
shàng cāng
  • God;Heaven
上苍 [shàng cāng]
  • [ Heaven] 苍天,俗称老天爷

  • 我们只好在侯机室里恭候上苍开颜赏脸。--《云赋》

上苍[shàng cāng]
  1. 我们要谢谢上苍,赐我们的安乐、健康和饱暖。

    What thanks do we not owe to Heaven for thus bestowing tranquillity , health and competence !

  2. 他期望有上苍的衣裳-W.B.Yeats

    He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven - W.B. Yeats

  3. 他相信上苍。

    He trusted in divine providence .

  4. n.神坛那妇人跪在神坛前面,祈求上苍保佑她的儿子能平安归来。

    altar The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son 's safe return .

  5. 上苍给予了我们爱情,以使种族延续。

    Nature gives us love so that the specie cango forward .

  6. 所以,感谢上苍送来了格策。

    So thank heavens for G & # 246 ; tze .

  7. 今天是一个晴朗似水的好天气,你应该感谢上苍;

    Thank God , for making such a fine day today !

  8. 我们祈求上苍保佑他们平安归来。

    We offered up our prayers for the men 's safe return .

  9. 论《他们眼望上苍》的叙事语言

    On " Their Eyes were Watching God " of Speech

  10. 今天上苍在召唤我了。

    Today the Palace of Heaven has sent for me .

  11. 我苦苦祈求上苍保佑他能活下来。

    I have prayed so hard that he will live .

  12. 《他们眼望上苍》中男性的话语缺失和内心透视

    Male Voices and Complexity in " Their Eyes were Watching God "

  13. 请帮忙传送并祈求上苍减轻他们苦难。

    I pray that this little boy be alleviated from his suffering .

  14. 不管怎样,感谢上苍赐予我那曾经的快乐。

    Anyway , Thank you for the happy dream all the time .

  15. 上苍啊,告诉我,如何才能有没有痛苦的爱?

    Oh , Lord , how to love without suffering ?

  16. 接着莉莲低声说道:“感谢上苍!”

    Then Lil-lian murmured , " Thank You , Jesus .

  17. 当他离开时,我仰望上苍

    and when he died , I looked up to God

  18. 好好感谢上苍吧你不用听她差遣了

    Be grateful you don 't have to answer to her anymore .

  19. 因为这个美妙的今天对上苍充满了感激

    Who are just grateful to God for this glorious day

  20. 斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍的一个阴森森的警告。

    Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning .

  21. 他祈祷上苍赐福于她。

    He called down a blessing on her head .

  22. 感谢上苍,露丝,我是那么感激它!

    And I 'm thankful for that , Rose , I 'm thankful .

  23. 默默乞求上苍,指引我方向。

    In silence to Heaven I pray , for showing me the way .

  24. 体会你所到之处的景观,并由衷地感激上苍对你的恩赐。

    Feel the textures of every place you are that you 've thankful for .

  25. 真是上苍安排的一个好机会,要他在进入茫茫宇宙之前再吃一个苹果饺。

    This presented a providential occasion to eat another apple-turnover before entering the unknown .

  26. 但这是罕见的,是上苍的奥秘和恩赐。

    But this is rare , a mystery , and a gift of God .

  27. 他觉得,似乎上苍终于悯念到他。

    It seemed to him that heaven had at length taken pity on him .

  28. 我祈祷上苍赐予你种种

    The heavens reward thee manifold , I pray

  29. 许多中国人相信福禄乃是上苍所赐。

    Many Chinese believe it is the gods who grant good fortune and opportunities .

  30. 我应该感谢上苍让我拥有亨利

    how grateful I am to have Henry .