
  • 网络boundary layer equation
  1. 层流边界层方程零解的稳定性分析

    Analysis of the zero solution stability of laminar boundary layer equation

  2. 平板层流边界层方程的一种数值解法

    Numerical Solution for Flat Plate Laminar Boundary Layer Equation

  3. 运用紊动的粘性不可压流体的运动方程(N-S方程)、连续方程和能量方程,建立了圆形淹没紊动射流的边界层方程。在此基础上采用时

    Using the motion equation ( the N-S equation ), the continuity

  4. 一类Marangoni对流边界层方程的近似解析解

    Analytical approximate solutions for Marangoni convection boundary layer equations

  5. Prandtl边界层方程推导中的尺度化分析

    Scaling Analysis for Inducing Prandtl Boundary Layer Equation

  6. 进行逆模态计算时,以位移厚度作约束条件,通过Lagrange乘子直接引入边界层方程的有限元类比中进行整体求解。

    For the inverse mode , the displacement thicknesses are considered as a set of constrains , and are integrated into the finite element analog of the boundary layer equations via Lagrange multipliers .

  7. 二维不可压层流边界层方程经相似变换可化为Blasius方程。

    Two-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layer equation can be changed into Blasius equation by means of similarity transformation .

  8. 电模拟法解边界层方程

    Solution of boundary - layer equation with electric - simulation method

  9. 为规则的计算区域;(3)提出求解边界层方程的数值解法;

    Presenting a numerical method for the solution of boundary-layer equation .

  10. 关于大气边界层方程闭合的对比研究

    A study on the closure schemes comparison of atmospheric boundary layer equations

  11. 层流边界层方程的近似分析解

    An Approximate Analytical Solution of the Laminar Boundary Layer Equations

  12. 普朗特边界层方程推导新法

    A New Method for Deriving the Prandtl Boundary Layer Equation

  13. 求层流边界层方程相似解的级数解法

    A New Method for Seeking the Similar Solutions of Laminar Boundary Layer Equations

  14. 磁流体力学边界层方程的近似求解方法

    An approximate solution method for MHD boundary layer equations

  15. 非稳定边界层方程组整体解的存在惟一性

    On the Global Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Nonstationary Boundary Layer System

  16. 两种轴对称边界层方程的新解法

    The New Solutions for Two Kinds of Axially Symmetrical Laminar Boundary Layer Equations

  17. 三维层流自然对流换热边界层方程的数值解法

    Numerical Computation of 3-D Laminar Boundary Layer Equations of Natural Convection Heat Transfer

  18. 离心泵叶片边界层方程

    Boundary Layer Equations of Vanes in Centrifugal Pumps

  19. 结果表明,用此方法求解三维层流自然对流换热边界层方程是可行的。

    The results shows that using this method to solve the equations is feasible .

  20. 具相似流动的层流边界层方程零解的稳定性分析

    Analysis of stability of zero solution of laminar boundary layer equation with similar flow

  21. 本文给出了平板层流边界层方程一种简便的数值解法。

    A simple solution for a flat plate laminar boundary layer equation is described .

  22. 一类普朗特边界层方程逼近解的初步探讨

    An Original Study on the Approximate Solution for A Kind of Prandtl Boundary-Layer Equations

  23. 本文对三维普遍张量形式的边界层方程进行了求解。

    The three-dimensional boundary layer equations with rotation terms are formulated in general tensor form .

  24. 边界层方程求解传热传质复合自然对流的偏差分析

    Deviation analysis of boundary layer solutions for combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection

  25. 非惯性坐标系中的边界层方程

    Boundary layer equations in noninertial reference frame

  26. 提出了用电模拟法求解边界层方程的计算步骤。

    The calculation procedure of electric-simulation method for the solution of boundary-layer equation is proposed .

  27. 高精度匣子格式在边界层方程数值解中的应用

    Application of high order accurate box schemes to the numerical solution of boundary layer equations

  28. 边界层方程数值解法

    Numerical solutions of boundary layer equations

  29. 特殊坐标系中特殊非牛顿流边界层方程的相似解

    Similarity Solutions of Boundary Layer Equations for a Special Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Special Coordinate System

  30. 应用了边界层方程的新解法和简化的输运性质处理。

    The new solving method for boundary layer equations and simple disposal for transport properties are applied .