
  • 网络Cast bronze;casting bronze
  1. 塑料模特种铸造青铜的研究

    Study on A Special Casting Bronze for Plastic Dies

  2. 介绍一种高强度高硬度的特种铸造青铜。

    In this paper , a special casting bronze with high-strength and high-hardness is introduced .

  3. GB/T8739-1988铸造青铜锭

    Bronze ingots for casting

  4. 有关部门的化学分析显示,其含铜84.77%,锡11.64%,铅2.79%,这个比例是符合铸造青铜容器硬度的要求的。

    The chemical analysis has showed it contains 84.77 % of copper , 11.64 % of tin and 2.79 % of lead . The percentage meets the rigidity demand of founding bronze vessel .

  5. 在凯撒入侵不列颠之前,他就知道那里富含锡矿,一种当时在共和国内有限供应并用于铸造青铜的金属。

    Before he invaded , Gaivs Ivlivs Caesar knew of the rich tin deposits in Britannia , a metal used in the production of bronze and in limited supply elsewhere in the Republic at the time .

  6. 基于MATLAB的铸造铝青铜金相组织分析

    Microstructure Analysis for Aluminum Bronze Based on MATLAB

  7. 混合稀土防止离心铸造铅青铜偏析的研究

    Researches on Mischmetal Preventing Lead Segregation in Centrifugal Casting Lead Bronze

  8. 铸造铝青铜的摩擦特性与机械性能

    The Friction Characteristic and Tensile Properties of Casting Al - Bronze

  9. 铸造铝青铜显微组织的计算机辅助分析

    A Microstructure Analyzing System for Cast Aluminum Bronze Using Computer

  10. 铸造铅青铜板类零件挤压工艺研究

    Extruding technology study of casting lead bronze plate components

  11. 生产工艺对砂型铸造铬青铜组织及性能的影响

    Effects of Production Process on Microstructure and Properties of Sand Casting Chromium Bronze Alloy

  12. 铸造锑青铜材料研究

    The Study of Casting Antimony Bronze

  13. 商、周时期铸造的青铜容器在样式和技术上几乎是世界上最好的。

    Bronze vessels cast during the Shang and Zhou dynasties are almost the finest in the world in design and technical perfection .

  14. 在妻子的协助下,我铸造出青铜雕塑品,展现的是文学、事件、情境以及对话。

    With the help of my wife , I cast bronze sculpture to illustrate literature , events , situations , and conversations .

  15. 结果表明,高铝锌基耐磨合金可以部分代替铸造锡青铜合金生产耐磨零件。

    The results show that the high Al casting Zinc-base wear-resistant alloy may partly instead of the casting Cu-Sn alloy to produce wear-resistant parts .

  16. 介绍了铸造铍青铜的化学成分、牌号、性能、用途、冶金基础知识、加工方法、热处理工艺和铍的工业卫生措施。

    In this paper , a cast Be bronze is mentioned in its chemical constitution , designation , properties , application , rudimentary knowledge on metallurgy , processing method , heat treatment and industrial hygiene .

  17. 利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪、能谱仪等分析设备对一种新型高强度、高耐磨铸造高铝青铜在不同温度与时间均匀化处理后的显微组织和力学性能进行了研究分析。

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of a new high strength and wear-resistant as-cast aluminum bronze with different homogenizing annealing are investigated by means of SEM , XRD and X-ray spectrometer .

  18. 均匀化退火对铸造高铝青铜的影响

    Effect of Homogenizing Annealing on AS-Cast Aluminum Bronze

  19. 研究结果表明,铸造高铝青铜经均匀化退火可消除铸造偏析,提高机械性能。

    The results show that the as-cast aluminum bronze can be eliminated casting segregation and improved mechanical properties .

  20. 接着是金属铸造尤其是青铜铸造对浮力原理的应用,或重型手工业对浮力原理的应用。

    Followed by bronze casting metal casting , especially the application of the principle of buoyancy , or a heavy craft on the principle of application of the principle of buoyancy .

  21. 铸造锡磷青铜合金组织中存在显微缩松、枝晶偏析和反偏析是冷加工报废的主要原因。

    There are some micro-shrinkage porosity / dendrite segregation and inverse-segregation in the strip billet of horizontal continuous casting , which are the main reasons for rejected castings during mill machining .

  22. 整体铸造尼泊尔中华寺青铜大佛

    Monoblock Casting for the Large Bronze Buddhism Statue in Nepal Zhonghua Temple

  23. 采用Br-甲醇法能够测定铸造铝合金(Al-Si合金除外)和铸造铝青铜合金液中的夹杂含量。

    The content of non-metallic inclusions in casting aluminum alloy ( except in Al-Si alloy ) and aluminum bronze melts can be determined by applying Bromine-Menthol solution method .