
  1. CO2红外分析仪在土壤有机碳矿化中的测试与应用研究

    Application of CO_2 Infrared Analyzer to Measurement of Mineralization of Soil Organic Carbon

  2. 水果内部品质在线近红外分析仪的研制用于果蔬内部品质无损检测的NIRS技术新进展

    Recent developments of NIRS technique for nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable interior quality

  3. 利用红外分析仪测量了光谱吸收情况,分析了SiC/PI树脂基复合材料的微观化学结构;

    Utilize the infrared analysis instrument to measure the spectrum to absorb the situation , has analyzed the micro chemical constitution of SiC / PI resin base composite ;

  4. 应用近红外分析仪(NIR)快速测定黄豆粕中水分、蛋白质和粗脂肪的含量。

    A rapid determination of moisture protein and rude fat contents in soybean meal ( SBM ) by near infred spectrophotometer ( NIRS ) is described .

  5. 用装有非散射红外分析仪(NDIR)的S&示踪系统测量柴油机的机油消耗率

    Adaptation of S-trace System with NDIR Analyzer to Measure the Diesel Engine Oil Consumption Rate

  6. 在投入HTR-10使用中,其湿度计和红外分析仪均能达到设计要求,实现了对反应堆一回路氦气中H2O、CO、CO2的连续监测。

    The moisture probe and infrared analyzing instrument both conform to the design requirement , and consecutive inspection of H2O 、 CO 、 CO2 can be carried out for the primary helium circuit .

  7. 试验以CO2红外分析仪和高压液相色谱技术(HPLC)研究了椪柑在简易贮藏条件下果实的呼吸强度和品质成分的变化。

    Changes in respiration rate and quality ( sucrose , glucose , fructose , titratable acid and Vc ) in ' Ponkan '( Citrus poonensis ) were studied with the Infra-CO_2 Analyser and High Perfor-mance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) during common storage .

  8. 结果表明:掺加水解动物蛋白粉会使3种方法的蛋白数据上升,但Foss红外分析仪和超声乳成分分析仪的升幅小于国标法;

    Results showed that when the milk was adulterated with hydrolyzed animal protein , all three methods showed an increased protein level , but the standard methods showed a large degree .

  9. 将近红外分析仪应用于酒糟(DDGS)饲料生产控制及质量检测中,开发了DDGS饲料粗蛋白含量和水分测定的工厂校准,并对该校准进行了测试。

    The calibration in factory of crude protein and water content of distiller 's dried grains with solubles ( DDGS ) feed is developed by using near infrared reflectance during production .

  10. 本文通过对碳酸铵进行预处理,选择合适的分析条件,通过手动重量输入法,采用LECOCS344碳硫红外分析仪进行测定。

    In the analytical method used in this study , the IR-spectrometric C / S analyzer LECO-CS-344 is used to determine trace sulphur in pretreated ammonium carbonate with suitable analytical conditions and manual addition of flux , with high precision and sensitivity .

  11. 甲烷红外分析仪在制氢装置上的应用与改进

    Application and Improvement of Firedamp Infrared Analyzer on Hydrogen Production Plant

  12. 将近红外分析仪应用于玉米质量检测,开发了对玉米淀粉含量和水分测定的工厂校准,并对该校准进行了测试,实验证明该校准测定结果符合国家标准要求。

    Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy is applied to quality restriction of corn .

  13. 乙醇汽油近红外分析仪信号提取技术

    Technique of acquiring signal in near infrared analyzer of gasohol

  14. 该系统由取样系统和多组分红外分析仪组成。

    The system consists of sampling system and a multicomponent infrared gas analyzer .

  15. 近红外分析仪在酒糟饲料生产控制及质量检测中的应用

    Application of near infrared reflectance in production control and quality detection of lees feeds

  16. 便携式CO/CO2二合一不分光红外分析仪

    The Portable CO / CO_2 NDIR Analyzer

  17. 多组分异核气体红外分析仪简介

    A multicomponent heteronuclear infrared gas analysis instrument

  18. 因为缺少合适的在线测量仪器,油品调合过程的自动化一直受到限制,近红外分析仪可以很好地解决这一问题。

    Due to the lack of suitable on - line sensors , the automation of oil - blending process is restricted .

  19. 红外分析仪采用双波长法和气体相关滤波法两种技术,总共有14个滤光片(气室),可同时测量8个组分。

    Both double wavelength technique and gas filtering correlation technique are used in the analyzer , and 8 components can be analyzed simultaneously with 14 filters at most .

  20. 本文介绍一种用CO2红外气体分析仪测定室内火灾烟气-空气分界面位置的方法。

    This paper describes a method for determining smoke-air interface position by CO2 infrared analyzer .

  21. 红外CO2分析仪测定法测定了松阿扁叶蜂幼虫的呼吸速率。

    Infrared analyzer of CO2 determined respiration of larva .

  22. 各种测量森林土壤呼吸的方法都存在不足,红外CO2分析仪法是目前最理想的方法;

    Among the methods of measuring forest soil respiration , infrared CO_2 analysis is the optimal one so far .

  23. 基于MSP430单片机的近红外水分分析仪设计

    Design of NIR analyer of water based on MSP430

  24. 利用傅立叶红外光谱分析仪获得了LaFexNi(1-x)O3系列陶瓷的红外吸收光谱。

    The infrared absorption spectra of LaFe_xNi_ ( 1-x ) O_3 were measured by FT-IR-NEXUS-670.We found the IR spectra was according with the XRD .

  25. 在线近红外光谱分析仪可以实时测定汽油调合组分及成品油的多种物化性质指标如烯烃、芳烃、苯及氧化物含量、辛烷值(RON、MON)、馏程、蒸气压等。

    The on-line near Infrared ( NIR ) analyzer can provide instantaneous multi-property analysis for gasoline blending components and finished gasoline , such as octane number , aromatics , olefins , benzene , oxygenates , and distillation points .

  26. 该装置采用半封闭式测量系统,借助CO2红外气体分析仪,可连续控制、测量植物群体在同化箱中因光合作用而引起的CO2浓度变化,测量范围0~1000ppm,灵敏度2ppm。

    This installation with semi-closed measurement system and CO2 infrared gas analyser , can measure and control change of CO2 concentration continuously in an assimilation chamber . Its measurement range is : 0 ~ 1000 ppm ; resolution ;

  27. 采用我国自行研制的NIR-6000型多通道在线近红外光谱分析仪同时检测8套催化重整中型试验装置,实时测量重整生成油的RON和芳烃组成等5项物化指标。

    The Pilot scale test of eight catalytic reforming units have been simultaneously monitored with the domestic NIR-6000 multiple-passage analyzer to measure five physical / chemical targets of the reformate ( RON , aromatics composition etc. )

  28. 其方法是在相对应的井深点定量取岩屑混样300g,放入专用的岩屑破碎脱气仪中获得脱出气样,用红外气体分析仪等检测设备进行分析。

    The method was to collet 300g mixed cutting samples at the corresponding well depth points , then put them into the special cutting crushed degasser to obtain the degassed gas samples , finally measure them with detecting devices , such as infrared gas analyzer etc.

  29. 大豆品质近红外光谱分析仪测量数据处理

    Processing methods of data measured by NIR spectrum soya quality analyzer

  30. 采用便携式近红外矿物分析仪鉴别注胶翡翠

    Identification of Injection-Plastic Jadeite Jade by Portable Near-Infrared Mineral Analyser