
  1. 闽东南大陆边缘活动断裂与地震

    Active faults in Southeast continental border of Fujian and earthquakes

  2. 东亚季风边缘活动带研究综述

    Research on East Asian Summer Monsoon : A Review

  3. 中国东南大陆边缘活动与含油气盆地形成问题的探讨

    Approach on problems of southeast continental marginal activity and oil-gas basin formation in China

  4. 该类型矿床形成的主要地质条件是:地台边缘活动带或褶皱带的花岗岩隆起区;

    The main geologic settings for its formation are upwarping region in the marginal mobile zone of platform or folding belt ;

  5. 具有三层辐射结构的日面及边缘活动体光谱分析方法

    An Analytical Method of the Spectra of the Active Bodies with the Three-Layer Radiative Structure on the Solar Disk and at the Solar Limb

  6. 该超基性岩产于大陆边缘活动带,局部具有岛弧的某些特征。

    The ultrabasic rocks occur in the mobile zone of continent margin which , in some sections , has some characteristics of island arc .

  7. 印支运动结束了本区长期海侵的历史,开创了滨太平洋大陆边缘活动的新纪元。

    The Indosinian movement ended the history of long-continued transgression in the area , and ushered in a new era of the Peri-Pacific continental-margin activity .

  8. 在大陆边缘活动带中,陆壳碰撞、俯冲,形成了壳幔混源型中酸性、钙碱性杂岩体,为中&浅成相。

    The collision and subduction of continental crust formed an intermediate acidic and calc-alkaline complex mass as a medium-hypabyssal facies with crust-mantle mixed source type in the mobile belt of continental margin .

  9. 模型指出,大陆边缘活动带、古元古宙基底、以北东向为主导的断裂构造系统,以及火山岩-侵入岩是区内金、银、铜矿成矿系统形成的有利大地构造环境和成矿地质背景。

    This model indicates that the mobile belt of continental margin , the basement of Proterozoic group , and the NE fracture system are the favorable tectonic environment and metallogenic geological setting for the ore forming system of gold silver copper in this area .

  10. 基于边缘层活动的战略决策模式

    The Strategic Decision-making Model Based on Activity of Edge Layer

  11. 本学位论文主要做了以下两方面的研究:1.在基于边缘的活动轮廓模型中,边缘停止函数的选择是十分重要的。

    The edge stopping function is very important in edge-based active contour models .

  12. 绿洲荒漠带土壤水分变化反映了人类利用绿洲水资源的程度,在绿洲地下水资源开发过度和绿洲边缘人类活动剧烈的区域均存在着生态裂谷,对绿洲生态系统的稳定极为不利。

    The change of soil moisture content in oasis-desert belt reflects the utilization degree of water resources .

  13. 夹皮沟地区金矿床产于台槽两大构造单元之间,位于槽台边缘构造活动带台区一侧的北西向韧性(脆性)剪切带中。

    The gold deposits are situated in the northwest trend ductile shear zone which is the contact belt of the Northeast China platform and the Hercynian trough .

  14. 在河口三角洲环境中,溶解态硅在咸、淡水混合过程中的移出和生物硅的沉积使得河口陆架边缘成为活动性硅埋藏的潜在区域。

    Estuarine environments are potential locations for labile silica burial due to removal of dissolved silica during mixing processes of fresh and brackish water and deposition of biogenic opal , where commonly supporting abundant diatom blooms .

  15. 此时盖层发育已较为完整,因此更多地体现了相对孤立演化的特征,但其跷跷板式的运动总体上仍受到基底边缘升降活动的控制。

    At this time , the cap rocks were well developed and showed characteristics of relatively isolated evolution , although their teeterboard-style of movement was overall under the control of the eastern uplift and western subsidence of the basement .

