
  1. 确定每5分钟时间段大楼内各楼层要求服务乘客数分布和上行下行百分比。

    The third step is to define the distribution of passengers in need of service and the percentage of up-direction or down-direction in each floor every 5 minutes in the building .

  2. 并重点在Suburban模型中分别实现针对所提出的上行和下行干扰管理算法。

    The proposed uplink and downlink interference managements are realized in the suburban model .

  3. 结合ADSL系统特点,分析ADSL系统的优点,主要分析了ADSL系统上行及下行传输方式

    With the characteristic of ADSL system , analyzed its advantages and analyzed mostly the transport mode of submit and down

  4. 在不同调制下,分析了Ka频段卫星的上行和下行频率在不同链路余量时的误码率特性。

    The BER characteristics in different link margin for up-link and down-link in Ka-band are analyzed at different modulations , respectively .

  5. 无线承载测试的应用取决于UE上行、下行无线接入能力以及UE支持的电信业务和承载业务。

    The applicability of radio bearer tests is dependent on the UE uplink and downlink radio access capabilities and UE support telecommunication and bearer services .

  6. 现将本文的主要工作和得到的相应结论详细叙述如下:第2章研究了相同路径损耗下OFDM系统资源分配,研究内容分为上行和下行两个方面。

    The major work and conclusions of this dissertation can be detailedly described as follows : Chapter 2 studies uplink / downlink resource allocation in the special OFDM system , where different users have equal path loss .

  7. xDSL是目前流行的宽带铜线接入技术,其中ADSL具有上行和下行速率不对称的传输特点。

    As a copper-based board band access technology , xDSL is prevalent . As a branch of xDSL , ADSL features a different up and down asymmetrical speed .

  8. 在同样的慢瑞利衰落多径信道条件下,与Hara提出的单用户检测体制进行比较,同时分析了上行和下行信道的情况。

    It is compared with Hara 's single user detector in the same slow fading Rayleigh multipath channel . Both uplink and downlink channels are analyzed .

  9. 通过在AP中将下行的多个小IP语音包封装成一个大的广播语音包进行发送,降低AP下行数据发送的压力,均衡VoIP链路的上行和下行发送之间的负载量。

    Through encapsulating numbers of small downlink voice over IP ( VoIP ) payloads into one large broadcast voice packet for transmission in AP side , TLB can release the transmission tension in AP side and balance the transmission load between stations and AP .

  10. 结合上述调制方案,采用一个半反射光纤光栅和一个低插入损耗的强度调制器实现了一种无源基站的全双工ROF系统,并进行了上行和下行的传输实验。

    Based on above method , a full-duplex ROF system with a passive base station was proposed and realized by using a half-reflecting Fiber Brag Grating ( FBG ) and an intensity modulator with low insertion loss .

  11. 该文分析了MCCDMA系统采用解相关-并行干扰抵消(DECPIC)多用户检测器的性能,把它与Hara提出的最小均方误差合并(MMSEC)单用户检测器在上行和下行信道加以比较。

    This paper analyzes the performance of DEC - Parallel Interference Canceling ( DEC-PIC ) multiuser detector exploited in MC-CDMA system . It is compared with Hara 's Minimum Mean Square Error Combining ( MMSEC ) single-user detector in the uplink and downlink channels .

  12. 和「对称数位用户回路」(SDSL)的资料流是对称的,也就是说上行和下行的速率相同。

    In HDSL ( High bit-rate DSL ) and SDSL ( Symmetric DSL ) the data stream is symmetric ; that is , the upstream and downstream rates are the same .

  13. 结论双侧STN的DBS治疗可能通过兴奋STN轴突的方式,使其投射区域的基底上行和下行通路以及相应的皮层高级中枢的代谢改善,从而使PD患者的临床症状改善。

    Conclusions Bilateral STN stimulation activated the projection axon from STN and improved the clinical symptoms of advanced PD patients , which perhaps by the way of improving both ascending and descending pathway from the basal ganglia and increasing the metabolism of higher-order motor control of parietal-occipital cortex .

