
shàng xián
  • first quarter;wind up a clock or watch;principal rafter;first quarter (of the moon)
上弦 [shàng xián]
  • (1) [wind up a clock or watch]∶给钟表上发条

  • (2) [first quarter (of the moon)]∶农历每月的初七或初八,在地球上看到月亮呈月牙形,其弧在右侧。这种月相叫上弦

  • 上弦月

上弦[shàng xián]
  1. 月亮正处于上弦。

    The moon is in its first quarter .

  2. 在上弦、下弦和望月夜,蠓的活动和月光的变化相关,月光似能促进蠓的活动。

    The activities of both the midges are highly related to moonlight at the first quarter , the last quarter and the full-moon .

  3. 那是一台上弦的老式留声机。

    It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up .

  4. 钟该上弦了。

    The clock needs winding .

  5. H形截面上弦张弦梁体系施工关键问题的研究

    Research of key problems of BSS construction with top chords of H-section

  6. 利用X射线应力测定技术对浦东国际机场钢屋架上弦主梁的残余应力进行现场测定。

    Residual stresses in girder of Pu-Dong international airport roof truss is measured by X-ray technique .

  7. 它固定在一个木制底座上,底座后面有个上弦用的钥匙,Jo一把把它抓过来开始拧那钥匙。

    It was fixed to a round wooden base , and behind it there was a key , Jo grabbed it and began to turn .

  8. 是上弦手表。我觉得是Timex牌的。是的,肯定是Timex的。呃,上面有日期的。

    It 's a wind-up watch . I think it 's a Timex . Yes , it 's definitely a Timex . Erm , It 's got the date on it .

  9. 椭球体的截面画法中资银行改革业已拉弓上弦

    The Drawing of Elliptic Cross Sections Chinese Banks Heading towards Reform

  10. 上弦为组合梁的钢桁架屋盖分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Roof Truss with Composite Top Beam

  11. 首先你得学会如何给吉他上弦和调音。

    First you need to learn how to string and tune your gnitar .

  12. 这个钟得每天上弦;发条走24小时就松掉了。

    It 's a one-day clock ; the spring winds down in24 hours .

  13. 用来给表上弦的方孔钥匙。

    A square-holed key used for winding some watches .

  14. 我给小提琴上弦时总是不顺当。

    I 've always had trouble stringing my violin .

  15. 还有人认为,趁上弦月时播种,庄稼会长得茂盛。

    Others think seeds grow especially well when planted during a waxing moon .

  16. 他们能够清晰地看到他们的目标之一――上弦月。

    They can clearly see one of their targets , the first quarter moon .

  17. 一种国产手表自动上弦机构的参数优化设计

    Optimization of Coefficients for a Kind of Domestic watches with Fully Automatic Winding Device

  18. 他忘了给钟上弦。

    He neglected to wind up the clock .

  19. 缅甸卑谬依诺瓦底江大桥的上弦杆为钢箱杆件。

    Top chords of Pyay Irrawaddy River Bridge in Myanmar are of steel box members .

  20. 粘钢加固屋架上弦杆砼裂缝

    Application of Steel Adhering Method in Strengthening Concrete Cracks on Upper Chords of Roof Trusses

  21. 大跨屋盖在强风压作用下,会产生向上的风吸力,当风吸力大于屋盖的荷载时,张弦梁结构的上弦就会受拉,下弦受压。

    Uuder the stronge wind-stress , a wind suction will happen on the long-span roof .

  22. 你必须重新给你的小提琴上弦。

    You must string your violin again .

  23. 他正在给他的机智之钟上弦,不久就会敲响的吧。

    He is winding the watch of his wit ; by and by it will strike .

  24. 我的表停了。我昨晚在火车上忘记给它上弦了。

    My watch has stopped . I forgot to wind it in the train last night .

  25. 发生在上弦月和下弦月的涨落最小的潮。

    A less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon .

  26. 这只表需要上弦了。

    This watch needs winding up .

  27. 她会给小提琴上弦。

    She can string a violin .

  28. 该机利用鞍座上下颠波自动上弦。

    The machine makes use of a saddles bumping upwards and downwards for automatic winding up .

  29. 该张弦梁上弦构件在工厂分段制作,现场拼装。

    The top chord components of beam string structure are fabricated in factory and assembled on site .

  30. 组合网架是近十多年发展起来的一种新型结构,其上弦节点的设计与构造是技术关键所在。

    Double-layered grids with steel members and reinforced concrete slabs are new structures developed in recent decades .