
  1. 我们在他们的教育上可花了不少钱。

    We 've forked out a small fortune on their education .

  2. 从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。

    The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague .

  3. 从互联网上可得到这个信息。

    The information is available on the Internet .

  4. 职场上可不是那样的。

    The world of work doesn 't operate that way .

  5. 在DNA水平上可将所分析的34个品种分成8个类群。

    34 accessions were divided into eight groups at DNA level .

  6. 指出了圆环上可向内可延拓成N类函数的延拓并不唯一;

    Point out that inner extension is not unique ;

  7. 如果包含一个Flash播放器,在所有浏览器和新移动平台上可播放

    Playable on all browsers and the newer mobile platforms , if you include a Flash player

  8. DB2命令提示符基本上可用于客户机和管理任务。

    Basically , the DB2 command prompt can be used to do both client and administrative tasks .

  9. adhoc网络最早是为了满足军事应用上可快速展开、抗毁性强的移动信息系统而提出的。

    The mobile Ad Hoc network was originally proposed to meet the military communications needs of fast extension , high survivability .

  10. 愈伤组织在不含激素的MS固体培养基上可一步分化成完整小植株,在液体培养基中震荡培养可形成大量小块茎。

    The callus could differentiate into the plantlets on solid culture and into plenty of tubers on liquid shake culture on MS mediums without plant growth hormone .

  11. 当n≥7时,文[8]指出存在Fq上可预先指定a1,a2的n次本原多项式。

    When n ≥ 7 , Han has stated that there exist a primitive polynomial of degree n with a1 , a2 prescribed .

  12. 结论:MSCT观察VA与骨等结构关系准确、方便,在一定程度上可取代DSA有创技术。

    Conclusion : MSCT is a convenient and noninvasive technique in observing VAs and bone structure of the craniocervical region malformation .

  13. Totem-PoleBoost功率因数校正电路由于省略了整流桥,理论上可获得更高的效率。

    Totem - Pole Boost with no rectifier bridge can get better performance in theory .

  14. 企业年金计划按照筹资和运作模式的区别广义上可分为确定给付计划(definedbenefitplan.缩写为DB)和确定缴费计划(definedcontributionplan.缩写为DC)两种模式。

    In the broad classification of occupational pension model , there are two general categories of plans : defined benefit ( DB ) and defined contribution plans ( DC ) .

  15. 随着集成度不断提高,芯片上可集成更多的IP核,IP核之间的通信成为设计的一个重点。

    Thirdly , as more and more transistors can be integrated in a single chip , more IP cores can be integrated in a chip and communication between IP cores become another emphases of design .

  16. 由于宿主免疫反应不同,HBV感染在临床上可引急性乙型肝炎、慢性乙型肝炎和HBsAg携带者等不同临床类型。

    Due to difference of host immunity reaction , there are different clinical types for HBV infection , such as : acute hepatitis B , chronic hepatitis B and HBsAg carriers .

  17. 实验结果初步揭示了图案上可供细胞黏附的RGD位点数量对于细胞在图案上的黏附行为有重要影响。

    Our results revealed that the amount of RGD sites played an important role in cell adhesion on patterned surface .

  18. 既往临床及实验研究均提示中药在某种程度上可改变SAH后脑血流变性质,改善脑功能。

    Previous clinical and experimental researches indicate that Chinese herbs can to some extent change post SAH cerebral blood rheological property to improve brain functions .

  19. 丹参酮(tanshinone)是传统中药丹参主要脂溶性有效成分,它具有多种药理学活性,理论上可从不同环节阻止再狭窄的发生。

    Tanshinone is one of the active components of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge , and it has various pharmacological activities that may affect many vascular processes responsible for restenosis in theory .

  20. 西尼罗病毒(Westnilevirus,WNV)感染是一种经蚊虫传播、以鸟类为主要动物宿主的自然疫源性疾病,在临床上可表现为西尼罗热或西尼罗脑炎,病死率4~11%。

    West Nile fever and encephalitis caused by West Nile virus ( WNV ) is maintained in a natural transmission cycle involving mosquito vectors and bird reservoir hosts , with the fatality of 4 % ~ 11 % .

  21. 对于CHD的这四个危险因素,在临床上可用于对一般人群CHD的调查及预防治疗后的观察,都有非常重要的意义。

    Above mentioned four risk factors can be used to the investigation of the CHD pts of general population and to the observation after prevent treatment of the CHD , and all of them have very important signification .

  22. 银、金矿体赋存于纵向断裂F2破碎带内,剖面上可分为氧化带、混合带和原生带。

    The Ag ( Au ) ore bodies are controlled by F_2 longitudinal fault , and can be divided into three zones , i.e. , oxidized zone , mixed zone and primary zone .

  23. 当前的DSLAM基本上可分为基于ATM和基于IP的两种模式,但都存在一些问题,必须要加以解决,以适应市场和用户的需求。

    Current DSLAM basically may divide into based on ATM and based on the IP two kind of patterns , but all has some problems , must have to perform to solve , by adapts the market and user 's demand .

  24. 结果表明:两种刀具在超精切削中获得的加工表面质量具有相似性,因此PCD刀具在一定程度上可替代SPD刀具进行超精切削加工。

    The result shows that during the process of ultraprecision cutting , the similar workpiece surface quality is acquired by the two types of cutting tools . Therefore , to some extent , SPD cutting tools can be replaced by PCD cutting tools .

  25. 同时,基于不同粒度下的等价类,给出了FISs上可辨识属性矩阵、分布约简和分配约简的辨识公式,克服了经典方法在FISs上的不适用性。

    Moreover , by using equivalence classes under different granules , the discernment attribute matrix and discernment formula of the distributed reduction and the assignment reduction were given , which overcome the inapplicability of classical methods in FISs .

  26. 结论由于这类病人具有母系遗传、耳聋、进行性胰岛素分泌不全等特征,临床上可将这一类型的糠尿病分为一种新亚型-MIDD。

    Conclusion Since the patients have the clinical characteristics of maternal transmission , hearing loss and impaired insulin secretion , we conclude that maternally inherited diabetes and deafness ( MIDD ) is a new diabetes subtype associated with a single mitochondrial mutation .

  27. 关于图的平面嵌入的一个上可嵌入性

    On the Upper Embeddability of the planar embedding of Graphs

  28. 面天线结构形状基本相同,在结构形状上可形成一个系列。

    The face-reflector antenna may produce a series that has similar structure .

  29. 园周上可微映射的一个封闭引理

    A Closing Lemma of Differentiate Mappings of the Circle

  30. 另外,在各温室单元单片机上可动态设置环境参数。

    In addition , environmental parameters can be set dynamically on the MCU .