
  • 网络separate enterprise from institution
  1. 基因工程食品主辅分离;

    Genetic engineering food Separation of main work and non-main work ;

  2. 纳米技术与阀门主辅分离;

    Nanometer and valve Separation of main work and non-main work ;

  3. 我国铁路主辅分离改革研究

    The Study on Separating Enterprise from Institution in Our Country Railway Reform

  4. 主辅分离;非调质钢学术会

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; MICROALLOYED STEEL SYMPOSIUM HELD

  5. 主辅分离;灌缝技术

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; Slit-pouring Technology

  6. 主辅分离;伺服电动机的技术展望

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; TECHNICAL PROSPECT OF SERVOMOTOR

  7. 地勘单位主辅分离改革的探索与实践

    Practice in reform of separating enterprise from institution in geological prospecting units

  8. 主辅分离;软胶辊的研究与发展

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; Exploration of Soft Top Roller

  9. 主辅分离;帧中继交换技术

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; The Frame Relay Switched Technologies

  10. 主辅分离;电弧喷锌技术

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; ELECTRIC ARC Zn SPRAYING TECHNOLOGY

  11. 金属制品的机械镀主辅分离;

    The Mechanical Plating of Wire Products Separation of main work and non-main work ;

  12. 行为的发育主辅分离;

    Separation of main work and non-main work ;

  13. 浅析国有煤炭企业主辅分离改制

    Brief discussion on separation of major work and minor work of state-owned coal enterprise

  14. 螺线管外磁场的研究主辅分离;

    THE ELECTRIC SOLENOID OF MAGNETIC FEILD Separation of main work and non-main work ;

  15. 主辅分离;工程项目的进度控制

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; The control plan of engineering item

  16. 语言无关性;主辅分离;

    Be independent of programming language ; Separation of main work and non-main work ;

  17. 黄骅港务公司主辅分离项目分析

    Huanghua Port Co. Main-Supplement Separating Project Analysis

  18. 主辅分离;信用证欺诈研究

    Separation of main work and non-main work ; On the Fraud of Letter of Credit

  19. 对国有企业主辅分离辅业改制的认识和思考

    Understanding and Think on Separation of Major and Auxiliary Industries and Reformation of State-owned Enterprise

  20. 成都铁路局主辅分离辅业改制总体方案研究

    The Chengdu Railroad Bureau Host Auxiliary Separation Auxiliary Industry Changes the System the Overall Plan Research

  21. 电力建安企业主辅分离改制及影响研究

    A Study of Separating the Main Bodies in Electric Power Construction and Installation Enterprises Reform and Its Impact

  22. 中央企业改革重组与主辅分离悄然展开

    The Reform and Restructure of Central Enterprise and Separation of Main and Supplement Department Is Starting Up Silently

  23. 铁路基础教育在与铁路的主辅分离中,获得了难得的历史发展机遇。

    The elementary and secondary education has obtained a historical development opportunity by the separation from the Railway enterprise .

  24. 浅议主辅分离改革与提高铁路核心竞争力

    On the Reform of Separating Enterprises from the Institution and the Improvement of the Core Competitive Power of Railway

  25. 这种主辅分离状况将使集团逐渐丧失运力垄断优势。

    The separation of main business from supplementary will lead to the gradual loss of its monopolistic advantage in transportation .

  26. 论文最后对主辅分离战略控制和实施策略进行了探讨。

    Thirdly , this paper probes into the control of strategy and procedures to divide subsidiary business from primary business .

  27. 最后的晚餐&国有企业主辅分离、改制分流方案设计中的几个理论与实际问题最后分析了公司在人力资源的管理与开发所面临的机遇与挑战。

    The Last Supper is analyzed . At last , the opportunity and challenge of human resource management and design .

  28. 对处于主辅分离、辅业改制时期的各企业,具有一定的借鉴作用。

    It is applicable to enterprises which are at the stage of main - auxiliary separation , auxiliary system reform .

  29. 铁路运输企业主辅分离理论问题及相关分析模型研究

    The Theoretical issues of Separation between Mainstay and Auxiliary Business in Railway Transportation Enterprises and the Study on Relevant Analyzing Models

  30. 要解决资源型国企生存发展的问题,主辅分离辅业改制工作是重要环节。

    To resolve the problem of the state-owned resource enterprises , the separation of the auxiliary body from the main body is the important task .