
  • 网络Border Crisis;frontier crisis
  1. 拜占庭帝国的西部边疆危机:1081至1085年拜占庭&诺曼战争

    On the Western Frontier Crisis of Byzantine Empire : 1081-1085 Byzantine-Norman Wars

  2. 民国时期,中国边疆危机严重。

    China confronted with serious frontier crisis during the reign of the Republic of China .

  3. 第二次鸦片战争之后,东北出现了极为严重的边疆危机。

    After the Second Opium War , Northeast suffered a serious boundary crisis .

  4. 第三次边疆危机为后来留下许多边界问题。

    The third frontier crisis has left a lot of frontier problems for the days to come .

  5. 民国初年的边疆危机是民族危机的重要组成部分,孙中山对边疆危机给予了极大的关注。

    The crisis of frontier region in the early Republic period was an important part of the crisis of nation .

  6. 传统教育、自身的经历和国内的边疆危机为岑毓英治边思想的产生奠定了基础。

    Traditional education , one 's own experience and domestic borderland crisis manage production of thought established the foundation for Cen Yuying .

  7. 20世纪30年代,面对日本帝国主义的入侵和西北的边疆危机,南京政府曾设想依靠西北为长期抗日的后方根据地,并进而带动西北的经济开发。

    In20-30s of this century , In the face of aggression , Nankinggovernment ever assumed to depend on northwest for a long period time backside base .

  8. 20世纪初,面对外蒙古地区落后的经济状况和深重的边疆危机,清政府在当地推行新政。

    At the beginning of the 20th century , Qing government carried out a New Policy in Outer Mongolia because of its backward economy and hard border crisis .

  9. 由边疆危机、民族危机所激发的西南边疆中华民族凝聚力如何形成与发展。

    In addition , it explores how the cohesion of the Chinese nation along the southwest frontier formed and developed while being inspired by the crisis of both the frontier and the nation .

  10. 《边政公论》是20世纪40年代在边疆危机、民族危机的背景下,创建的一份专门研究边疆地区民族、自然环境和文化的期刊。

    Frontier Affairs , created under the background of frontier crisis and national crisis in the 1940s , is a kind of journal that makes a special research on ethnics , natural environment and culture of border areas .

  11. 第二章对晚清时期的边疆治理进行了讨论,认为在边疆危机的刺激下,晚清边疆治理出现转型,而此时国家转型则是更为重要的转变,从此开启了现代国家构建的历程。

    The writer holds that pressed by the frontier crisis stimulating , border area government in late qing dynasty became to transform , and the national transformation is more important , which open the process of modern state building .