  14. 计算了上层大气UAV-UAV交叉结合(近场)和上行/下行通信传播路径(远场)具体的数值结果。

    Numerical implementations are given for both upper atmosphere UAV-UAV cross-links ( near field ) and uplink / downlink communication propagation paths ( far field ) .

  15. 目前的DSL技术有多种,其中的SDSL由于其速度快,而且上行和下行速度相同,特别适合于上行和下行流量差不多的用户。

    The DSL 's technology at present has many kinds , among which the SDSL is quick speed , and the upstream is identical as downstream speed , and especially is fit for in up and down volume of flow average person user .

  16. 两个系统的上行和下行负载轻重共构成四种负载关系。

    The levels of uplink and downlink loads constitute four load relationships .

  17. 然而,2010年的增长率依然取决于重大的上行和下行风险。

    However , growth in2010 remains subject to significant upside and downside risks .

  18. 卫星电视发送及接收牌照;卫星电视上行及下行牌照;卫星电视广播牌照

    Satellite television uplink and downlink licence

  19. 卫星上行及下行服务

    Satellite uplink and downlink services

  20. 实现了上行及下行的中央控制器的控制,并对软件设计进行了说明。

    Uplink and downlink realized the central controller of control and for software design were introduced . 5 .

  21. 地铁出口处有两台自动扶梯,分别为上行和下行。事故发生后,现场拉起警戒线进行封锁。

    The exit had two escalators , ascending and descending , and was cordoned off after the accident .

  22. 倾斜路面上方设置的扶手主要是是帮助人在上行和下行时掌握身体平衡和利用胳膊辅助加力。

    The handrail upon an incline usually helps people holding balance and energizing when they go up and down .

  23. 为了保证通信质量,本文主要研究上行和下行物理层方案,并针对高速特点对已有算法进行改进。

    In order to guarantee communication quality , we focus on the research of the uplink and downlink physical layer program .

  24. 对于专用信道,同步原语用于指示上行和下行无线链路的同步状态。

    For the dedicated channels , synchronisation primitives are used to indicate the synchronisation status of radio links , both in uplink and downlink .

  25. 在数据采集终端和服务平台的交互过程中,设计了上行和下行通信协议,增强了服务的安全性。

    In the interaction process of data collection terminal and services platform , the uplink and downlink communication protocols are designed to enhance the security of service .

  26. 基于上行和下行信号之间的时序交错,我们提出了一种相位二次调制方法以消除瑞利后向散射噪声。

    After reviewing the different techniques of RBS mitigation we proposed a novel idea of Phase remodulation based on Time Interleaving between downstream and upstream signals to mitigate RBS noise .

  27. 第四章通过作者在第二章建立的数学模型,在Matlab/Simulink环境下对集成控制阀上行和下行工况分别进行了稳态、动态仿真研究。

    In chapter 4 , by the tool of Matlab / Simulink , static and dynamic simulation researches for up and down hydraulic circuit of the integrated valve are given .

  28. 控制的目标是使进入干线上行和下行的车辆一路绿灯,明显降低车辆停车率和平均延误时间。

    The goal of this control strategy is to achieve the zero stop of the up-run or down-run vehicles in the trunk and make the vehicle average delay time shortest .

  29. 在多达八级的听觉级层中,下丘组织是一个很重要的信息整合中心,在上行和下行通路中都有着很重要的作用。

    In up to eight hearing levels . the inferior colliculus is a very important information integration center , which has an important role in the ascending and descending auditory pathways .

  30. 根据上海轨道交通1号线的钢轨损伤情况,对引起钢轨伤损的原因和伤损的数量进行统计分析。结果发现:上行和下行线路的伤损种类与分布大致相同;

    According to the statistics of rail damage in Line 1 , it can be concluded that the causation and cases of rail damage are roughly the same in both up and down directions ;