
  • 网络channel;Control Channel
  1. 文件下载是靠TCP控制通道进行可靠性的验证。

    File is downloaded on TCP control channels to verify the reliability .

  2. 提出了基于BIT的双通道容错电子控制器设计方案,电子控制器包括两个采用相似余度设计的控制通道(A、B通道)和一个监控通道(C通道)。

    The design scheme of dual channel fault-tolerant EEC based on BIT was brought forward , which consists of two similar redundant control channels ( channel A and B ) and a monitor channel ( channel C ) .

  3. 在每个单独的主控制通道上进行模糊PID控制,使温度控制能够进一步更为精确。

    Fuzzy PID control in each main control single channel made the temperature control more precise .

  4. PCI接口是数据通道和控制通道的基础,它是以集成PCI核来实现的。

    Thebase of data and control channel is the PCI interface , which is achieved by the PCIcore .

  5. 这些操作中重点介绍了USB设备请求的协议:所有USB设备在其缺省控制通道处对主机的请求发出响应;

    Among them , the protocol of request processing is emphasized . All USB devices respond to host 's request through their default control pipe .

  6. 链路管理协议LMP中控制通道管理的研究

    The Study of Control Channel Management in Link Management Protocol

  7. H.323协议族定义了注册、允许和状态通道(RAS),呼叫建立通道,会议控制通道,实时流通道和数据通道;

    These protocols define the channels for RAS , call setup , conference control , real time stream and data .

  8. 针对某型反舰导弹自动驾驶仪航向控制通道的不足,提出一种利用GPS实现的侧向质心控制方案。

    It is quite expensive to use INS ( Inertial Navigation System ) method to make corrections for lateral deviations of midcourse trajectory of antiship missile due to gust and gyro drift .

  9. 基于EEG信号的BCI是指在人脑和计算机或者其它电子设备之间建立的一种直接信息交流和控制通道。

    EEG-based BCI can provide a direct communication and control channel for sending messages and instructions from brain to external computers or other electronic devices .

  10. 在该方案中,两个单片机通过GAL实现对两路485通信、抢占式控制通道的控制和自身的内部通信。

    In the system , two microcontrollers realize outer 485 communication , control of robbed control channel and inner communication by GAL.

  11. 把磁盘映射到两个VIO服务器并创建网络控制通道,VIO客户机LPAR就会有两个访问路径。

    Mapping disks to both VIO servers and creating network control channels gives VIO client LPARs two legs to stand on .

  12. 本文采用部分可调的光器件,针对多控制通道的单跳星形网络,提出了一种动态时分/波分复用(T/WDM)访问控制协议。

    This paper presents a media access protocol for a dynamic time / wavelength division multiplexing ( T / WDM ) single hop passive star networks with multi control channels and partial tunable device .

  13. 作为一多输入多输出(MIMO)系统,UPFC各控制通道间存在交互影响,严重时会导致系统失去闭环稳定性。

    UPFC is a multi-input and multi-output ( MIMO ) multivariable controller and dynamic interactions are found among its multiple functional UPFC , which may result in poor control performance and sometimes even closed loop system instability .

  14. 植入式脑-机接口(InvasiveBrain-machineinterface)通过记录大脑皮层神经活动信号,结合信号处理技术,获得神经活动信号与实际运动及意识之间的映射关系,在大脑与外界之间建立信息交流与控制通道。

    Invasive Brain-Machine Interface ( BMI ) obtains the relationships between actual movements and neural signals which are recorded from cerebral cortex by signal processing technology , and provides users with communication and control channels to communicate with the outside world directly .

  15. 研究了自适应过程的理想期望信号的构造、SISO情况下闭环控制通道与反馈控制器同时进行自适应设计以及MIMO控制通道阻尼问题的简化与设计方法的拓展等问题;

    Topics for constructing the ideal expected signals , extracting the estimations of both closed loop and feedback controller simultaneously for single-input single-output ( SISO ) systems as well as simplifying the damping model and expanding the control strategy for multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) systems are studied .

  16. 提出一种光电二级稳定粗、精控制通道融合新方案,并与现有粗、精控制通道相互独立二级稳定方案相比较。DS-1、DS-2精脱硫剂在涠洲岛液化气脱硫装置的工业应用

    A new scheme is proposed which blends the coarse and fine control channel used in photoelectric two-stage stabilization system . Industrial Application of DS-1 and DS-2 Fine Desulfurizers in LPG Desulfurizing Unit of Weizhou Island End Plant

  17. 基于控制通道融合的瞄准线组合稳定技术

    Line of Sight Combined Stabilization Technique Based on Control Channel Blend

  18. 本协议中控制通道的传播时延很小。

    The protocol reduces the normalized propagation delay of control channel .

  19. 这些虚拟适配器用作控制通道。

    These virtual adapters are used as the control channel .

  20. 具有4个模拟输出控制通道和8个模拟输入采集通道;

    It has 4 output control channels and 8 input acquisition channels .

  21. 将解耦后的质调节、量调节认为是相互独立的单回路控制通道。

    Consider the decoupling quality and quantity channels as independent single-loop channels .

  22. 射流元件控制通道流动的三维数值模拟

    Three dimension numerical simulation of a jet device control channel

  23. 计算机会议流控制通道协议研究

    Research on a control channel protocol for the conferencing stream

  24. 光电二级稳定系统控制通道融合技术

    Electro-optical two-stage stabilization system control technique of channel blending

  25. 防抱死制动系统的控制通道数对其控制效果的影响

    Anti-Lock Brake System 's Channel and Its Control Effect

  26. 某涡扇发动机低压压气机叶片角度控制通道性能研究

    An Investigation on Performance of Variable Vane Control Channel for a Turbofan Engine LPC

  27. 设计了内核间的中断控制通道。

    An interrupt mechanism among cores is designed .

  28. 那么,所谓“高速”通道,不但包括高效的数据通道,而且包括可靠的控制通道。

    Sothe " high-speed " means an efficient data channel and a reliable control channel .

  29. 舰-舰导弹系统指挥控制通道目标参数加密数学模型

    A densified mathematical model of target parameters for ship to ship missile command and control system

  30. 控制通道的移模能力分析与分散控制系统的信息结构问题

    The Moving Mode Capacity Analysis of Control Channels and the Information Structure Problem of Decentralized Control