
  1. 社会文化理论视野下的发展是指在某一方向上质的变化,发展的方向部分地取决于文化、人际之间的需要以及特定的环境。

    According to social-culture theory , development is qualitative change in certain orientation that in part lies in culture , human relations and some special circumstances .

  2. 这名德国国脚的经纪人证实尤文对他感兴趣,同时,德尚在昨天说道,“我们将试图签下一名能够给我们在竞争力上质的提高的球员。”

    The Germany international 's agent has confirmed Juve 's interest and Deschamps said yesterday : " We will try to make signings which will give us a big jump in quality . "

  3. 收益管理理论的研究和应用有效的推动了欧美航空业和旅游业在管理和经营水平上质的飞跃,并逐步成为企业的核心竞争力。

    The research and application of revenue management theory promote the aviation and tourism industries in Europe and the US a qualitative leap in the management and operation level , and gradually become the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  4. 自然水体生物膜上有机质COD与TOC之间的比例关系

    The Ratios of COD to TOC in Organic Materials in the Natural Surface Coatings

  5. 总之,Ajax应用相对于传统web应用在使用性上有质的飞跃,同时GWT所提供的工具能使你的Ajax性能无偿地得到大幅度提升。

    Ajax applications have a big usability jump from traditional web applications and GWT provides tools that give you better Ajax performance for free .

  6. 这不是一个量的变化,而是认识上的质的飞跃。

    This is not a quantitative change , but a qualitative leap in understanding .

  7. 感病品种合丰25根部线粒体绝大多数都出现了空泡化,而抗病品种绥农10虽然细胞结构上有质壁分离现象发生,但细胞内部的细胞器还都较完整。

    Most of the chondriosome in roots of susceptible variety Hefeng 25 appeared the vacuolus .

  8. 化学工业要走可持续发展的道路必须在生产技术上有质的变化。

    If chemical industry breaks sustained paths , it should have qualitative changes on production technologies .

  9. 这个研究表明成人和儿童在学习语言的方法上有质的差别。

    The research suggests that the ways in which adults and children learn languages are qualitatively different .

  10. 重新构建爱的教育要求家长从观念、目的、方式上应有质的改变。

    Parents should have a qualitative change from the concept , purpose , and the way to build love education again .

  11. 对病原菌致病机制、植物抗病机制以及它们互作体系的透彻研究是解决这些问题,使烟草等植物转基因研究在现有基础上产生质的飞跃的根本和关键。

    The study on virus pathogeny , virus-resistance mechanism and their interaction system is the base and key to solve these problems .

  12. 河工模型几何变态对坡面上推移质输移相似性的影响

    The Impact of Scale Distortion on the Similarity of Gravel Bed Load Transport on Gradient River Bed in a Physical Model Study

  13. 香蕉含有三种天然糖份:蔗糖、糖和葡萄糖;再加上纤维质。

    The banana contains three kinds of natural candy shares : Cane sugar , fructose and glucose ; Combine with the fibre quality .

  14. 企业必须在人力资源管理水平上有质的提升才能够积累足够的人力资本,从而支持企业的战略转变。

    Enterprises have to improve their human resource management quality to accumulate their human resource capital . Then they could finish their strategy conversion .

  15. 可持续发展观念的提出反映了人类社会经济发展和社会进步的内在需要,是人类在认识发展问题上的质的飞跃。

    Sustainable development reflects the internal need required by socio econimic development and social progress , and is a leap forward in human cognition about development .

  16. 宋词在抒情文学史上具有质的进步,对后世文学产生了重要影响。

    The poetry of the Song Dynasty has its fundmental progress in the history of lyric literature , which gave a great influence upon the later literature .

  17. 应用二维数学模型研究天然气催化燃烧壁面反应及载体气固界面上热质传递与流动耦合的现象。

    A two-dimension mathematic model has been developed in order to study the effect of heat and mass transfer coupled with flow on the surface of with catalytic reaction .

