
shàng hé
  • superior conjunction
上合[shàng hé]
  1. 钒促铑基催化剂上合成气反应中的H2/D2同位素效应

    H_2 / D_2 Isotope Effects in Syngas Conversion Reactions over Vanadium-promoted Rhodium Catalyst

  2. 北京还在推进创建上海合作组织开发银行(DevelopmentBankoftheShanghaiCo-operationOrganisation)的计划;上合组织是一个由欧亚六个国家组成的政治、经济和军事集团。

    Beijing is also moving ahead with a scheme to create the Development Bank of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a six-country Eurasian political , economic and military grouping .

  3. 它也在去年正式成为上合组织的成员国。KhalidTaimurAkram是总部位于伊斯兰堡的全球战略研究中心的执行主席。

    Khalid Taimur Akram is the executive director of the Islamabad-based Center for Global and Strategic Studies .

  4. 上合组织从前为煽动性的立场提供了一个平台。

    The SCO has provided a platform for provocative stances before .

  5. 然而,北约与上合组织之间的交流少得可怜。

    Communications between NATO and the SCO , however , are minimal .

  6. 上合组织是一个基于利益、而非信任的联盟。

    It is an alliance of convenience , not trust .

  7. 论上海合作组织经济与贸易合作&兼论中国对推动上合组织经贸一体化的设想

    On the Economic and Trading Collaboration within the Framework of Shanghai Organization Cooperation

  8. 上合组织框架内的创新合作:目标、策略与前景

    Innovative Cooperation under Framework of the SCO : Goals , Strategies and Prospects

  9. Rh/NaY催化剂上合成气选择一步生成乙酸

    Selective One Step Synthesis of Acetic Acid from Syngas over Rh / NaY Catalyst

  10. 俄罗斯是上海合作组织(简称“上合组织”)的一个成员。

    Russia is part of a regional alliance known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization .

  11. Kazmi说,青年交流对于上合组织成员国的发展来说至关重要。

    According to Kazmi , youth communication is essential to the development of SCO countries .

  12. 上合组织还不是一个军事同盟,不过,它可能会变成这样一个同盟。

    The SCO is not yet a military alliance , although it could become one .

  13. 虽然这封信纯属虚构,但上合组织切实存在。

    The SCO , of course , is for real , although the letter is not .

  14. 上合组织具有组织结构。

    The SCO has a structure .

  15. 不过,有人对上合组织能够在阿富汗扮演什么角色表示怀疑。

    There are doubts as to what role the SCO can play in Afghanistan , however .

  16. 第二部分,是对上合组织框架下民事司法协助模式的设计。

    Part ⅱ designs the model of judicial assistance in civil matters in the SCO framework .

  17. 盖上盖子在主配电板上合上开关并启动电动机?

    Could you switch on and start the motor on the MSB after close the cover ?

  18. 他表示上合组织成员国之间更为紧密的联系为这个国家提供了巨大机遇。

    He said that closer cooperation with SCO members has offered great opportunities for this country .

  19. 这是上合组织2002年成立以来的第一次扩员。

    This represents the first expansion of the SCO since the organization 's founding in 2002 .

  20. Rh/SiO2和Rh/NaY催化剂上合成气反应的高压原位红外光谱研究

    In-situ FT-IR Study of High Pressure Syngas Conversion over Rh / SiO_2 and Rh / NaY Catalysts

  21. 我们期待着上合组织在此问题上发挥更大的作用。

    We look forward that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to play a greater role on this issue .

  22. 但最近,俄罗斯正采取行动增强上合组织的实力。

    But it is Russia that is pushing the latest efforts to give the SCO more muscle .

  23. 部分问题在于,上合组织掩盖了中俄迥然不同的雄心。

    Part of the problem is that the SCO masks very different ambitions between Russia and China .

  24. 周二的会议由今年上合组织轮值主席国俄罗斯主办。

    Tuesday 's meeting was hosted by Russia , which holds the rotating SCO presidency this year .

  25. 人们不难认为,上合组织过去没有充分发挥其影响力。

    It is not hard to argue that the SCO has in the past punched below its weight .

  26. 中国与上合组织成员国已共同举行9次双边多边联合军事演习。

    To date , China and other SCO member states have conducted nine bilateral and multilateral military exercises .

  27. 中国与中亚国家在上合组织框架内的互利合作步入新阶段

    A New Stage for Mutual Benefit Cooperation between China and Central Asian Countries in the Framework of SCO

  28. 一旦所有的衣片都打上合印后,衣片放在机器的位置也是很重要的。

    Once all the sections have been balanced the placement of the fabric on the machine is important .

  29. 本研究希望了解团员在选择透过线上合购购买产品时,其决策背后的依据是什麽。

    The purpose of this research is to understand the factors about why consumers choose purchase through group-buying .

  30. “上海精神”也让成员国之间保持相互协作,保证上合组织的共同发展。

    The Shanghai Spirit has stimulated the member states to cooperate and ensure the development of the SCO .