
  • 网络Shanghai girl;The Girl From Shanghai;Girl In Shanghai
  1. 女人比男人更现实,上海姑娘在全国属于“一品锅”,过去非上海男人不嫁。

    Women than men , more realistic , Shanghai girl in the country as " one pot goods ", the last non-Shanghai Men do not marry .

  2. 就读教院英文系的上海姑娘张璇分享她的感受。

    Zhang Xuan , an English major student from Shanghai , shares her experience of studying at HKIEd .

  3. 肇事警察冷酷的母亲称,上海姑娘的死,他儿子没有责任。

    The clueless mother of Martin Abreu said that her son is not to blame for Feng 's death .

  4. 钱女士,这位上海的跳槽姑娘说,金钱曾经是她挑选工作的首要因素。

    Ms. Qian , the Shanghai job-hopper , says money used to be a prime motivator .