  16. 东南沿海成矿带成矿作用时代与华夏古陆的形成演化,特提斯向环太平洋构造成矿域的转换及中新生代中国东部大陆边缘构造活动关系密切。

    The mineralization ages of coastal metallogenic belt of Southeastern China are closely related to those tectonic settings which are the formation and evolution of Cathaysia , the transformation from Tethyan domain to Circum Pacific domain and the tectonic movement of continental margin since the Mesozoic era in east China .

  17. 盆地边缘构造升降活动以及湖盆的构造升降共同决定了沉积中心的迁移。

    Both tectonic activity in boundary of the basin and in basin ensure migration of depocenter .

  18. 太平洋西北边缘带地震活动偏低。

    The seismicity level of the northwest marginal seismic belt of the Pacific Ocean was slightly lower .

  19. 改进的活动轮廓模型算法作边缘检测:活动轮廓模型算法是应用于复杂结构边缘、有噪声情况下的一种较为理想的半自动的边缘检测算法。

    Active contour model ( ACM ) is a preferable semi-automatic boundary detection algorithm applied in complex structure and noisy image .

  20. 它们形成的大地构造背景,可能不是典型的岛弧或安第斯型活动大陆边缘,而是活动大陆边缘靠板内的环境。

    Their tectonic background was not both typical island arc and Andean-type active continental margin , and belonged to a setting of active continental margin close to the inner continent .

  21. 块体内盆地的地震活动,主要受块体边缘较大地震活动的影响,反映块体边界较大地震发生前后其附近构造的调整运动;

    The seismic activity within the basin is mainly influenced by the bigger events occurred on the margin , which reflects the tectonic adjustment near the boundary after the occurrence of strong earthquakes ;

  22. 盆地于中生代处于大地构造体制转折的重要阶段,盆地边缘的造山活动显著,盆内亦分别于晚三叠世、晚侏罗世与晚白垩世左右发生过3次构造热事件。

    The Mesozoic is the important transition period of the regional tectonic regime , during which the orogeny is outstanding around the basin and three tecto - thermal events took place in the basin .

  23. 研究结果显示,企业家加强了前额叶皮质区中间和边缘部分的活动。这部分大脑区域位于眼眶后方和正上方,冲动的心理过程就发生在这里。

    The findings show that entrepreneurs have enhanced activity in the medial and orbital sectors of the prefrontal cortex , the brain area just above and behind the eye sockets , where hot mental processes take place .

  24. 北京城市边缘区非农产业活动特征与形成机制

    Characteristics and evolution mechanism of non-agricultural industrial activities in Beijing urban fringe

  25. 中国东南部大陆边缘现代水热活动

    Recent hydrothermal activity along the continental margin of Southeast China

  26. 主动轮廓小波多尺度变形边缘提取方法基于活动轮廓模型的人脸轮廓提取方法的研究

    Deformable Boundary Extraction Scheme Based on Active Contour Model and Wavelet Multi-scale Analysis

  27. 陆壳主要消失在古陆边缘的正性活动带。

    The continental crust would disappear mainly at the positive mobile zones on the margin of oldlands .

  28. θ极光的名字源于和它外形相似的同名希腊字母,它出现在地球和太空的边缘,是电磁活动的一片椭圆形区域。

    The theta aurora , named for its resemblance to the eponymous Greek letter , is an oval-shaped region of electromagnetic activity at the edge of Earth and space .

  29. 而且我们还观察到,右侧前额叶区域越活跃,那么各种边缘区的脑活动就越少,这些边缘区通常与情感和情绪过程相关联。

    And what we 've also seen is the more that region is activated , the less activity you see in a variety of limbic regions that are typically associated with affective or emotional processing .

  30. 前陆盆地是指位于克拉通边缘,外侧为活动造山带的沉积盆地,其成因主要与克拉通边缘的被动下弯和造山带一侧的构造负荷作用有关。

    A foreland basin refers to a sedimentary basin on the edge of a craton with an active orogenic belt in its outside . Its genesis is mainly related to the passive sagging of the craton edge and the structure loading on the side of orogen .