
yuè piào
  • monthly ticket;monthly pass;season ticket;commutation ticket
月票 [yuè piào]
  • [monthly ticket] 整月使用的票证,如乘车月票

月票[yuè piào]
  1. 月票只在花园道缆车总站发售。

    Monthly ticket will be on sale at Garden Road terminal .

  2. 月票有效期只有一个月。

    The monthly ticket is valid for a month only .

  3. 火车月票大约只需乘两次车就够本了。

    The rail pass will pay for itself after about two trips .

  4. 我们去换月票。

    We went to renew our monthly season ticket .

  5. mis在人事和月票管理中的实践和应用

    Practice and Application of MIS in Personnel and Monthly Ticket Management

  6. 叙述了MIS在厦门市轮渡公司的人事和月票管理中的实践和应用。

    Practice and application of MIS in Xiamen city are described .

  7. 所有中转站几乎都可以买到月票。

    You can pick one up at virtually any transit station .

  8. 公交电子月票系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of City 's Public Transit Monthly Ticket System

  9. 一张月票比四周票还便宜。

    A monthly pass coast less than four weekly pass .

  10. 花20元就能在这里买一张月票。

    For20 dollars you can pick up a commuter 's pass here .

  11. 你要中有月票。会合算一些。

    It comes cheaper if you have a season ticket .

  12. 对不起我忘带月票了

    Man , I 'm sorry . I forgot my bus pass .

  13. 要节省时间和开支,您可以买月票。

    To save time and money , you can buy a monthly pass .

  14. 请出示月票可以吗?

    Could you please show your commuter 's pass ?

  15. 经常乘坐公共汽车的人可能用一张月票折偿每日的车票。

    Regular bus travelers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets .

  16. 使用月票的人被最近的月票提价激怒了。

    Commuters were incensed by the latest price increase .

  17. 为什么这里不可以使用月票?

    Why isn 't this ticket any good here ?

  18. 不是。只有在北京居住和工作的人才能使用月票。

    No. Only those who live or work in Beijing have the privilege .

  19. 请大家出示车票和月票。

    All tickets and season passes , please !

  20. 哦!我的火车月票过期了。

    Oh , my train pass has expired .

  21. 我的月票到这周为止。

    My season ticket will expire this week .

  22. 请办一张去维多利亚站的月票。

    A monthly ticket to victoria , please .

  23. 月票可使你不必每天买票。

    A monthly pass would save you having to buy a ticket every day .

  24. 请出示公共汽车月票。

    Please show me your monthly bus pass .

  25. “灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

    Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company , which offers the monthly pass .

  26. 在赫尔辛基,两周的公共交通月票约售15到25英镑。

    A two-week pass for using the Helsinki public transportation typically sells for between £ 15 - £ 25 .

  27. 有些汽车上可以使用月票或IC卡,在另一些车上必须付现金买票。

    On some buses passengers may use a monthly ticket , or IC card ; on others you must pay in cash .

  28. 但是相信我们,我们很相爱,我们会一起把月票换成车钥匙,把房租支出慢慢的变成零。

    But believe us , we are love each other , we will get together to a monthly pass into the car keys , and the rent expenditures slowly becomes zero .

  29. ·一年只坐一次飞机,或不坐:在每趟从伦敦飞往洛杉矶的商务航班飞行中,乘客人均排放的温室气体量要远远高于每年使用月票的汽车乘客、火车乘客和地铁乘客。

    Fly once less per year : The average one-way commercial flight from London to Los Angeles produces more GHG emissions per passenger than the average British commuter produces yearly by car , train , and subway combined .

  30. 社区型超市引入综合店概念,通过配套速食供应、家庭账单代办、月票代办等便利措施,成为社区型购物与服务中心。

    Community supermarket introduce " comprehensive shop " concept , through forming a complete set and eat supply , family bill act on one 's behalf , monthly ticket act on one 's behalf convenient measure rapidly , and become doing shopping and service center .