
  • 网络Control volume;controlled volume
  1. 采用控制体积法与SIMPLE算法对一般曲线坐标下控制方程进行离散和求解,建立了长江土脑子河段曲线二维动床模型。

    Governing equations of the model are discretized by control volume method , and non-staggered grids and SIMPLE algorithm are introduced to simplify the program during the discretization .

  2. RTM充模分析的隐式控制体积法及其迭代方法

    Implicit Control Volume Algorithm and Its Iterative Approach for Mold Filling Simulation of RTM

  3. RTM充模分析控制体积法的求解方法

    Solving Approach for Control - Volume Method of RTM Mold Filling Analysis

  4. RTM充模过程的自适应隐式控制体积法

    Adaptive implicit algorithm for RTM Mold Filling Simulation

  5. 采用控制体积离散方程,运用SIMPLER方法求解。

    SIMPLER algorithms are used to solve the strong coupled system of the equations , which are discretized with the control volume method .

  6. 采用控制体积法、非平衡壁面及FLUENT软件的用户自定义功能首次对复合式水力旋流器耦合流场进行了数值模拟。

    The article firstly simulates the interior flow field of compound hydrocycloneusing on control volume method , Non-Equilibrum wall Function and User-Defined Functions inFLUENT .

  7. RTM工艺注模过程模拟的有限元/控制体积方法和流动分析网络技术比较

    Comparison of the finite element / control volume method with flow analysis network technology in Mould-Filling simulation of RTM process

  8. 本文采用RNGk-ε湍流模型,基于控制体积法,应用SIMPLE算法,首次对复合式水力旋流器内部流场进行了数值模拟。

    The article firstly simulates the internal flow field of compound hydrocyclone by using RNG K - ε model , basing on control volume method and applying SIMPLE arithmetic .

  9. 通过开发计算机程序与有限元/控制体积分析软件,能够实现对任意复杂三维形状复合材料构件的造型和RTM工艺充模过程的模拟。

    A developed computer code and a FEM / CV analysis software can combine to model any complex 3D composite parts and simulate the RTM mold-filling process .

  10. 水射流采用标准kε双方程模型和控制体积法,岩石采用各向同性弹性介质和有限元法,给出了水射流与岩石耦合的数值算法。

    In the model , the standard k-epsilon two equations model and control volume method for water jets , and the elastic orthotropic continuum and finite element method for rock are adapted . Also , a numerical algorithm for both materials is given .

  11. 采用有限元/有限差分混合方法求解压力场和温度场,采用控制体积法跟踪熔体流动前沿,并应用Visualc++实现了注塑充填过程的可压缩流动分析。

    A hybrid FEM / FDM was employed to calculate the pressure field and temperature field , and the control volume method was adopted to advance the melt front . The compressible flow analysis of filling stage in plastics injection molding was implemented by using Visual C + + .

  12. 利用控制体积法对幂律流体偏心环空轴向层流流动的基本方程进行了离散化处理,并用ADI方法进行了求解。计算了流场中的速度分布和窄、宽边速度比等流场参数。

    By using volume control method , the basic equations of axial laminar flow for power law fluids in eccentric annuli was seperated and sovled by ADI ( Alternate Direction Iterail ) method .

  13. 本文利用ANSYS软件包求解压力场,以ANSYS软件环境下的参数设计语言编程,实现了有限单元/节点控制体积(FE/NCV)算法。

    In this paper , ANSYS soft packages are used to solve the pressure field and the finite element / node control volume ( FE / NCV ) arithmetic is implemented completely under ANSYS soft environment by ANSYS Parametric Design Languages ( APDL ) .

  14. 提出了用Taylor-Galerkin方法计算控制体积的充填因子的方法,导出了计算充填因子各阶导数的递推公式。

    We proposed a new method to update the melt front filling factors of the corresponding control-volume by Taylor-Galerkin approach and derived the recursive formula to calculate the derivatives of filling factor in every order .

  15. 确定高炉及死区的边界条件,稳态过程守恒方程中流量、扩散系数等项的插值方法,利用控制体积法离散微分方程,利用TDMA法迭代求解微分方程,并对数据进行了可视化处理。

    The program consists of the following parts : boundary definition of the blast furnace and deadman , interpolation for the varieties in the conservation equations , discretization by using the control volume method , solve the equation by TDMA method , and then do the data visualization .

  16. 在求解水流泥沙运动方程时,采用控制体积法(SIMPLEC程式)及动边界技术,对水流速度场、悬移质浓度场及河床变形进行了数值模拟。

    The control volume method ( SIMPLEC ) and movable boundary technique were used in solving the equations of water and sediment movement . The velocity field , the concentration field of the suspended load and the river-bed deformation were simulated .

  17. 控制体积法在二维潮流计算中的应用

    The Application of Control - volume Formulation in Tidal Flow Computation

  18. 注塑流动与传热分析的自适应隐式控制体积法

    Implicit Control Volume Method for Filling and Heat Transfer Simulation for Injection Molding

  19. 采用控制体积法更新熔体流动前沿和气体穿透前沿。

    Melt flow front and gas penetration front are determined by control volume method .

  20. 细胞母质控制体积的系统化操作。

    Systematic use of cell-matrix control volumes .

  21. 基于控制体积法及等效粘性阻尼法的空气弹簧冲击数值仿真

    Numerical Simulation of Air Spring Shock Based on Control Volume Method and Equivalent Viscous Damping Method

  22. 控制体积滴定法包括线性滴定法、单点滴定法及双点滴定法;

    The controlled volumetric titration consists of linear titration , single point titration and double point titration .

  23. 对于高性能的引信,有效地控制体积是非常重要的。

    In order to obtain a high-performance fuze , it is very important to control the volume effectively .

  24. 运用有限控制体积法进行了数值模拟计算,结果可信。

    The finite control volume method is employed in numerical simulation , and pressure , phase fraction correction equations are given .

  25. 最后用有限控制体积法和伽略金有限元法对变换后的方程进行数学离散并求解。

    With discrete mathematical method , the transformed equation is solved by finite control volume method and Galerkin finite element method .

  26. 采用控制体积法研究了以四步法编织矩形组合截面三维编织物的特殊细观结构。

    In this paper , the Control Volume Finite Element Method ( CVFEM ) was applied to simulate RTM mold filling .

  27. 采用有限元/有限差分/控制体积混合数值方法,实现了注塑成型充填后充填一体化模拟。

    A hybrid Finite element / Finite difference / Control volume method was employed to implement the numerical simulation of such unified theoretical model .

  28. 在注射流动与传热分析的中面模型采用自适应隐式控制体积法,并在熔体前沿进行泉涌效应的近似处理。

    The adaptively implicit algorithm was applied for numerical analysis of injection molding , and the fountain effects in melt fronts were numerical approximated .

  29. 介绍了应用数值控制体积模型法对带式压光过程热量传递与能耗分析所得到的结果。

    In this work , a numerical control volume method was applied to study the heat transfer and energy consumption of a belt calendar .

  30. 提出了将计算滴定分析法分为控制体积滴定法和控制电位滴定法两个大类的观点。

    It has been suggested in this paper that the calculating titrimetric analysis can been divided into controlled volumetric titration and controlled potentiometric titration .