherapy we used the visualization toolkit ( VTK ) to achieve the surface and volume reconstruction of the nasopharyngeal tissues .

  15. 多年来早期局限性前列腺癌的近距离放射以低剂量率放射粒子植入为主,但近年来美国各肿瘤治疗中心已逐渐开展了针对局限性前列腺癌的高剂量率(high-dose-rate,HDR)近距离放射。

    Low-dose-rate radioactive seed implant has been the brachytherapy of choice for early stage prostate cancer . In recent years , the use of high-dose-rate ( HDR ) interstitial brachytherapy has become more prevalent in the United States .

  16. 老年人食管癌单纯放射治疗的生存率及其影响因素分析

    A clinical study on survival of elderly esophageal cancer patients treated by radiotherapy

  17. 体外放射联合高剂量率后装治疗鼻咽癌的临床研究

    Clinical study of nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated by combined external irradiation and intracavitary brachytherapy of the high dose rate

  18. 基层医院放射工作者染色体畸变率(0.421%)明显高于上级医院(0.083%)。

    The rate of chromosomal aberration in the workers working in grass root hospitals ( 0.421 % ) was higher than those working in upper level hospitals ( 0.083 % ) .

  19. 钴源升降装置作为辐照工程中的核心设备,对辐照运行的安全性、控制水平以及放射源的利用率,均有至关重要的作用。

    The elevator used for cobalt-60 source is a key device in the irradiation industry . It plays an important role in the safety and control of irradiation operation as well as the utilization rate of radiation source .

  20. 实验结果表明,在稀溶液的条件下,使用我们特殊设计的盛装溶液的匣式容器能大大提高放射源的使用率并能完全避免放射性废水。

    Experiment results show that by using our specially designed liquid box with radioactive source , the utilization efficien - cy of the radioactive source is greatly raised and radioactive waste totally avoided if the solu - tion is dilute enough .

  21. 2009-2011年,徐州市各级放射诊疗单位的放射诊疗许可持证率,分别为37.50%,48.94%和71.30%。

    2009-2011 , the ratio of administrative license at all levels of radiology institutions in Xuzhou city were 37.50 % , 48.94 % , 71.30 % .

  22. 放射剂量超过DT30Gy时,观察组黏膜急性放射反应发生率明显低于对照组(P<0.05);

    The rate of acute radiation reaction of mucosa in observation group was significantly lower than that in control group when the dose was over DT30GY ( P < 0.05 ) .