  18. 使优秀运动员文化教育在层次、内容和质量上产生质的飞跃,并呈现多元化发展和向教育系统回归的趋势。

    Under new situations , education of elite athletes must have a qualitative leap in levels , contents and tendency of synthesized development and returning to the educational system .

  19. 其中,《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》作为新型财经报纸的佼佼者,其在新闻理念、报道方式、运作模式上均有质的突破。

    As new financial newspapers , the 21st Century Business Herald and Economic Observer are both among the best , making qualitative break through in news concept , reports way and operation mode .

  20. 基于上述结果,阐明了在不适当的生长条件下,由于晶面上熔质分布高度不均匀而形成宏观包藏&层绵的原因与过程。

    Based on the above results , the causes and process for the formation of macro inclusion-layer-like floss due to the high in-homogeneity of solute distribution on the grown face under some inappropriate growth conditions were elucidated .

  21. 本文在深入剖析质的研究的内涵的基础之上,结合当前信息时代背景的心理学研究趋势,并在研究方法上就质的研究对于心理学研究的意义作了全面阐述。

    This thesis analyzes deeply the connotations of the Quality Research and , by combining the tendency of psychological study in this times of information , expounds fully the significance by applying the method of the Quality Research into psychological studies .

  22. 完善的法律体系判断标准在于是否能够提供调节权利冲突的制度,并通过正当程序来化解权利所表彰的利益冲突,最大程度地实现权利在法上的质的规定性。

    The perfect evaluative criteria of legal system lie in whether the institution of regulating the conflict of rights can be offered and resolving the interest conflicts represented by the concerning rights through due process and thus implements the transformation of rights in law into its substantial provision .

  23. 在MRI图像上,灰白质区的ADC值由计算机辅助分析程序获取。

    On MRI images , ADC values were measured in gray-and white-matter regions by using the computer-aided analysis program .

  24. 炼山处理(C)与收获地上所有有机质处理(A)相比,林木生长有显著差异。

    There was a significant difference in tree growth comparing the C treatment ( logging slash burning ) with the A treatment ( complete removal of organic matter residues ) .

  25. PD在病理学上以黑质致密部多巴胺能神经元选择性变性缺失为特点。

    The pathology of PD can be attributed to the selective loss of dopaminergic ( DAergic ) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta ( SNPc ) .

  26. 目的研究在三维材料上间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSCs)向软骨细胞的定向诱导情况,为最终临床资料。

    OBJECTIVE To study the directed induction of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) towards cartilage cells on three-dimension material and evaluate the difference between plane induction and three-dimension induction .

  27. 全部病例在T2WI上脑白质内均有弥漫性高信号病灶。

    There were abnormal diffuse high signals in the white matter on T_2WI in all cases .

  28. 结果腹膜上的透明质酸和卵巢癌细胞上的CD44分子与癌细胞的粘附能力密切相关。

    Results Hyaluronic acid on the peritoneum and the adhesion molecule CD44 of the ovarian cells were significantly related with the adhesion of ovarian cancer cells .

  29. ING基因最早是通过消减杂交寻找抑癌基因的方法得到的,这个基因家族在进化中十分保守,功能上与染色质结构的调节、基因转录、细胞周期调控、细胞增殖以及细胞凋亡有关。

    The ING gene family is one of the most conservative gene families . Its functions are associated with chromatin remodeling , gene transcription , cell-cycle regulation , cell proliferation and apoptosis .

  30. 目的探讨在常规磁共振(MRI)上测量黑质致密带(SNc)宽度及其与中脑直径的比值对帕金森病(PD)和血管性帕金森综合征(VP)的诊断和鉴别诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of measurement of the width of pars compacta of substantia nigra ( SNc ) and SNc 's ratio to midbrain diameter in diagnosing Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) and differentiating PD from vascular parkinsonism ( VP ) on routine MRI .