
  1. 文场的主奏乐器是板胡。

    BanHu is a kind of mainly used instrument in WenChang .

  2. 而管子是河北吹歌的主奏乐器之一。

    While the pipe is hebei blow one song presided instruments .

  3. 主奏乐器对乐种风格的影响

    On Styles Presided Instruments ' Influence to Music Genres

  4. 在吹奏乐器中,唢呐是主奏乐器,起着主导作用。

    Suona is the main musical instrument in it , it plays a leading role .

  5. 丝竹音乐的地方色彩浓郁,各乐种大多有能体现地方特色的主奏乐器。民乐片段混响感主观偏爱度的初步实验

    It is the music with Chinese characteristic . Preliminary test on the preferred reverberation time for the Chinese instrumental music motifs

  6. 本人发现有关于长笛作为主奏乐器的研究比较多,但缺少对乐队中长笛声部的研究。

    The author has discovered there has been much research into solo flute playing , but little into orchestral flute performance .

  7. 二胡能成为江南丝竹的主奏乐器,是与它特有的拟人声性的音色相关。

    Erhu can be presided instruments of Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan , is related to its personification sound tone color .

  8. 她们各自作为两大丝竹乐种的主奏乐器,通过特殊的演奏技法来呈现其鲜明的地方音乐风格。

    Being the dominant instruments separately in the two types of silk-and-bamboo music , they represent the unique styles of local music through their special performing techniques .

  9. 江南丝竹作为流行于环太湖地区独具地方音乐风格的民间乐种,它的艺术感染力离不开它的主奏乐器二胡。

    Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan as a popular unique local folk music in ring Taihu River region , Its artistic appeal depends on its main musical instrument Erhu .

  10. 通过对不同的主奏乐器的特点以及各种乐器在演奏中所处的地位、不同乐器的演奏方法,阐述主奏乐器对乐种风格的影响。

    Presided instruments ' influence to music genres is discussed in this article by the illustration of different presided instruments ' features , roles of different instruments in playing and methods of playing .

  11. 第三章则从音乐的织体上对该曲多声部音乐的语言进行探讨,研究主奏乐曲与伴奏乐器声部间的组织关系、表情作用及其对音响色彩的影响。

    Chapter III explores the language of multi-musical part from the music part ; study the relationship between the main musical instrument and the accompaniment musical instrument , the expression function as well as the acoustics ' influence .