
  1. 本文首先通过求解流体力学基本方程组,模拟了储罐内LNG二维情况下的Rayleigh-Benard对流。

    In this paper , we firstly solve the basic equations of fluid mechanics , and simulate the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection of the LNG storage tank .

  2. 流体力学基本方程组(BEFM)的层次结构理论和简化Navier-Stokes方程组(SNSE)

    Grade structure theory for the basic equations of fluid mechanics ( befm ) and the simplified Navier-Stokes equations ( snse )

  3. 给出该坐标系下流体力学基本方程组。

    The general fluid mechanics equations in this coordinate system are developed .

  4. 本文从磁流体力学基本方程组出发,讨论了具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型。

    From the basic magnetohydrodynamics equations , the accretion disk model with a quasi-dipole magnetic field is discussed in this paper .

  5. 本文提出一种计算三维定常流动的半人工瞬变法,本方法的特点是直接利用流体力学的原始基本方程组进行数值计算。

    A method of semi-false transient to compute three dimensional steady flow was presented . The feature of the method was that , the original basic equations in fluid mechanics were directly used to numerically compute .