
shàng děng
  • superior;upper;first-class;best-quality;first-rate
上等 [shàng děng]
  • [upper;first-class;best-quality]优等的;高级的

  • 上等木材

上等[shàng děng]
  1. 这是上等雪茄。

    This is the first-class cigars .

  2. 上等的雨花石是一种玛瑙。

    The first-class Yu-hua-shi is a kind of agate .

  3. 有一群人在码头上等着。

    A crowd was waiting on the quay .

  4. 杰克和斯蒂芬正在码头上等他们。

    Jack and Stephen were waiting for them on the quay .

  5. 在对角线上等距地标出5点。

    Mark five points an equal distance apart along the diagonals .

  6. 上等葡萄酒可以盖上带编号的优质产品印章。

    The best wines are entitled to a numbered seal of quality .

  7. 上等的波尔图葡萄酒必须倒入其他容器中以滤除自然沉淀物。

    Vintage ports must be decanted to remove natural sediments .

  8. 只有上等好漆才能用作罩面漆。

    Only the finest lacquers are used for finishes .

  9. 在挑选长筒靴的时候,购买上等的好皮靴将是明智的选择。

    When selecting boots , fine , quality leather will be a wise investment

  10. 如果你在拍卖会上只能买一样东西,那就应该是上等的波尔图葡萄酒。

    If you can buy only one case at auction , it should be vintage port .

  11. 它们是最上等的精品,最好的花。

    They are the best and choicest articles , the choicest flowers .

  12. 这批牛全部达到了上等牛肉的标准。

    The whole shipment of cattle made the grade as prime beef .

  13. 市长坐在一把扶手椅上等着他。

    The mayor was waiting for him , sitting in an armchair .

  14. 菜单上是意大利菜,有上等的肉和新鲜的鱼、比萨饼和意大利面。

    The menu is Italian , with excellent meat and fresh fish , pizzas and pasta .

  15. 过了一会儿,古巴人掏出上等的雪茄分发给每个人。

    A little later , the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars .

  16. 我们在一家上等的饭店吃午餐。

    We lunched in a fashionable restaurant .

  17. 医生说:“你的脾脏肿大,吃些上等的获等就会好的!”

    The doctor said : " Your spleen is swollen2 . You will get well by taking good quality fining ( poris cocos ) . "

  18. 三个教授在站台上等火车。他们正在全神贯注地谈话。火车进站了,可是他们都没有注意到。这个时候,列车员喊道:“请上车了!”教授们听到后飞快地向火车跑去。

    There were three professors shouted , " Take your seats , please ! " The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train .

  19. C:嗨,别提了。我刚才一直在电话上等。

    A : Hi Chen Hao , have you got a minute ?

  20. 您的机油应该和早上喝的咖啡一样,精选又新鲜。choice在这里是形容词,表示“精选的,上等的”。

    Your motor oil should be as choice and fresh as your morning coffee .

  21. Buzzhimin.让他进来。吉米好像在走廊上等着呢。

    A : I think Jimmy is waiting in the lobby .

  22. 上等的n.上级长官就舒适性而言,这辆车要比那一辆棒多了。

    This car is far superior to that one in terms of comfort .

  23. 安东尼格雷德在南非开普敦市一家名为HonestChocolate的店里制作上等巧克力。

    Anthony Grid makes fine chocolates at a store called Honest Chocolate , in Cape Town , South Africa .

  24. 但许多企业在应用ERP的过程中都存在着诸如实施盲目、选型不当、管理工作跟不上等问题。

    However , most enterprises encounter some problems such as blind implementation , unsuitable selection of ERP type and less matching management while applying ERP .

  25. 就HSE体系在石化化验室实行提出了一些看法,包括提高认识水平、对安全管理的作用以及目前实施的重心应放在考核上等,以促进HSE体系的实施进度。

    Some ideas were discussed in the field of recognition , safety management and examination to accelerate HSE implementation .

  26. Mg能显著提高烟叶产量;施用中、微量元素的中上等烟比例比对照提高0.6%~3.83%。

    Mg can raise the yield significantly of tobacco leaves , The ratio of medium-topped tobacco which was applied with the medium-microelements exceeded 0.6 % ~ 3.83 % as compared with that of the control .

  27. 由PeterBruegger设计的上等瓷骨杯,有六款不同的胡须造型可供选择。

    The fine bone china mugs by Peter Bruegger are available in six different iconic moustache styles .

  28. 在AutoCAD中,用户给定一个任意的放样截面、一个任意的放样路径曲线,截面在放样路径上等比例地生成一个三维实体。

    In AutoCAD , the user gives a random extrusion section and a random path , a three_dimension solid will be constructed by extruding the section along the path to the same scale .

  29. 使用染料调Q红宝石激光器激发液态空气的受激喇曼散射(SRS),在0.5247~1.0256微米的范围内获得基本上等频差间隔的十三条辐射线。

    SES of liquid air was pumped by a ruby laser using dye for Q-switching . The obtained SES spectrum consists of 13 lines from 0.5247 μ m to 1.0256 μ m.

  30. VHDL语言在设计思想、语句运用及描述方法上等方面可实现对数字系统的优化设计。

    The optimized design of a digital system can be completely realized by VHDL Language feature from its idea of design , the usage of statements and the describing method .